Tree of Savior Forum

A Definitive Solution to Bots

Dungeon Fighter Online

Iā€™ve never seen anyone complain about captcha system on Wakfu.
Receiving 13x~40x the loot from harvesting a resource for only solving a single puzzle seems like a normal ingame quest to me.


Yes timing would be an issue on ToS, because you see with Wakfu, itā€™s a turn based game. So the game knows when you are engaged in combat or not. ToS is a hack and slash. Perhaps there is a developer experienced in this type of work though could come up with a solution to that.

I agree they donā€™t care if they are banned, but this may slow them down a bit if they are having to check a capcha every so often or be disconnected. Itā€™s not an end all solution of course, but slowing them down has thus far been the only way to combat them on ToS. Yes to some peopleā€™s annoyance, but it could be worse and the company say screw it as Gravityā€™s RO basically did with the occasional ban every now and then.

I did hear kRO made you sign up with a SS number of sorts to combat bots. As the game is international though I suppose that couldnā€™t be done, and I could see Americans going bezerk if asked for that kind of information.

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Man i haven`t said on the thread and about six times already that Cap N Atcha was not a nuisance, and it was actually desired to encounter?

My point its making a system that its NOT nuisance, its desirable.

How this would work its for Devs (but we could speculate), but i`m sure there must be a way of making what I propose, a nuisance FREE captcha system, a desirable one, like Captcha.

Now, please offer me a reason to NOT follow this suggestion, and how this would NOT decrease signifcantly all not-manned bots.

capcha doesnt work on action games, breaks the game. but for turn based games it is ok.

Felipe what doesn`t work its a normal Captcha.

What I propose its to develop a captcha concept that work on action/timming games.

something like this would be fun for us and not fun for the bots lol

lol @that needless restrictions on players comment by STAFF_John. Umm yeah, as if your not restricting the hell out of us right now due to the rmt and bots? Considering how much they are crippling the game cuz of how scared of rmt/bots they are a capcha wouldnā€™t phase me now.

Thank you! I took a quick look at that game and their captcha system and I still think they can improve on the idea and make it viable in TOS. They could just pilot it before going F2P.

The Grim reaper bot killer system its an example of some in-game feature that fight bot problem.

The dummy mobs are also a concept.

What I propose its one action timing adapted concept (Unlike Cap N Atcha) that somehow distinguish bots accuratly (like Cap N Atcha), and its desirable (Like Cap N Atcha)

Captcha would break the action just like you stopping to talk to an NPC and phasing to a ā€œsolo instanceā€.

Like it already happens in a lot of quests in ToS.

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I played Dofus/Wakfu and I agree that it was significantly less of a problem because of the turn based system. Real time MMOs have implemented it though, and it is REALLY annoying. I have seen captcha on login, which is pointless. Captcha at random times, which is horribly inconvenient sometimes. The worst, however, was captcha every hour that you play, which was both predictable enough to be useless and inconvenient enough to mess with you if you didnā€™t watch your time.

You can only slow them down so much before you start to inconvenience the average player too much. We havenā€™t even gone into all the balance issues of what this reward for solving the captcha would be.

If it has the potential to cause a player to die in game, it is a system that should not be implemented. Weā€™re just going to go ahead and ignore the fact that this is a game that is based in many different languages,and the (dis)advantage some players would have in solving a captcha as well if itā€™s text based in any way.

That is true of most Korean MMOs actually. You do need a KSSN to sign up for most of their MMOs. You can easily buy those online though anyways, so it only stops a portion of us English speaking plebs out of their servers.

In the end, most RMT bots are manned, so this type of system does literally nothing to deter them anyways, so thereā€™s really no point to even discussing it. The bots that WOULD be affected are bots ran by solo players to level/farm more quickly, which is a staggeringly low percentage of the overall problem, and something that is fairly easy to deal with simply by using player based reports.

I think a combination of captcha that enrich the game in someway (like in wakfu) the dummy lore friendly npc/mob/whatever and the report system we currently have would improve things a lot. Maybe it wonā€™t fix the botting completely but it definitely would help.

You guys are realy reading the thread?

Because I said like 4 times, its not an static turn-based immersion breaking captcha.

What I propose its to figure out a way of making an action themed, immersion/thematic fitting, and desirable to encounter mob/something that has a way of using Captcha related system (probabily using optical illusion interpretation as would easily fit an action game).

And that would wreck bots and grant players lots of bonuses.


I think you have done a great job suggesting it, now itā€™s up to IMC to either pick up the idea or to leave it as it is.



If you explain why we can assume that, than you are right and captcha its realy pointless if all those truckload of bots were manned by at least 5:1 bot/player ratio.

Then whatā€™s to stop bots from ignoring it? Would it have a time limit? That limit would have to be fairly long in case you encountered it during world bosses. With a time limit so long, however, the owner of the bot can simply deal with the captcha for each one of his bots that is encountering it at his leisure.

I will state it once more: Most (and I donā€™t say all because maybe 1% of the companies out there arenā€™t) RMT bots are MANNED. This is a gross misconception to think there are just a bunch of computers running somewhere with these programs running on them with nobody around. This means that any anti-bot system that a player can bypass, so can the owner of the bot. This was proven many years ago, and is still proven on a daily basis today.

I guess nobody realizes that IMCā€™s last game, Granado Espada had a captcha system and bots just learned to bypass it.

Even when bots were sent to prison after failing the captcha, they just botted themselves out of it.

Yes, that was IMCā€™s own game. They have learned. You people are beating a dead horse here.

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The only way to solve this problem with bot it would be if the game knows if the player is hitting the keyboard/mouse/joypad or not. The problem is that digital games cannot see this differences.

if the game could know if the keyboard was used instead of the only receive the code of the key pressedā€¦ then the problem is solved.