Tree of Savior Forum

A little help to people who dont understand what P2W means

with that said if they up FREE TP LIMIT to 10000 instead of the current 5 one would agree that spending to get the pets would be Pay For Convenience of cause you take time to get 10k . thats the price to pay for F2P and for Convenience sake you can pay them to get to that limit faster yea ?

Them DN Costumes :joy:
They had better stats every time a new costume rolls in

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yeap, it’s not even that bad, unless you’re a perfectionist and I’m guessing with $100 USD, you can get all the stats you want.

These dudes who complain about pay 2 win? Well there are other games that really require you to throw thousands to even be godly or kill certain bosses.

One good example is maplestory itself. Equipment that grants you 12% STR or 24% DEX? Lol?

If ToS does the same mistake, I’m out. Until then, it is safe to say ToS is just offering convenience with the cash shop tokens and unnecessary hair costume augmentation.

But why are you comparing such garbage P2W games? Saying stuff like “TOS IS OKAY SINCE IT’S NOT AS BAD AS MAPLESTORY” is definitely not okay. Games like Maplestory should not be your standard…

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A pet that can be mounted by any class is not p2win?

Man, first off, it completely(!!!) defeats the purpose of having those “special” ranks that make you able to mount your pet. “But they still have exclusive mount skills, soul_drain” - get out. The biggest boon here is you get the free move speed on everyone (on top of the already premium move speed), just mount and unmount whenever, thanks to automatic unmounting. What do i care if cataphract gets a little movespeed bonus with its mount, when i can be a kiting elementalist with a mount? Lol, pls.

If power in any way is given to payers, it CAN be considered p2win. Becase your stats will never be as high at a given situation as a paying player, period. If you get more exp or other “speed ups” thats not p2win, because 1. they are temporary and 2. they dont change your characters stats. If you have locked stats, movespeed, features (doesnt matter if you can sell it with ingame currency), then yes, that matters. Also paying ppl can make easy cash by selling premium items, where as free players are “forced” to spend EXTRA time farming / making money to be on par with paying users. its very simple logic, and if you think otherwise then you are 100% a paying user too ignorant to undrstand the bigger picture.

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Every mmorpg by default is P2W since you can get everything in-game through real money easily in one way or another. Spend real money your get all the best items in 1 day while not spending money means farming for months or even years. Which means that the person with P2W option can beat the crap out of the free player until the free player catch up which may or may not be even possible. ONLY games that aren’t P2W is MOBAS and FPS. All this P2W talk is pretty useless.

Sure! 30 def on 1 character with level 600 is gonna make you invencible against anyone who don’t spend money right!?! yeah!

If what you get with cash only boost a little you character and this boost is more for convenience like 30 more dmg or def (what we have now) then it’s not p2w…

Now if you can buy at level 1, one cash only weapon with the power of other level 300 weapon (even tought 1 person who don’t spend money can get the level 300 one he can’t get it before he level to 300) that’s is p2w! same goes for exemple if you can buy some crazy rare itens who you can drop too but from 1 boss who spawn every 12h with 0.01%…

Every game need to have something for you to buy… ppl who spend money aways can get things like in-game money faster p2p or no… let’s put a example:

The cash shop only have costumes and you can get these costumes in-game but they are kinda rare, i can buy these costumes at level 1 and sell for fast money early and get a boost that other level 1 don’t have.

Now because of these costumes the game is p2p cause someone can get silver with real money?!?

Now if you guys want a game where everything the cash shop have is more storage and untradable costumes, them sorry to tell you but this game of you will break records in gold sellers and the company you close it very soon.

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Say it again for the doofuses in the back.

Literally who cares, I want a sweet Llama pet <3

@OP stfu ur p2w definition are worst then Google. Like I say you’re stupidity blind, don’t ever judge anyone are kiddo bc you sir are dumber than kid.

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Disagreeing with someone does not necessitate boisterous insults. Calm down, buddy.

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You seem like a troll, but I’ll respond anyways.

If paying $ gets you an advantage over non-$ players in terms of progression, pvp, or economy, its P2W.


  1. I paid $18 and was awarded with stat bonuses = P2W
  2. I paid $18 and can now make more money than other players = P2W
  3. I paid $18 and can now level faster than you = NOT P2W
  4. I paid $1.50 and can now have more characters than you = NOT P2W

[quote=“Hilsun, post:40, topic:219110, full:true”]
Disagreeing with someone does not necessitate boisterous insults. Calm down, buddy.
[/quote]Thats not how this community works. If you disagree you have to be either white knight or kiddo or both.

Crap, I must’ve missed the memo. :[ Thanks for the heads up!

what do you mean any class? i thought only classes with the mount attribute can ride pets. also pets cant yet be considered pay2win since you can buy them easy after reaching certain levels, at most around the rank you get the mount skill


I’m giving you a classic example of a pay to win model. Clearly you haven’t experience a true pinch of pay to win. ToS hasn’t reach that state yet, where 3 perfect hair costumes stats can make a person almost unkillable by bosses or in GvG.

Or the ToS token granting DOUBLE or 50% exp, along with an increased drop rate.

If the tokens affect exp cards, giving the extra exp, then I will say this game is definitely P2W. Until then, nope.

something at a smaller scale is definitely not something

Logic at it’s finest.

Only a pure paying for cosmetic game is not p2w anyway, imo. I don’t care how broken other game is, as long as I can pay $100 for 1 stat increase, it’s a p2w for me.

but they kinda do: they allow an additional roll on boss cubes. On top of additional run.