Tree of Savior Forum

A big ole thread of complaints about restrictions and bad design

Polling and statistics needs huge numbers. There is something wrong with you if you think those small numbers in your “data” is enough to represent the whole playerbase. Not to mention, some probably voted there who never planned to sell cash stuff to begin with making the legit numbers lesser.

Can you even trade cash items on PoE in the first place.

How many free players do you think will get into game when April deadline comes? Your poll doesnt mean anything, it has tons of loopholes, i cant even think where to start. The best we can do is just look at korean server as an example on what would be the market to iTOS as the game progresses, sure it would not be exact but youll have a rough guess of what will it be.



Let’s say I want to estimate the token buying preferences of 35,000 players and I want a 95% confidence interval. I’m okay with a 5.5% margin of error, where does that put me in terms of required sample size? 315

Keep in mind this poll was done in these forums, which have a much higher proportion of players who are bigger fans of imc/ToS and are more likely to pay more money. So I suspect the actual number of token purchasers to be overestimated.

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You don’t need polls and statistics for these. You just need to look at how the token system is working for other regions, like KR.

Sure it doesn’t give you exact numbers but it gives you a rough estimate on how there will be token supply and how affordable it is to F2P players.

Your argument,

is so flawed.

From what I’ve seen, there are tons of forumers who doesn’t want the EA or at least wants the game to continue it’s developement first before it is released. What happened instead? Hundred thousands of players bought the EA.

What makes you think NA players have the same buying preferences and price tolerances as Korean players? This forum has already established that Korean mindsets can be very different from western ones…

You should be more worried if youre playing in SEA or any third world countries lol. But for US and Europe they can afford that.

Suuure. So many thread against the EA and so many thread supporting to delay the release for more game polishing YET tons of players have bought the early access. You are underestimating the number of hypocrites on the forums as well.

My point stands, there are tons of players willing to pay for the game. This supports the idea that there will also be a good supply of tokens on the market.

Guess we’ll see then. Sure hope you’re right. In fact I’d be happier if you’re right. But the data are what the data are. And I believe I made a fairly reasonable set of conclusions from that data set.

Like I heard once, hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

Excuse me. Have you heard of the first world country Singapore. Tons of SG players drown SEA F2P players with cash items.

PS. I’m not from SG but I know they are the biggest whale for the SEA server.

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Basically the entire issue with this game is the company is practically screwing everyone else over and forcing them to get past a paywall in order to access things that they should of had access to.

First off, trading I can understand at a low level because well bots like to be bots and sell items for IRL money. But make it to where people have to level up past like…20 or something in order to have that functionality. Though the thing is that they are allowed to spam microphones at level 1 endlessly.

This is basically jeopardizing your entire game by doing all this underhanded stuff. While the company handling NA is doing great by giving us stuff due to issues that they are fixing in the meantime, we want basic functionality back. We want to be able to trade. We want to be able to post more than one thing on the marketplace. We want to be able to not have to wait TWO DAYS for sold items to come back. Hell WoW is cheaper and allows you to do more. Yet you ask for more than their sub cost and offer less. Thats not how things should work. You should try to become better than a game that has been putting its own head up its ass for years. Its really really easy.

You have an AMAZING game with AMAZING potential but you are letting it die due to these micro transaction tactics. Dont punish the player for things you are afraid bots might do. Make sure that players can play and have a good time and WANT to invest not NEED to invest. If they feel that they NEED to spend money they wont WANT to spend money. I would rather just take my money and go elsewhere. Give us stuff we want, not stuff we NEED. We should have what we NEED and buy what we WANT.

Please also stop globally limiting dungeons to 30 groups. This isnt Maple Story. If this game even REMOTELY starts to turn into it I will just leave and never come back.

I really like this game but these things are forcing me to think otherwise.

Yes, Singaporeans like this game, developing countries can still fund this game i think, cashers are cashers regardless of where they are, free players would be more abundant though. Still thinking SEA market would be a little inflated than in KR and NA a alike, based on my experience on markets.

Let me say my 2 cents about design choices regarding AH and token prices, although I find some of the implementations a bit lackluster.

Point to note:

IMC, like other MMO game companies, want to vastly reduce the amount of gold(silver) farmers as they affect more than just lag, economy and reputation of the game.

Why retrieving gold from AH takes 48 hours.

I was wondering why at first too, then it dawned upon me. For those who are fans of ARPGs/ItemHunting genre will remember the game Auction House 3 (oh sorry Diablo 3 vanilla). It was a game that is built solely for the thrill of fighting mobs and getting leet lootz.

The AH of D3v was a treasure trove for another group of players, auctioneers. With zero delays in buying and selling items, players can buy in items are low prices and flip them at much higher prices. These made prices of items increase tremendously overall. You will be surprised at how many flippers there will be when the 48hr retrieval rule is lifted.

With the 48 hour rule in place, it stops these auctioneers from affecting the market prices too much by making them “park their cash resources” in AH and halting their cash flow.

Without the delay in silver retrieval you will soon see prices of crafting materials increase, just like how many of the other AHs in other games are. Which inevitably will lead to the demise of the game, like how D3 shut down AH in the expansion release as it was too detrimental to the game.

Token pricing at base 500k

If you look at it from an economic point of view, this helps reduces the amount of bots in the game. The main purpose of bot is to farm silver and sell to players.

What IMC is saying is, $18 real life $$$ is worth around 400+k silver (after AH deduction). It sends a signal to the goldfarming companies that in order for them to earn $1, they need to farm at least 20k worth of silver in ToS. With so many goldfarms, competition is harsh and with this extra baseline in check, it will be increasingly difficult for the goldfarms to sustain their business model. Hence in the long run it leads to lesser goldfarms willing to make ToS their $ making game and is beneficial to the ToS in game economy.

It really depends. If you played Dragon Nest SEA, the cash stuff there are so abundant. Recently, it’s dying though not because the game is bad but because the game is ultimately designed by the devs to be P2W.

Also, SEA playerbase is really big. It just looked small based on the sales because alot were turned off by the lag caused by the server being on east coast. I’m currently playing on Telsiai and I’m seeing alot of players, the future of the server looks promising especially once the SEA players on Orsha and Klaipeda transfers.

Anyways, this is getting far from the main topic so I’ll stop here.

D3 was a terrible game that did everything wrong in terms of AH and the players. It still punishes the players for the issues bots have. Same as DRM and buyers. WoW only had a 1h time limit and their stuff never had much impact by bots. 1h is practically fine. They shouldnt punish people for what a small handful of bots are doing.

WoW is a paid subscription game though, it already has a “pay to use” barrier unlike ToS which will probably be adopting the “free to play but limited quality of life features” model.

1 hour of AH delay doesn’t really help much in ToS, a 24 hour period would be nice though.

Well, we shouldn’t dismiss those small handful of bots though. They are not really good for the community.

  • Take up farming space
  • Flood main cities with their advertising messages (iRO Pontera lol), huge lag
  • Flood shout channels/general channels causing lag to everyone tuning in.

Sometimes we really need to look at these problems from a different angle. It is an inconvenience to all players yes, but it is the lesser of 2 evils. (With the other end of the spectrum having the game becoming a bot haven)

I can understand the market being restricted, but isn’t 5 listings for having a token absolutely pathetic?
It makes sense for F2Pers only getting 1 listing at a time. That stops them flooding the market.

That said, trade being restricted both without AND WITH token is just disgusting.

It delays those milionaires from monopolizing the market. It was like that on CBT2, only 2-5 players controlling the markets. Now with only 5 listing, they can only control the price 5 items at best.

that is the dumbest ■■■■ i’ve ever read. so if i find a shirt on the ground, don’t wear it and give it to my sister it’s somehow different from when i picked it up? Your “team” is essentially your family and you should be able to give your “family” ■■■■ without having it lose quality

Ok… so if you want to explain within real world conditions why dont you use magic to learn how to use your brain

or go hunt down some rats and make an armor with it… than you can give to your sister