Tree of Savior Forum

500+ levels is too many for a game with no level sync option! How can we play with new friends?

I see somebody saying: “The game has to be hard.”
Yes, I agree. Completely.

But I dont ask for a easy game, I just want others ways for helping my rookie friends/partners that dont be just give itens for them!!

Is it ask so much? .-.

[If “MAKE A FS PRIEST” be your ONE awnser, please dont say D: ]

Exp penality and bot are not correlate, there are bots in every game, we need no exp reduction and a good antibot system. I know that compare ToS with RO is useless, BUT, in OFFICIAL RO SERVER bots are really low in Numbers, thats because if GM catch you they will wipe ALL YOUR ITEMS, ALL YOUR MONEY, ALL CHARACHTERS THAT INTERACT WITH YOU (BY TRADE) WILL BE BAN AND YOUR MAC ADDRESS WILL BE BANNED AS WELL MAKING YOUR LIFE AN HELL.


You are so open minded, thank you.

Nope, I try to argue, and you only come here with your “It can’t work” “Asian game” “Wow clone”. By the way you want to have a Korean clone MMO, nice for you.

The best example ofc, because WoW and ToS use it. Haem.

The best idea would be that you have the option to level cap to the map respective level, but the exp and drop would be like you were max level. I just don’t know if nerfing skills and equips would be good. And yes, I can fell the pain of waiting a friend pass the exp curve to level with him. Leveling alone is so boring.

You’re horrendously over-complicating things. Downscaling even complicated stat distributions from items can be done easily and simply. You assign target stat ranges that you expect players to have at certain level ranges, and then apply an equation that transforms a players stats closer and closer towards the target values the farther down they get from their actual level. If they have an unusually high stat from special items available only to high level players, the reduction on that stat becomes more and more dramatic relative to their other stats.

An example: If I was level 500 and had an amazing int score from stacking tons of special rare items, if I level synced down to 450, all of my stats would go down, but my int would go down a little bit faster, relative to my other stats, because that stat conformed less to its expected value at 450 than my other stats did. If I level synced down to 10, I would perhaps have an int score of three of four points higher than usual for a level 10 player.

No complicated item by item modification is necessary here. You don’t even do it item by item - the system would just look at total stats from gear. If an item has a proc, it gets scaled down to expected values. If it adds to skills that don’t exist at that level, well, tough luck. That gets deactivated.

Now regarding player assigned stats, you reduce those by exactly the number of levels a player is downscaling, taken proportionately from all of the stats. So if I put 75% of my stat points into int, and 25% of them into vit, the stat points would be taken away in exactly those proportions when I downscaled.

And regarding player skills, they go away temporarily if you’re below when you could get them. At level 20, you wouldn’t have access to any barb skills or attributes whatsoever - so all of them are temporarily deactivated, and they disappear off your bar. All the server would need to do is remember what order you picked your picked your skills, and then take you back in time to whatever they would be at that level. Counting backwards like that, so simple!

It’s all really easy to do!

You don’t even get certain types of weapons till a certain level. what do you do then? spear doesn’t even appear till lvl40, 2h spear doesn’t appear till 75, off hand doesn’t appear till much higher levels either. Rapier appears at lvl 175, so on so on.

What about attributes? do you just take them away? there’s no “comparison” there.

Downgrading ranks/circle doesn’t work. how do you set up skills for c2-c3 classes? If I have 0-0-0-5-10-10-5 and get down graded to rank c1, then it’s 0-0-0?

Stat downgrading? Percentage based stats is never going to work mathematically.

10% of10 in stat is 1 stat or 1 level reduction. 10% of 200 stat is 20 in stat or 20 levels of reduction. You see a problem there?

It would totally destroy semblance of balance and calculations.

The list goes on.

Over thinking? You’re under thinking. . . . way way way way, very way underthinking.

It’s basic lecture in…well anything. You can’t put the same solution to different theories. in game design.

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We are here to post basic ideas. The way to implement it, code it and how to deal with the formulas in on IMC hands.

So stop with your senseless fukery with making everything so complicated.

For what you’ve said you have no knowledge in game design nor programming, or at least not enough.

That’s am empty argument, considering that I explained more about WoW-esque level sync system then you did.

Instead of saying everyone is stupid, try to make yourself feel smart.

To mount a “level sync” system onto ToS, the wow-way. you would basically assign a “power level” to every person at every level, and then use the “nearest average” to cap it.

if a dungeon/person is mean to ilevel20-ilevel30, you sync every person to that ilevel. basically your ilvl300 person is magically changed to a "default copy of a ilvl30 wearing ilvl30 gear at ilvl30 specs)

When you level sync in those games you’re not playing yourself, you’re playing a pre-made character that looks like you. It’s not different then playing at a convention event. This is how it’s done folks, and why you have locked in stats and quest equipment, and all the other wall-garden stuff.

This is call game design, this is call engineering, this is call, a real world system. This is impossible for ToS

What Asians MMO have gone is again and again, and again: A Mentor system. Instead trying to average out character, they purposely leave everything alone, and assign “rewards” for spending your time with people.

Basically a mentor system is, if you can’t stop people power leveling each other, you make it less likely to cause trouble to your MMO, by regulating the rewards via items. XP cards, mentor equipment and potions, so on so on.

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You even failed to understand the first sentence I made.

Good luck in life.

I feel like a climate change talk, and I bring in figures, models, charts, and the person brings in a snowball.

Fine, i’m done with this thread. Developers know game design, and they’ll adjust to something very obvious, and 90% chance close to a mentor system, or not bother at all.

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If you want to play with your friends you guys should do some type of schedule to play together and if you want to play in the hardcore mode do another char to play when your friend is out. That’s simple don’t make it complicated!

A lot of people already do this for years of mmorpg so please, dont!

I am more concerned to grind for the rest of my life!

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Please read what I’ve painstakingly written, this time. Everything you’re concerned about, with the exception of weapon unlocks, I already explained. I’ll explain everything again, more clearly, for you.

Weapons: You allow their use. It doesn’t matter if they’re exotic, if they’re downscaled. Relative power is all that matters. So, weapon use attributes stay forever. An exception is made here because the player may have sold their old weapons and would be left unarmed if the attribute allowing their current weapon went away.

Attributes: As I already said, you take them away, if they wouldn’t be accessible to the player at that level. There’s nothing complicated. If the player qualifies for the attribute, by having the circle or skill it is associated available after downscaling their circles/jobs, they get to use it.

I explained how circles and skills would be downgraded in a way that applies perfectly to your concern. If you get downgraded to C1, you lose every skill from C2 and C3 (and attribute!). You keep as many C1 skills as your downscaled job level would allow, and they are applied in the order you chose them when you leveled up originally, or last respecced. If your friend levels up while you are downscaled, you downscaled level increases by one, another skill point comes back and is automatically placed according to your “skill history”.

As for stat downscaling, you did not understand my examples. I divided how stats would be downscaled into two independent methods: player chosen stats are taken away, 1 by 1, for every level you downscale. If I had 200 strength, 100 vitality, 100 spirit, 100 dex, 100 int, and I downscaled 20 levels, I’d lose exactly 20 stat points to this process, and my downscaled stats would become 193 str, 96 vit, 97 spr, 97 dex and 97 int.

Alternatively, there could be a “stat history”, much as how I’ve handled skills, and it just counts backwards from your current level to your synced level, removing stats exactly how you placed them. Very simple, that. Very easy. I like the stat history idea even better.

Anyway, it’s the stats from gear that are reduced proportionately, and as I explained before, this isn’t done by a flat percent. I said that there would be target levels for each stat. For example, the game would look at your actual level , your strength from gear, your downscaled level, and what an expected strength score from gear players are designed to have at the level you’re downscaling to. Your strength score from gear would then be reduced along a curve, with very little reduction if you downscaled from 500 to 490, and a massive reduction at low levels - just two or three points of strength from your gear would be “enabled” if you downscaled to level 10 or so, for example. This process checks every stat, one by one, and follows the same process.

Now, if you think the developers don’t have target expected stat values for players at various level ranges, I encourage you to open market, search for greatswords, and count how the numbers rise on the progression 75 to 160 or 200 or whatever the max “required level” tier of gear is available right now. It’s very, very measured and deliberate. The devs absolutely do have expected stat values they could tune gear downscaling with.


its not about RO.
its about playing with friend and able to help friend. problem come when u reach lvl 400~500ish and ur friend just play the game, ofc.u wont able to party with ur friend because of exp penalty.
this level gap issue will lead into :
1.u get bored fast when play alone.
2.lack motivation to play because when u reach 500~600 and no quest left, u have nothing much to do in the game also u cant help newbies/friend grinding/quest…not to mention if u want to remake new char to play with friend is kinda meh…repeat same quest over and over again…and most of high level player only focus on their main char.
3.cant join most of dungeon(dun 50,90,130 ect). when i reach level 150ish before and want to do dungeon below my lvl kinda hard to find party …u need to find boss rush party and cant join normal party. player will feel this community not helpful due to high lvl only party with high lvl and newbie will party with newbie.

yes i like difficult game too.but if u want to play solo and dont care with other player why u play online game?offline game more than enough if u want dificult game.
and game without competition is sad…one way to make it competitive is teach new player and help them reach their goal too…they will be ur friend or foe doesnt matter.
if they will be ur foe in future then its good…u have someone to pvp with…better than pvp with same person everytime because only few person can reach ur lvl.

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Playing alt don’t solve the problem if the progression speed of your alt don’t sync with your friend, which is really a problem if you start much earlier but don’t play as much as your friend (which is happening often as the newcomer usually played more compared to the later level).


I didn’t bother reading everything , just here to say my piece.

You can pick a class like alchemist or squire to set up shop, while the shop is up , you can play your other characters while the alch/squire can sell goods , that way you’re still doing something productive even while playing with lowbies. (you can even buy or use the services of your other character this way)

God forbid friends actually communicate with each other!

Why do you want your friend to slow down though.

My personal Opinion :wave:

I take my time and read all “replys”, and this is boring, players try to get more easy game, and protect ur system “easy” all time, its u challenger here?, hahaha.

Why all players need help?, i dont need help for leveling, in party with others players or alone.

  • Urs friends cant leveling??, why? dont have hands? or cant see npc XD?, meaby urs friends cry in level 10? funny moments, is too easy leveling at Lv120, next is meaby little hard.
    U can leveling, but urs friend cant uhmm… strange life huh!.

In context for this topic, my opinion is dont need this system in ToS, dont need more children say “help all time”, later meaby say, “is hard of take money”, and need more item for selling or high prices?, what its next, need low hp for boss?, or meaby need overkill for all players?, wait meaby need kill all only for basic attak :smiley:, sorry i sarcastic, but really is a joke this system.

My friends only say me, “!hey buy me good weapon or armor :pray:”, its my best help, easy dont?, my friends is this -“my friends”-, dont my pet, dont need pet friends is illogical hahaha.

Try to get more easy system for urs friends or meaby for us business (ups!), dont like this players, only need easy play. casual players… :wave:

See ya.

PD: Money is Money, bad idea! :smile:

Alseif - Laima Player


The point is not helping your friend, but to play together.

A game is dead if it don’t promote playing with friend, because there is no incentive to invite friend to play at all.


this is true, i managed to become a squire on my first character before my brother started playing and i picked up cleric to play with him when he was free