Tree of Savior Forum

Zealot trial quest tree of savior

I can see bonfires, but I’m unable to see the numbers on the trial

I have also tried having all graphic settings on and disabling the performance option, but still nothing :sad:

Try to Check apply FXAA , might gonna work

Had the same problem. Just figured it out. Open up the chat settings and turn on speech bubbles. Should fix it.

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That was it! Thank you :satisfaction:

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Do you guys get enough points for stage 2 costume and Class master only gives you costume for stage 2 instead of giving both stage 1 and 2?

So… It’s the 3rd 4th time this has happened to me.

I use the necklace once, and it turns everything to green as if “cleared”.

can someone explain to me where i can find how to do this quest and where to find/start is, what its for, ect. i cant seem to find anything like that, all i know is that it gets you a zealot costume but like im confused

nevermind everyone


i was doing enthusiast and i was actually getting somewhere but boom the time limit D: i feel like it will be a major problem when i retry in the future

Without time limit I would do it easily in few tries.
Dig in is most random part, you cant affect your chances there until you get cleared area so you can see numbers around.
After that there are only few situations where its based on pure luck which to dig out next.
But time limit makes it very hard as there is simply not time (unles you are mine sweeper master) to think some harder combinations trough properly, also having to manualy run around and unlock them one by one is very slow.

I am doing only fanatical (want that glowing wings), and except one full clear which did not counted I usualy fail at time limit around 60-70

This has to be one of the most idiotic quest made. 9/10 I can win Minesweeper in under 60’s. (I actually forced myself to learn to play this game from my childhood.) But nothing is more infuriating than losing half your tries due to bad luck, from opening only a single square on your first shot, then landing on a mine second. The quest is asinine, at least when you play the real game (Minesweeper) you always open up a block at the least. IMC who ever thought of this terrible idea, please fire them. Thanks.

Zealot’s trial is the least idiot special costume trial. Minesweeper has always been like that and I’ve lost count of how many times I failed on my first guess. Sometimes you fail on your first guess, sometimes you end up in a 50/50 problem. It happens. If you think this trial is the worst, good luck trying to get the Matador cape.

Today I was so close, but failed with 84/85 three times.

I always end up stepping on the wrong tile trying to check the numbers of the already revealed tiles.

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i would be better if

  1. you could mark mines as a mine to know that its there

  2. the timer was increased (this the main reason we lose lol)

  3. you werent able to select a mine on your first or second pick ( happens way more than you would think)

  4. you could warp to timerys temple and back without a scroll

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Quest warp, quest warp everywhere.

but ive already finished a:tired:ll the timerys quests so there is no quest warp there :tired:

Just to clarify, you don’t need to go back to the zealot master and then back to Timerys every time, just press F5 (quests) and under the ‘abandoned’ the zealot trial will appear, along with a ‘Try again’ or ‘Restart’ button.

You can do your 15 tries standing in front of the totem, without having to go back to Zealot Master


How did I not think of this? I wasted so many warp scrolls and was part of my major frustration. Thanks chief!

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Minesweeper win 95 win 98


time to test if this workas

I feel your pain however, it’s finally done.