Tree of Savior Forum

2000 votes 60% says no!

Nothing has been sold, no financial transaction has happened between imc and player base so far. I don’t know what scam you’re referring to.

Didn’t see imc game treating you like an animal.

Ok early access isn’t for you.

No one owes your ego anything.

human beeings owe respect one another just cause they live… if you don’t think that way you might as well become a soldier and go dieing somewhere you can say to people “ehi i don’t care about you so shut up”.

Respect means if you promise me something you respect that promise.

If you want something from me you ASK for it, you don’t play psicological marketing trickery.

btw… i think it’s better to stop asnwering you, your personality is just what change posts into flames so i’d rather not get dragged into it further. have fun.

Peoples keeps complaining, I got an idea, what about playing on Korean Server?
At least the server begun free to play and still is.
Then play there until the true open beta begins.

Exactly. $50.00 for a broken game. Do you think they’ll do it if they could really avoid it?

If IMC was washed with liquidity do you think they need to rush the game for release? Do you think they needed to push for betas last year when most game play was non-existant, story telling rushed, and doing an “OBT” in March?

They are asking for money upfront because they need it now. The only other reason is because it’s a “cash grab” which is unlikely because IMC is an established developer without a history of “cash grabs”.

Or better yet, don’t pay anything and go play a better game! I’ve seen quite enough from iCBT1 and iCBT2 to know that I would not spend a single cent on the product until an overhaul is made. Asking me to pay 5000 cents is beyond ridiculous.

And, since it’s on Steam, I can just go take my money and spend it on the extremely liquidated DRM merchandise and fuel a different demon instead.

[Citation Needed]

And even if they did need our money, as someone who is asking for an investment it would make much more sense to tell spenders what exactly their money will be doing if we give it to them.


Thats the problem. People demand it to be fast release. Public apology? Why? No reason lol.
First of all, icbt3 should be released first like korea tos, but they move it to fast release as people demand it too much. I check forum almost everyday. So i know there is too many thread about it. So now, they open it as u all want. Im ok with buying for early access, but not many people can afford it. So suggest to lower price is good for both side, user and the company.
Second, gap time between b2p and f2p is good, but not that long. I think 1 month is enough to fix some serious bug. 3days is big no. Playing with alot of bug is no fun at all. Also, i think 1month is enough for them to think how to counter bot soon.

For f2p player, dont be too upset. Just think this as icbt3 and u dont have key for it. Lets just hope they push f2p release earlier.

This is Capitalism my friend. No sane company will say they are going broke even until the last second, because of INVESTORS.

That don’t even make sense. Human beings live so they owe each other “respect”? Because the other living human contributed to your “living here”? So soldier don’t “respect”. So soldiers go “dieing” in places where they don’t care about people?

Looks like you’re just angry and emotional. Not sure how you deduce a person’s “personality” in a few forum post that disagrees with your point of view.

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“beta-test” is a way to protect publisher from any responsibilites and refunds, most of the MMO still on OBT-mode cause of this

They are asking for money upfront because they need it, oh next year. I see. Hmm… I wonder why common sense need citation. Also why does opinion need citation, especially my personal opinion.

Lol maybe developing the game called “Tree of Savior”.

we wanted a fast release. hey deserve to apologize. we didnt ask for early release, we wanted a fast open beta release, but now ob is in june and we have to pay 50 dollars to play a bugged game

Oh, it’s just an opinion then? Not sure why anyone should care about your opinion. If I wanted snowflakes I would look out into my Canadian backyard.

To humour your last bit, I was talking about what they’re literally going to do with it. How much will go to advertisement? How much will go to server stability? How much will go directly into the pockets?

I’m not going to pay anything when I can generally assume that they will be doing absolutely nothing productive with it if any of the “server stability” patches from iCBT2 are any good example.

Still same. Fast release. They just release ktos few month ago. Take a look at international blade and soul. Take many years to open. Atleast we got definite date when it will open.
3month not a long time. Just take it as icbt3 and u will be fine. They also will open new server on f2p release day. So it will not affect our game. All people will gave fresh start on new server.

Do buyers understand that they are paying full price of a commercial game for a free unfinished game with little in return? It’s a rip off and just outrages.


Neither do anybody should care for yours. It’s the internetz dummie. Also they totally wanna screw you over now because they need the money oh… next year.

Humorous to disclose expenses to player base, like gamers hold shares to the company.

so you’re not going to invest in ToS development. I get it.

Apparently not. They just want to support the developers, which is a nice thought, but I have my doubts that their generosity will last.

I think most know that it’s an incomplete game from icbt 1 & 2. At least I do.

And they are not false advertising, will will get what is advertised. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to buy it.

Supporting them is good but $50 is way too much, maybe $30 would be reasonable or get something like a hard copy with a nice arty cover.

I can see what some people might be thinking when buying the full package:

  • exclusive hats
  • they were going to pay for iCoin anyway, so why not do it all up front
  • they want an edge on the free players
  • nothing better to do with their money
  • they legitimately think this wont affect the playerbase at all in the long run

I think it’s a big pill to swallow for those who have been waiting for so long. I would have paid $70CAD to play the game, to be honest. It had the potential to be great, and coming out of iCBT1 I was absolutely hyped. Now knowing that it’s far from complete, absolutely repetitive, and almost generic, I would rather spend that money on absolutely anything else.

I’ve seen far better kickstarters than anything I’ve seen here. If they wanted money, they had a million other, better ways to do it.

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