Tree of Savior Forum

1st JTOS thread

i thought you already deleted all youre character


thats the actual way of playing any mmo

goodluck finding RMT in jtos…

maybe u gaijin can introduce them the power of RMT…

tell them Token worth 20mil silver… im sure they will sell token in market sooner or later… huehuehue~

“token, ni juu man Yen, wakata? huehuehue~”

yep, deleted everything… have to start new, and i already have a arc3 qs3 fal1 lv234
another arc3 scout3 lv200
farming dun145 to finance my upcoming arc3hunter3 ~


I’ll just make my fast running magical DPS with invul which stopped at Bokor3 on iTOS.

Nah, it is good that there is no RMT in there, looks like a paradise no?

I don’t see much of a problem selling tokens in market, but oh well, its their server and culture lol.

I am running a similar in iToS:

Currently at Bokor 2 Lv 180.

i doubt any server will run away from RMT.

It’s just that they conceal it well enough. Especially we are talking about Japanese.

You will rarely see any RMT in game, it’s more towards their “Yahoo auctions” if they need and they often hide details. They are extremely careful with this.

RMT have been known to get ban hammer if they find out logs of weird trading in various game. (that include market) so esp on TOS where market log can be traced to the players… they have to do it " semi legibility"

anyway guys if you are serious migrating to JTOS ( 100percent )

i think its better if someone can voluntary create a discord group?
i got a feeling this thread is going down anytime

so far JTOS doesnt have spammer bot in main town channels

but ive seen some bots only few in lower dungeons
i can notice by its movement weird moving pattern similar to ITOS

It’s their culture you will rarely see spam bots. It’s pointless since it get ban near immediately.

Do keep in mind though converse in Japanese if needed. Some of them do really hate “non-Japanese”

no cleric 2? why no cleric 2?

Isnt priest buff not that good?

I will just try my best to keep my mouth shut and hope for the best. Try not to type and use other means of communication if possible. I need to start learning japanese…

All hyped kids will return to iTos in a week or less.

Gotta use the emoticons LOL.

I don’t see much problem on Cleric 1, as for Priest, since it will be a build with INT and SPR, Blessing will be greatly enhanced as well the heal tiles and Mass Healing, which also, heal for the max HP of the healed char, not from the caster.

Use the most complex kaomoji and you will be OK. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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how do u say “put tank in a mall” in japanese…








あなたは意地悪で wwww



anjing banget


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Yeah, google translate make it sound somewhat rude.
baka gaijin -> 馬鹿外人 -> idiot foreighner

gg Indonesians


Sorry for the broken Japanese lel.

Been long since i used Japanese ever since i finish my N4.


it’s suppose to lel. unless you want to use kata’s baka