Tree of Savior Forum

3 Main issues of TOS in YOUR OPINION

It’s simple. List and expose here three problems that the game suffers right now and in your opinion, are it’s biggest issues.

[1st: Lack of Game Modes/Modalities]
TOS, like any other MMORPG, is mostly about leveling; but right now, there’s basically only 2 ways of doing it: instancing and questing. Both of those modalities remain almost the same through the game, from level 1 and 50 to level cap, with the only difference being the stats of enemies and boss/mini-boss quantity. Because of this, the game becomes incredibly boring due to the lack of quality gameplay aspects such as true difficult scalling (not just enemies with higher stats) and strategy/approach shift towards the environment. This boredom made a great part of players quit the game (combined with others issues, of course), as well discouraging the rest.

A true good game needs diversity. You shouldn’t do the same things in level 300 that you did in level 50. And even if you had to do it so, it should be in a very different way. This game needs more game modes, both in PvE and PvP; something like a “race mode”, where you form a team and competes with another team to cross a pathway full of monsters and barricades; or a PvP mode like “The king of the hill/site capture” where you need defend or capture a place.

[2nd: Lack of quality Artificial Intelligence]
Just like i said up there, this game resumes in leveling. And leveling resumes in fighting enemies. The way that those enemies act and react are half of the core of the leveling, and as consequence, are almost half of the game as well. Enemy AI matters a lot; but sadly, all enemies have almost the same AI, no matter what level they are. I agree that low level enemies should be stupid, but it’s just disappointing when you see a high level boss just walking to the end of the room and returning for no reason. High level enemies, including normal enemies should be unpredictable and smart; they should try to dodge your attacks, they should avoid step on ground target skills, they should try to kite you, they should try to counter your skills. If they had that type of AI, this game would be so much fun to play. You would actually need be smart and build a strategy to fight them, instead of just “hitting harder”. I like the chance per tick system, where every tick of time a enemy has a chance of doing something. This make enemies much more unpredictable as sometimes they will cast skill immediately or just wait until you attack so they can counter attack.

[3rd: Broken Character Stats system]
The character stats should be a important tool of interaction between player and game, as you would be able to customize your character the way you wanted and be considerably different from others. But that’s not how it works right now: most of the stats lacks of impact on the gameplay and are really unbalanced. Most of your damage will not come from your custom stats, but from your equipment and attributes.

That’s what i think. Post your main problems with the game as well and discuss healthy about it ! :blush:


I assume you mean things we think are wrong with the core of the game, not balancing/bug issues…

Here are my main gripes in no particular order:

#1- The gear selection is absolutely terrible. Entirely different classes and builds using identical gear because “What else are you going to use” is extremely disappointing for an MMO released in 2016…which is in part to number two…

#2- The stat system is ridiculous, it needs to be reworked so that you can actually have a stat build that makes sense.

#3- The lack of scaling of lower rank skills makes them garbage and a giant waste of points in end game. Build diversity could be opened up so much just by making things scale off attack instead of flat numbers.

I can forgive the lack of pve content that OP describes, merely because any MMO that wants to survive in this day and age needs to publish new content, so I figure it’s a given. But these issues with the core of the game severely limit it’s potential.

Oh and bonus point: decrease the respawn timers on mobs. This game is all about aoe grinding but on 75% of maps I end up wandering around wondering where the crap all the monsters are on this giant empty map…


well, this can be answered with very few words:


“balance” (or “welcome to tree of clerics”)

the awesome fixes & patches implemented soon™ (nah, they just bring new bugs)

i could go on about bad endgame, gvg being a joke, the rewards as well, shitty events, rank8 (making a few classes completely useless), persisting bugs since iCBT, and so on…

just add if i missed something.


Well the issues I have

  1. 5 members per party. with so many possible classes this is an issue, not enough freedom to attempt stuff, it also sucks when you consider that you’re very likely to have more than 5 people playing alongside you and so you’re forced to cherry pick personal.

  2. Transcendanced ruined any hope for balance under my eyes.

  3. The lack of roles among classes, sure they do different stuff but most often than not it is the same stuff but weaker or stronger. there are few classes out there that do something “unique” but it is often useless.


1: You can also grind. My leveling partner and I have gone from 280 to 310 almost completely on grinding, and we did most of 1-280 (when the cap was 280) on grinding as well. All we’ve done is the kill quests on each map, and we both have more than enough cards to hit 330 right now if we wanted to.

That makes 3 ways of doing it, don’t give me any bullshit about minmax on leveling speed, either. There’s a genre out there for quick max leveling to pvp it’s called mobas.

2: The AI is pretty acceptable for mobs. You may not notice since you only seem to instance or grind a few maps, but mobs do interesting things like surround you in a circle, retreat, or use their aoe spells with at least some semblance of tactics. You’re asking a bit much for the mobs you are grinding out to be controlled by Deep *ucking Blue. The cpu power it takes to implement even basic AI gets pretty hefty when you are running tens of thousands of them. In MMOs, high level tactical combat is supposed to be the realm of PvP anyway.

3: Character stat system in this game is as it is. And they do have an impact on your character to a degree. So what if most of your character’s stats actually are defined by your gear; in many MMOs, your stats are entirely defined by your gear. I think the balance that ToS strikes between character customization and gear is pretty good, since the difference between a perfectly calculated minmax build and a casual player’s rough estimate of what they like is mitigated by the idea that gear is just as important. But regardless of what my opinion is, the stats system is part of the package when it comes to the game, take it or leave it.

No, none of your issues even make the cut of a valid complaint, much less as a “main” issue. Especially since you skipped over

  1. Ucking optimization. If 2 cryo trees appear in PvP, my cpu just gives up. Can’t play a game that doesn’t work.

  2. Lack of unique gear. I’m not talking aboot more orange ■■■■, though there should be a larger variety of that also. This is where the broken stat system issue should play. There isn’t enough different ways to trick out your gear for different things. The best comparison I can make is to RO’s war of emperium, where you would carry an unfrozen, an undead, a water, maybe a fire element armor with you, and if you were still new, you’d have to choose which of those to get first. You’d have a sight and a hide accessory, ones that gave more MDEF or more DEF or more resist to one element or another. You had something called a weight limit, and you had to balance the gear you wanted to be able to swap with the consumables you wanted to carry. That’s where the system for stats breaks down in ToS. It relies in parts on custom stats and gear stats, but the custom stats don’t have near the impact of gear stats, and there isn’t enough different types of gear or unique upgrades to said gear to give your character the uniqueness that an MMO should provide. There’s vitrov, grynas, lolopanther, or somlinki, and a lot of white ■■■■ that does nothing but get old as you outlevel it.

  3. Lack of party play outside instances. It’s an MMO. Key word being Massive and multiplayer. Biggest hinderance to this is actually the way that higher level mobs with eat your face and lower level mobs are good only for the bass-o-matic. There are plenty of people I would have loved to party with but I’m 310 and they’re like 260.


Worst things about the game?

1: Game performance
2: Net code
3: Player restrictions

In that order. I could give a ■■■■ about class and stat balances, and playable content, after those are addressed; even if I like to go on tangents about all the other things that could be better.


1.) Long leveling game and underwhelming end game. There’s practically no content at end game, which is completely enveloped in “dailies” and sitting around logging in to open a practonium box in hopes of getting a weapon. Which, let’s be honest, by the time you do, you’re burnt out as hell on “dailies” and have nothing to use that great new weapon on. There is one endgame PVE set of content which, if you’re successful, is a long-ass slog through floors of bosses and mission-style events you’ve done already so many times.

2.) Constant discouraging of competitive play. First they added a world boss cooldown period if you cubed, which killed any interest in PVE competition. Then they added neutrality, which killed any PVP competition outside their organized GVG structure, which hardly works due to constant crashing and design, and got abused for months and it wasn’t handled.

3.) Constant “quality of life” issues. Limited trading system that is intended to stop bots and RMT, but only punishes legitimate players. This includes constant issues with mouse mode, latency, game breaking bugs that go unaddressed for months like the party bug, no real way to make parties for TBL. A chat bug which has existed since rank 8 was released is another good one (where it scrolls to the next line independent of word completion). I could go on.

Balance issues are never going to be at a point where everyone is happy, whether it be stats or class balance. It will/should always be ongoing. But the three issues above are what makes people stop playing and could so easily be fixed or addressed and they’re just not.


I just have 1

Devs that doesn’t give a flying f*ck about
their player base and live in their boxxed imaginary world.



Oh did I mentioned


  1. Too many bugs. When a bug has been there for months, you start to wonder if this is actually a feature.
  2. Random game crash, bonus point if it happen in instance dungeon.
  3. Shitty FPS. 0.3 FPS in GVG? No more GVG for me. Like, ever.

In conclusion, you need to have the patience of a saint to play this game.

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  1. The lack of updates and communication about the major concerns of the community from the management.

  2. The lack of moderation on the forums, I get tired of hearing about how the game is going to die every patch that doesn’t have X fix in it or whatever clickbait topic of the day it is.

  3. Lack of information about what’s actually being worked on to fix problems in our version, the ridiculous setup with the cash shop, and general handling of the players.


1: Slow updates
2: Slow to fix bugs
3: Garbage PVP

One of the biggest flaws of the game IMO, and will never be increased until they fix the fps. The game can’t even hold 60fps in TBL which is only 10 players.


Korean games are basically.

"Your regular job sucks. Here is a new job where you get rewarded with shiny stuff ".
The crappy end-game is because this is a 2nd job.

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It’s perfect. :ok_hand:

  1. Trolls players hard with weekly breaktenance
  2. Tree of Exploits and Cheats
  3. Tree of Slaviors

Updates are too far in between, balancing was teased back in January and it’s March and Monk is still crap.

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I think they will increase the party member cap in the future because if you look at Linker skill Physical Link it goes up to lv 15 which you can link up to 15 team members.

  1. Lack of class reset. Now I’m against giving out class reset like candy but the thing is that it is absolutely necessary to give class resets as of now. The class system isn’t complete yet and ANY BUILD that you have right now is unstable since we don’t know what new classes are coming. So to not give any class reset or only 1 per account is just ridiculous and self detrimental to the core of this game. If the class system is finished as in no more new ranks or classes then I’m 100% on board with no more class reset vouchers. But until that time comes they need to give one reset voucher PER CHARACTER every time they introduce new ranks/classes.

  2. End game and limits on dungeon entry. It’s either they come up with a real good end game or release the limits on dungeon entry. Right now it’s just ridiculous. You hit 330 and there’s is nothing to do after your dailies. And there is no end game here. No free raid, no free world pvp, no offense/deffense guild war castle/fort games. There’s nothing.

  3. Gacha and token shop need to go. Just keep it TP only for cash shop and this new gacha token shop is just ridiculous. It’s just another layer of greed from IMC. And it’s counterproductive. They were doing fine selling their digital merchandise in their original TP. And their obvious greed is shown from this new token shop and it’s just such a turn off that even regular TP users like me haven’t purchased TP since the introduction of gacha and token shop.


I’ve invited a lot of friends to play ToS and none of them have stayed
The main reasons I get for them leaving are all things they encounter early on in the game such as

  • The token / trade restrictions
    Even when I explain to them that they can buy it with silver later, they don’t care, they just hate the system in general and say nope.jpg

  • Poor starting experience.
    The game is very muddled and not user friendly, including things like being confused between using mouse and keyboard modes, how the market works, how the tp store works, and just not having simple things explained to them in the early stages of the game.
    I try too explain to them, hey it’s ok, just get these addons that will fix it, but they say, “why should I have to go download stuff to fix their game for them? I’ll just log out and not come back.”

  • Poor performance
    From FPS to slow load screens, to crashes, errors and lags, to that infuriating head twitching bug that has been around forever for anyone using amd.
    I don’t even have an excuse for this one.