Tree of Savior Forum

A big ole thread of complaints about restrictions and bad design

When you make a new archer or wizard the game actually gives you a new terms of service to agree to that requires at least one kill steal per map.

i dont know what they did since the cbt2 but this problem alone make me regret buying “early” acess

I actually enjoy the game as it is, but it could be improved so much more.

Especially the limitations on trading, storage and the marketplace are bothersome.

I wouldn’t even mind paying a small premium subscription fee for a game I enjoy for additional features, but that shouldn’t be necessary to actually play the game in the first place.


It’s still a good thing that tokens are tradeable though. For now yea it seems expensive but on KR, everyone can easily buy from auction.

I don’t think this will continue to be true in the future… the data I collected suggested that at $18 a token, players would be much less likely to buy them… this will likely lead to problems later on. (i.e. more people who want tokens than there are people willing to pay $18 to buy tokens)

Take a look HERE

I would imagine this is absolutely 100% correct.

I farmed yesterday and got a total of 800k for just 4 hours of hunting. That even includes worst luck on rare items (lvl 120 below maps). People are just busy leveling instead of making money thats why.

Your data probably only have a bunch of whiners. Not to mention, the numbers is too low.

Tokens will forever be on auction as long as there are paying players who spends 8 hours working a day and as long as the playerbase is alive.

Have you seen a game where there’s no cashers selling cash items for F2P players? Because I’ve been playing MMOs for like 10 years and I’ve yet to see an MMO where cashers kept their cash to themselves.

agreed, waiting for a response from IMC

Check the date of those posts… >310 responses were collected before all this drama began. The prediction that was made, was made before the game even launched.

Hell yes!

And don’t forget the fact of limited content (dungeon runs!).

Yes, there is plenty of demand for tokens… the problem is who is going to be buying the tokens to sell?

If there is more demand than there is supply, what happens to the prices?

What if token supply can’t meet demand?

Those numbers doesn’t mean anything, doesn’t represent the whole playerbase. Just the usual vocal whiners.

Answer my question, is there a game where cashers doesn’t sell cash items to F2P players?

Okay, I guess if you don’t think polling and statistics mean anything you must be right… we’ll see how that goes for you…

As for your question?

Path of Exile

The prices will go high because of supply if thats the case. Probably a little bit inflated than Korea. I dont play korea server but lets say if the current trend of 500k per token is used as median, it would go around 700k for months and a little higher as the game progresses. Getting 1m in a month is not hard as long as you play enough even without thinking where to farm. 4 hours a day is manageable to replenish your tokens.

Did you even look at those polls? They are suggesting there will be more free players than people who are willing to buy tokens. That doesn’t even take into account the fact that current 1 token purchasing players would likely want to switch to F2P as well.

The whole shebang is unsustainable. If you want to insist it isn’t then okay, you are perfectly free to insist that, but that’s not what my empirical evidence and analysis suggest.

Polling and statistics needs huge numbers. There is something wrong with you if you think those small numbers in your “data” is enough to represent the whole playerbase. Not to mention, some probably voted there who never planned to sell cash stuff to begin with making the legit numbers lesser.

Can you even trade cash items on PoE in the first place.

How many free players do you think will get into game when April deadline comes? Your poll doesnt mean anything, it has tons of loopholes, i cant even think where to start. The best we can do is just look at korean server as an example on what would be the market to iTOS as the game progresses, sure it would not be exact but youll have a rough guess of what will it be.



Let’s say I want to estimate the token buying preferences of 35,000 players and I want a 95% confidence interval. I’m okay with a 5.5% margin of error, where does that put me in terms of required sample size? 315

Keep in mind this poll was done in these forums, which have a much higher proportion of players who are bigger fans of imc/ToS and are more likely to pay more money. So I suspect the actual number of token purchasers to be overestimated.

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