Tree of Savior Forum

3 Main issues of TOS in YOUR OPINION

3main issue

  1. imc - for being fickle minded n not able to uphold their belief. (they made the game in such a way in first place but succumb to public pressure… meh…)

  2. imc - for not able to deliver their ideal due to technical incompetency. (they had great idea but sucky coding people so tos end up just a fool’s dream)

  3. imc - for saying English/language is an issue after deciding to venture into International business. woot?


Causes of Project Failure

I can randomly pick 3 from this page and they will fit in with everything that is happening to ToS.



1 - FPS
2 - BUGS
3 - LAG


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close TOS then make a new game IMC. TOS2. this 2k16game is nowhere to compare to Dragonica.

It is great to see productive discussions too.
I will keep relay the good thoughts, but can you be specific with ideas?
It will help us better when relaying the opinions.


a question to u why why u dont spend more power to the game? and we we have still soo many bugs? u told us before the Open Beta was start u will Host the game because u can better handel it with fixes. and what is now?

Please, like you have ever listened to any of them, thats why your game is in absolute free fall now.

You lost 20% of your player base last month and in one week this month you have already lost another 4%.

I hope you enjoyed milking all that money the past year off the people who believed your lies about change and progress b/c thats over, everyone knows now you are all just thieves on a quick cash grab.

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and if u dont have the men power sell the game to a Publisher like Warpportal or enmass both doing a very nice job

  1. Daily missions instead of play for fun:
    At some point in the game you don’t play the game for fun anymore, you only have daily missions to do. If you decide that you don’t want to do Saalus nor level another character there’s almost nothing to do.

  2. Rule definition and enforcing in game and on forums:
    Most important: When will IMC define the borders between what is against the rules and what is not? When will players that uses “mechanics” in the “gray area” stop having advantage compared to others who invest more time playing the game?

  3. Inconsistency on maintenance patches, regression/bugs, bugs never fixed:

  • Two Frost Pillar makes the game unplayable: Always said to be fixed, been months and still not fixed.
  • Damage during Stop: Fixed in the past but the bug/mechanic came back later.
  • Patch notes doesn’t contain all changes that affect players.

For specific, which one for example?

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The players have to play the game, find out what went wrong with your (IMC) project, and find solutions for you. The devs are just chilling, while the staffs are just messengers. If IMC cant figure solutions base on issues pointed out, sorry but IMC you guys are really bad in this.


Thank you Lunar, 1… could take time, but 2… okay I will look on this. about the effect, what patch can you say for example?

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What needs to be done in my opinion:

The time issue!
If you have many characters things you want to do get more and more time consuming. The game has so many different classes and you really want to make several characters. But your benefits (besides Team level) only matter if you have the extra time.

Example for 1 character:
Doing 2 x Saalus (depending on mission and party): 6-30 minutes (average: 18 minutes)
Doing 2x Earth Tower: 30 - 40 minutes (average: 35 minutes)
Doing 2x Uphill: 40 minutes
Rushing 3x Dungeons (here 290 Dun): 9 - 18 minutes (average: 14minutes)

Overall: 107 minutes for a character to do all the daily stuff
So if you want to do all the stuff with a 2nd character you already spent around 3 1/2 hours to do so.

However, stuff like Earth Tower shouldn’t be made easier in terms of time consunming since it is end game content.
Uphill is something which could need a “hard mode” which only takes half the time but is significantly harder to do (rewards are the same or even better).
Dungeons and Saalus are the main issue: The majority of the players have characters to do these 2:

Saalus is for the blessed shards from which you need literally thousands and dungeons are made for money.
If you have 5 characters doing only Saalus and Dungeons it means: (18+14) x 5 = 160 minutes

It’s just too much! Please invent options which go like:

You can turn this option on to get an extra cube for each character which could have done this Saalus run (so only for characters lvl 240 or higher).
All characters will not be able to run another Saalus this day.
This option can only be changed once every 48 hours.


You can turn this option on to get an extra cube for each character which could have done this Saalus run (so only for characters lvl 240 or higher).
All characters will lose 1 run as if they had done it themselves.
This option can only be changed once every 48 hours.

And the same kind of option for dungeons as well.

This way the game would force the player MUCH LESS to do the same thing over and over again to achieve his goal and it would encourage to make alts even further.


@LunarRabbit Oh Oh I can help you with that!

I show you the amazing rank 8 patch notes!

- Attacking targets affected by the Cryomancer's Subzero Shield skill with Hunter or Falconer companion skills will no longer freeze your own character.

That’s still not in place, this very patch also changed fade’s behaviour without announcing it did. it used to make players immune to ground based skills, from that day onward it no longer did. not mentioned anywhere.

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Patch notes with regressions:

February 14, 2017

Mouse Mode Click Issue Improved

  • Click responsiveness when selecting and interacting with objects has been enhanced for mouse mode.
December 26th-27th, 2016

Fire Ball

  • Using Fire Ball under the Invocation buff will no longer erroneously summon evil spirits.
October 4th, 2016

Not sure if this is the same bug, but sometimes there are still ocasional errors in mission matching and even after getting 5 players in the queue the players won’t be sent to an instance and need to restart the queue.

Mission Matching

  • Fixed the occasional matching errors occurring in mission matching.
August 16th, 2016

GvG, not sure if this was applied to TBL.

Bug Fixes

  • The problem of the weekly rankings not resetting after the right time has been fixed.

July 25th - 26th, 2016

There are no hit count on Ausrine anymore.

Statue of Goddess Ausrine
- This skill will now provide protection for 15 times in PvP combat.

Other regressions:


  • Stun and bleeding effects will no longer apply to Companions. Companions will also no longer be affected by the Oracle [Death Sentence] skill.

Do you know if bleeding/stun still applies to companions? I am pretty sure they do (at least from Broadhead arrow) but I almost never have this situation.

Also, @STAFF_Yuri there are more bugs that were fixed but not added to patch notes, bugs that were “fixed” twice by patch notes, bugs that appeared in patch notes but were never solved. I can’t remember all of them and I would probably go out of “only regressions” post so I will talk about them only if you want to, then I’ll make a new post.

There are a lot of PvP bugs reported as well that should have been fixed since times ago and they still are not fixed, do you want me to list them since they also negatively affect the game?

Example, this one is around for months:

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Simple bugs: A boss can lift up u while u atking it. u can hit with PD skill (Plague Vapours) the Diev stature so they get hit with dmg and Ice Wall aswell.

Also we have Loading Srceenbugs. the loading is is loading and loading and nothing happing anymore so u must close the game.

Aswell why u get 54235235 Knockdowns really this stressing much, because how dumb it is after u get Knockdown u have CD on your skills great…

Companions are immune to CC and ground skills, they just get “stunned” once their HP reaches 0. However I do not have any recollection of broadhead either killing or doing nothing to companions, if they’re useable on bosses who are also immune to CC it is very plausible that it inflicts companions.

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Thank you, @composition for pointing out :smiley: I will find this out.


Okay @davidhelp84, So it will be…

  1. Boss lifting issue
  2. Plague doctor (I must read thoroughly the link you sent me first…)
  3. Loading screen with no answering <- is it while moving to another zone or when opening the client?
  4. Knock downs.
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This is a long list, Thank You @LunarRabbit, I got to read and arrange things what I find out.