Tree of Savior Forum

500+ levels is too many for a game with no level sync option! How can we play with new friends?

Total required experience

1-50: 1,718,304
1-60: 2,670,219
1-100: 13,229,936

Now lets take a look at 301-302 which requires: 10,327,104 alone.

I would say the scaling point would have to make sense and be meticulously calculated otherwise it would make no sense for any high level player to do the actual content they should be doing. BUT if you make it not that good people wont do it at all.

How about this, instead of experience think about items. It appears that talt becomes very useful for guilds later on based on the kOBT notes, maybe you offer 1 talt per level to the higher level person whenever the lower level person gains 5 levels. This would convince, provided talt was actually useful, an incentive for guilds to boost lower level people.

Level scaling is not an option as we are not on a percentage based xp here, but rather a flat xp rate. And with builds a plenty impossible to balance. It would be abused massively to grind out “bad” ranks and solo “good ranks” aka classes that give support, etc.

So it can’t be like FF14 because they are heavily balanced by lock in classes and roles.

What they can do is is either a traditional mentor system favored in many Korean games, or revolve it around XP cards.

They can make a special instance “training dungeon” that equalized the damage formula of any class, that gives drop no xp or loot, and is only given rewards at completion.

It’s still quite a bit of programming, and probably far distant future development., but that’s the only way I can see it happening without massive unbalancing the playerbase.

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I sincerely doubt the exp curves as they are now - which, as you have pointed out, scale off into insanity, while monster exp scales insanely in the other direction - well, I really doubt the retail curves are going to look like this. I’m convinced the current exp curves exist to hold players in the level ranges they want tested, and that the retail ones will be very different, particularly in terms of how much exp monsters provide at the upper range.

It is good that you have acknowledged that the system would work if the curves were well calculated - it might be necessary to apply a percentage based penalty in some shape or form. It also might not - it could work right out the door of the monster exp scales are right.

The item idea has pros and cons - if a person has no use for the reward, the system fails them. Alternatively, it incentivizes max level players downscaling and playing with new players, which sounds like a great idea. I like the thought of the item reward activating at whatever is the present level cap, much like the exp cube system from PSO2.

Also there are some classes right now that can provide support while not stealing any EXP, namely peltasta and cleric classes. You can join a party with a low level person, set the EXP gain to individual, and then provide them with buffs and taunt.

This is how it worked in RO, if you wanted to boost lower level players you would pull mobs for them, and let them kill the mob to gain EXP.

Actually any class could do this provided their fist damage wasn’t too strong (granted i dont know how threat works in this game if at all).

Insert Mentor/Apprentice system.

add apprentice system like dragon nest it should help this issue

Me too. I did play since second week almost every day. My friends just play in weekend. Every time that one begins, I did create a new char for can to play with they. It’s sucks!!!

A game too long like ToS needs have more flexibility with party’s options!!!

In example, if I have a char lvl 4x and I can’t help my friends when they start, so WHY WILL I PLAY A LOT OF HOURS SOLO if this will not become in a advantage for us?

30~40 lvls of difference is too little if ToS will have 400,500, 600 lvls in total.

In RO, 10 lvls of difference fora sharing was ok. It was 11% of max lvl. (Pre-RW counts. Renewal was a mistake; it was a bullet in the RO’s head.)

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Maybe we need more grind-zones; U know, another mobs, elements, sizes, types, etc.

If ToS put disable the Exp penalty Level, all maps… trust me… all maps will got bots.

If you’re main idea is : Ok, I can shared Exp to another’s low Accounts, so I can selling that account and money is money? XD Ok, Bad idea.

Pls, Dont give opportunities for botting.

Friends always stay back or come forward. And it happens in all games. That gives you a chance to meet other people and also get to know your class better.

And… maybe You still playing RO. Bro… ToS is not RO. Open you’re eyes and pick the next steep.

Good Luck :wink:

As i have said to some friends.
TOS is a really good game at making you play with random people, but its the hell of a pain if you ever want play together with a friend or a group of friends.


You could make a new character if you weren’t forced to do the same boring quests again since just killing monsters is terrible for most level ranges due to poor density and balance, but this can be easily fixed by release.
Your 2nd solution is also pretty good, even better if what I said above becomes reality.

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I’m fascinated by the “if ur friends arent hardcore they shouldnt play LOL” responses. What they’re really saying is: “if your friends aren’t hardcore, then you shouldn’t play with them”.

105% trashy attitude.

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i think the downscaling would be based on the recommended level of the said map

for example if you are lvl 300 and you went to a lvl 50 map, your level will scale down to level 50 and stats i think will also scale down to the average stats of the area or reduce your stats by x% based on the difference in level

example of it is this
10 level difference = 5%
15 = 10%
20 = 15%
25 = 20%
30 = 30%
50 = 40%
75 = 55%
100 = 65%
120+ = 75%

i think this is the same in guild wars 2 when i played it when it turned free to play.

was level 12 and went to a level 10 area because i was ahead. even with no party, my level and stats scaled to level 10 until im out of the lvl 10 area.
all skill are available but damage is still like a level 10 character.
dont know about the exp gained since i dont bother looking at it.

also i am patient when it comes to friends being slow in leveling.

if i have a main character that is necro and my friend just started. give him some cash to start and some for my alternate. wait for my alt to be the same level as him (lv 10-15) and give it to me so that we both get some good start.

class that i would pick would be mostly money maker class (alchemist or pardoner or squire depending on his class)
since i can just play it whenever my friends play theirs and if ever they went ahead of my by 10 levels i can just rush there since i also know that they cant play everyday.

i am always bored if i dont have friends to play with so i am fine with creating 9 alternate for the sake of having fun with my friends instead of just random people in-game. even in moba (playing lol and dota 2 competitively and casual hots and smite) i dont usually solo play since moba games have a very toxic community, i rather play with my friends and trash talk each other than getting trash talk by some random kid on the internet.

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If you will get lvls too quick you end with this game before your friends start it lol. The game have to be hardcore or it the best way to fail.

Few lessons of logic in any language for you : When you are talking about something you don’t even need to mention it if everyone know what’s you are talking about. If I’m talking about an event you know, do I have to explain everything about it ? No. He list the system of RO to say TOS can’t go this way because there is 600 lvl and no level reset.

… exp cards are a feature. The exp system is not about cards but about how exp is shared, how much exp you gain from a monster… Exactly how RO works (oh no not the “Share xp per lvl”, oh so it’s a totally different system soz, it changes everything). Did you play RO ? Look at the share exp party system from RO and from TOS.

Another thing about “I can’t help you”. There is something behind that helps you to understand that I can’t help you for something precisely.

Exemple : My daughter, you have to find work by yourself. I can’t help you. < I can’t help you to find work.


You should call a doctor, what you have is called an inferiority complex. If you want to answer, add something useful to this topic, like your opinion, or just stop be in violation with the community guidelines.

Someone’s really dragging this out ~ other people have been posting but you still want this nonsensical banter. Is this a personal attack on me now?

Yep, early maps there are tons of mobs everywhere, when you start the game you are like a little kid who destroys everything in his way. And when you lvl up the only way to find tons of mobs is to go in dungeon areas.

It doesn’t mean a lvl 500 will get the same xp of a lvl 50 in the same area. Did you play GW2 ? I’m maybe wrong but I didn’t see any bots on this game. Actually there are already many bots on this game on the big Kepas.

This is why we are talking about other games system and ohter ways to lvl up in TOS.


“Hardcore” games was an excuse from dev on the first MMO released to have a kind of infinite lifetime. If you play a Soul game you will know what a hardcore game is, even if it’s not a MMO it’s at least an A-RPG. Smashing the same mobs for 2 hours is not hardcore, it’s boring and pointless.

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Too many problems with level sync. Again stop thinking wow clones. This is asian built and have already asian mechanics in place.

One problem is the equipment system. There’s just no way to level sync them.

If I could xp forever in lvl 40 armor, I would do it in a heart beat, friends or not. It’s not like western games where there’s a public wellfare like system that averages out the community in most Post-WoW MMO.

Again the only way level sync would work is to “instance” it, via cards and mission based approach.

In fact that’s what mentor systems (and pvp for xp) mostly are. They’re wall off content meant specifically to limit and balance level gapped players.

Which one ?

Such a really good mentality right there.

You don’t have to level sync them if you level sync the Character.

You could read suggestions about how xp would work with that kind of system on this topic.

Please add something to this topic rather than just criticize.

It take a full thesis to explain the term “wow-clone” and it boils down to, you know it when you see it. But to the relevant part, it’s the “wall garden” approach to MMOs which ties equipment and character based rewards to scenerio, meaning a lvl50 who is finish xyz storyline/and/or dungeon would have a lvl50 baseline powerlevel.

Thus the whole concept is a well-fare like approach that gives every player a min/max requirement ensuring they are never over or under content.

How? The entire concept is not developer friendly, and you seem to fail to take notice exactly because you don’t understand “asian MMO” is not “western MMO”

how western “wow-era” do it is to sync a character stats to a “baseline” or nearest average. Aka a lvl50 with blues equipment of lvl50 will by synced to lvl20 with blues of lvl20.

Asian MMOs have non-averaged equipment. How do you account for gems, for indivual stats for each equipment peice, each upgrade, each enhancement, each “job specific” stats. this is even before we approach stat systems, and class build. How do you sync a lvl200 barbarian with 15skill level in seim? to a lvl 20? even lvl1skill does like 500base attack which is 3x more then a lvl20 class.

This list goes on and on and on and on.

Please understand Asian MMO designs…please.

It doesn’t work that’s why, because you’re using the wrong base arguements (WoW-era)

I can be a lvl200 working on lvl 40 armor because I never brought any, or I can be a lvl1 with 200 spr, because my build chose to. Being level sync mean that I can grind forever without suffering penalties.

This is not a western MMO that has “nearest possibility” for things to scale. XP scaling only works because the risk and reward of “WoW-clones” is all calculated around effort vs content.

I did, we did,* you criticized.*

Again, a Asian themed system is Mentor system or damage synced missions. Those are what “Asian MMOs” came up with based on their theories on how MMO works.

And again also, the base of “This can work” revolves around the fallacy of WoW-clone because you never took a closer look at how those mechanics were developed specifically around those game ideals.

The best example is the idea of green/blue/epic/legandary and ilevel theories. The whole foundation of the system is attached to a “weighted score” of every single combat mechanic in post WoW-era system.

Because mathematically you can do simply match-making system using the set-in-stone-numbers. AkA an ilvl300 warrior will be a ilvl300warrior that can beat an ilvl300 dungeon, catered to ilvl300 roles with ilvl300 x y z jobs.

About take out level penalty make more easy to bot:

I have a friend playing in DMO (Digimon Masters Online).
In DMO there is level penaly/exp cap and even so people use bots.
Almost all PPL’s use bots.

Men, please. The negative/corrupt attitude come of each person.
In any system there will be bots. Simply because always there will be people want to be more “smart” than others.

The question is: How much good players will be “punished” for try to stop a little bad actions of “bad players”?

Bots spoil my game? Yes.
But you know what screw up even more my experience of game? Systems that hamper I play with my partners of other games and with new people.
After all, a ■■■■■■■ ONLINE GAME should serves to play with other people ONLINE!
If i want to play solo a RPG, I use my console.

[Sorry for my bad english.]