Tree of Savior Forum

1st JTOS thread


Aaaand if you think that people on itos servers are mean, you’ll be pretty surprised how Japanese folks are toxic :smiley:

it’s the same every where LOL.

And i do know Japanese are even more strict on meta and stuff…
Just that it’s not so shown outside. (and they often swear at people not taking correct classes etc)…

Well but there are both sides… heh if you find the family orientated one it’s pretty cozy.

that moment when your ping in iTOS (nearest to where you are, or better said, it should have the best ping) is worse than jTOS

makes me really want to think how bad iTOS servers are :thinking:

i think the same goes for PSO2… we have PSO2 SEA but i hear some people prefer PSO2 JP (as attested in Atari’s thread, where techniques in accessing PSO2 JP were used for jTOS)

the same is true with DN, actually. Some people in SEA preferred jDN. Less p2w, faster updates according to them (there are also instructions on how to access jDN for non-Jap players)

can’t say the same for jRO tho :stuck_out_tongue:

Pso2 sea is a gone case. forget about that terribad game with A$

My experiences with the Japanese community so far haven’t been short of pleasant. But I do understand from some friends of mine who natively play there that there are sects of their game community that are quick to judge, label, and harass. I don’t think they reach our levels of toxicity though in the west.

For those of you playing on Laima (I think that’s the server I’m on) there used to be a Pardoner in channel 1 of West Siauliai near the top left that sold Sacrament for 1 silver specifically for the purpose of helping new players. I don’t know if they are still there to this day, but it made progressing early on a godsend when you have no silver to work with.

Well there’s always 2 side to the community. Either way there will always be the nice ones and the bad ones so lawl.

Mostly depends on cultural differences

So what about the usual bugs we have here?

-How higher are your fps over there?
-How many bots do you encounter?
-Do our addons still work with their client?
-Do you get stuck after casting skills?

tldr/tl note for those google-sensei cant help.:
dark side of jp internet is cyber bullying at its finest

context doesn’t really translate well since its a ph trashtalk thing being misheard by westerners.

JP is a nice place but it isn’t without it’s fair share of issues.

My FPS is largely the same. Ping is around 150-250 with a private VPN to Kyoto, Japan.
Bots are rare, but macro users at low level zones are not uncommon.
Add-ons work with JP, but not all of them. Friends of mine use most of the western ones without an issue.
I didn’t receive frequent stuck issues.

Be mindful that JP is receiving updates faster than iTOS. They already have Miko and Agni. However this isn’t without it’s fair share of issues too. The update that introduced these also bugged a lot of features, for example players in JP are currently unable to add sockets to their items.

Some abridged stuff: You can’t add sockets to items right now. Socketed gems are invisible. Don’t abandon quests; you can’t re-take them right now. Don’t buy gems right now, they can’t be retrieved from the market. Item usage from skills is messed up. Monks debuffs are messed up. Druid is messed up. Templar C2 is messed up. Friend from Lotus translated this main stuff for me. More details can be found on their site (they’re completely transparent of all major issues on posts).



what happened?

i played shortly last… two years ago, i think then i went back to DN :stuck_out_tongue:

it’s dead.

pretty much with less than 100 players even at weekend (both servers)

Ep3 is pretty much a lie too. just treat it as non-existent.

Add up that a good number of collab events never got out of the JP servers, and SEA just got moot update and seasonal cash grabs. :joy:

That’s a nice insight.

Seems like all servers have their fair share of issue. Just that IMC is not transparent and derp about it.

rip . dirty publishers.

its rather easy to find rmt spot for jtos tho …

pretty sure you can’t runaway from toxic people …its everywhere in every single servers

I just want everyone to be nice and fluffy

I do want to see fluffy people
do they really exists?

Nice to meet you! This world is all sunshines and rainbows.


fluffy people


…tried jtos
its rather delay for me …with a few hickup here and there =.=;

I will stick with iToS.
Aside my ping issue, iToS has everything I need at moment.
We don’t have Miko? I don’t play cleric…
We don’t have Agni? I don’t play wizard…