Tree of Savior Forum

500+ levels is too many for a game with no level sync option! How can we play with new friends?

Maybe you should re-evaluate your post like when you were instant editing 3x in a minute. Or alternatively, re-read OP’s post ?

Lamo editing excuse. I eddited to help you to understand, nothing more. I didn’t change the whole post to troll you or to trap you. Deal with it.

What is the truth? ( I really wanted to post an oprah gif)

You have really hard issues for reading.

I think you are just struggling to comprehend the situation to be honest,I’m bored now. I guess i’ll go pester some people who can also read.

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You are only trying to troll this topic right now, so yes, go “pester” someone else. And you are the one who’s bored ? Haha that joke. Thx for the laugh (I like your profile picture).

…there is 500 levels???

No, look.

I was only picking on you for this

It’s not using the RO system was all i was vaguely pointing out to you.

Only if arrogance is considered trolling in this day and age, but today - even a slightly negative remark can be considered trolling ¬_¬.

And you prove again : your hard issues to read. You’re in bad faith because there is only one thing that TOS is not using from RO, and because you didn’t understand what all people were talking about. That’s why you tried to defend a post that was clearly out of topic.

I invite you to make some research on what is a troll.

Have to sleep (SORRY EDDITED)

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I know it was out of topic, that was the point.
I’m not defending it though, since i proved the point. unless you want to quote op saying “tos is using the ragnarok experience system” it’s not, ragnarok doesn’t have exp cards at all, let alone a fluctuating experience graph for higher level ranges. i know you probably want to drag this on for a few more posts, but that was all i really wanted to tell you, which you seem to be ignoring.

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Put a ton of time and effort into doing something you don’t want to do just to avoid doing something that solves the same problem with zero effort? To someone who already has half a dozen high level alts and would have to play the alt several hours a day to keep up with the new player, only to do it all again when another new player joins, “just play an alt” would sound like “just go to hell.”

I already ran into issues in this beta where one member of the group got way ahead of the rest, a couple started late and could only play with our alts, and the rest were on their mains (can’t play the alt at the same time) either struggling to level up or hoarding all exp cards to avoid pulling ahead.

I like the scaling down solution. Elaboration on how it might work:

  1. Right click on a party member in the party list and select “Scale to this player’s level.”
  2. Disable all classes and skills taken at higher levels (eg I’m a cryo3 sorcerer alchemist3, I scale down to rank 2 range, now only my cryo circle 1 and wizard skills work, and my ice pike only benefits from the first 5 skill points).
  3. Multiply all stats by scaling factors. This could either be based on the other player’s stats or recorded from a benchmark character. Maybe the benchmark’s total con+int+spi+dex+str was 100 at the low level and 500 at your level, so your base stats would be divided by 5. Same deal for other stats like magic attack and elemental damage.
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Basically a mentor system can be used, now that I think about it, there were a couple (if not a few) topics about this already - Mentor System for Characters for example.

Though this still depends on whether the devs will want to implement them or not (I am not sure about Koreans) but with work and family, I really don’t have enough time to have multiple alts just so I can play with my friends.

did everyone forgot that pet is shareable? and if you have 1 high level pet on your main character then creating a new one is pretty much very very very easy. :joy:

and for the so much jobs… I believe there is nothing wrong there. it was a gamble… nobody had tried it before and IMC is doing it… right now all MMO are the same they are on a loop… nope… it was not a loop… it’s the end of the line. (did I just said what tony stark says on avengers 2 lol) :joy: this people who created ragnarok… the first of it’s kind… and they are doing it again… have some faith people. they will find a way.

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I definitely agree to the topics pointing out this problem. With the fact that ToS is mainly a cooperative/team work game, it is detrimental to have some convenient way to get you to be able to play with your friends who came much later. This would also help ease up the work of guilds having new members that lie on the low levels.

You spent all this time quoting me and making a post, yet failed to answer my question. How will it benefit the high level player?

If you can’t understand why someone would want to play with a friend, you’re beyond any help I could offer.


So basically no benefit. K thanks for making it clear. Sounds like a non-starter to me.

I already answered that for you, but perhaps I should edit this for clarification as to how a down-scaling system would work.
You continue to gain exp while downscaled, which is added to your total level. As in, while you are playing with your friend, you are still leveling your character. You’d go from 550 to 551 if you leveled with your friend from 1 to 30. That’s just an example.

The catch with a good downscaling system is that careful attention needs to be paid to ensure that it is never better for the high level player to level while downscaled, than leveling normally. I guess I’ll edit the OP to make this even more clear.

Give me an actual good example, that would be completely broken and you know it.

1-50, then? 60? 100? Whatever, man. I don’t know what the exp curve is going to look like at 550, on retail.

Just as long as downsycned leveling is never better than leveling normally, but still good enough to make you feel like playing with your friend isn’t a waste of time, the system works.

Issues of certain areas having terrible mob density are independent problems that need to be solved by evening leveling spots out, so don’t try to pin demon prison’s sins on my idea.