Tree of Savior Forum

[Zemyna] Squire Repair Service - Klaipeda Channel 2

With the recent changes in the economy, I will open my repair shop near the blacksmith in Klaipeda in Channel 2 on Zemyna server. Hopefully, my prices will be cheaper. I will put a price of 100 silver per repair kit.

For example, for my gear, I need 52 repair kits for full repair. So it will cost me 5200 silver to repair my gear instead of 19k silver with the blacksmith.

I will try to restock regularly…

If there are other squires on Zemyna, we can open our shops on different channels or offer different services ( ex: weapon buff ).

PS: if im out of stock, you can post below or send me a message.


man thank you soo much , i want to be squire too just to do things like that

Nice solution lol wp

While people alot whine about the repairs cost…
you my friend…got my respect of being a true player…
doing good deads and suggestion on how to counter and help other player…
bless player like you !

-Gabija Server-

Repair costs aren’t really an issue for me, but I like your idea and will think of you when I need to repair my gear.

So, it begins. GG WP. :+1:

SQUIRE is life, SQUIRE is love :heart_eyes:

Repair price is bugged (too expensive than expected)

You should be ban for exploit.

Repair kit costs 80 silver per kit, so his pricing of 120 per kit is actually very low already.

Even if you didn’t know that, you still sound like a jerk to insult a guy who’s trying to help people out.


Repair price is multiply by 7, his benefit is multiply by 6, so yes its an exploit even if it help you.
Usulally i pay 3000 silver for full repair, Today it was 22000k, Squire repair 15k…

Thank you help a lot

More repair kits please. =)

@Niamak you’re out of repair kits ^_^;
please restock~

Squire repairs increase the max durability, so the item takes longer to break, in fact at max level the skill doubles the durability, also I dont care if the repair prices are bugged, I need to repair my gear and I will always look for a squire no matter what.

Nice Job Niamak ! Thx a lot

I just restocked, sorry for the inconvenience.

altho I don’t play on Zemyna, just would like to tell u that its great to knw thr ppl like you tht hlp out :heartpulse:

Do Squires set the price? I saw this guy who repairs a fully broken equipment for 3k silver a piece while blacksmith npc repairs all my equipments for 9k. Scam is real.

Hello! You are out of repair kits. Thanks for the repairs!

Restocked. Happy grinding. :wink: