Tree of Savior Forum

Your Thoughts on kTOS Changes Coming To iTOS

So I just returned from a bit of a hiatus only to see that theirs still no new updates and at first I was furious but i stumbled across the Staff post where they stated that the kTOS updates coming to iTOS very soon.

However this is sorta old news sorta old news though, and im sure everyone knows about it by now…

And If not then here ya go:

Anyway, my question is… How do you all (or whats left of you) think that this will effect iTOS and/or TOS as a whole?
What are your thoughts?
What do you think could also be done to improve the TOS experience for players?
What would you change or do diffrently?
Do you all think it will bring back a lot of the player base? (atleast for iTOS)
ect, ect~

I just want to know what people are thinking is all…

And lastly…

Constructive responses ONLY (please!?..) >_>

Now express your (constructive) opinions saviors!

(And I apologize in advance if a post like this was made before… as said I haven’t been around much lately until a few days ago)

It will affect the mood of the game, give it a few weeks and people would return back and complain about the lack of end game. I’m more honestly leaned if iTos held events.


Would have been cool to see customized local content. Going to be like every other mmo, people looking at the Korean version waiting for whatever content they get. Will probably end up being 1-6 months behind ktos?

Idk overall I feel very “eh” about the whole situation.


I hope korea will get all of OUR bad nerfs and especially bugs. It seems IMC listens more to the koreans…so this might change some things.

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Affect the mood in what way?

Ooooo, I dont remember any events happening before my Hiatus.

Events would be very nice!

Like double EXP weekends once a month, or somthing?

or like PSO2 when they did the “Tripple Threat Summer” event last year! (or the year before.
double EXP, Gold, and Drop rates all summer

TOS could have something like that every here or there?..

Thats interesting!

I do agree it would be nice to have our own specialized content.
But I personally dont see a problem with us obtaining the same balance patches and cosmetics as kTOS.

I kinda feel like we have a large influence on the game, I feel like a lot of the changes thats happened were from us actually.

I’m glad i’m not the only person that feels this way. I kind of appreciate some of the changes that did come here for our version. If they tweaked things more often, replied to feedback, and adjusted things accordingly, we could have some very nice alternatives to the Korean version.


It’s a good thing. I hope they keep it regularly updated as well.

Do I expect everything to come out at the same time for both versions from here on in? Nah, or if it does… that probably means things will be slowed down some. I can only thing of one or two other games that keep their database/content updated across all versions at the same time–games like FFXIV. And honestly it’s really nice to have the pattern of small patches/content and then a huge one each quarter. It’d be nice if something like that can be managed.

I’m hoping that the update fixes some of the major issues we’ve been having. I am looking forward to having quests up through higher levels because I’m a quest person.

I know a lot of people are gunning for PvP. So I’m excited for them.

I’m just not looking forward to the bazillion potential issues caused by conflicting stuff in the client coding that no one foresaw and the bugocalypse that will be hanging over our heads for a while.


It’s hard to feel optimistic about it,really.On one hand you want to be excited,on the other…we’ve all seen that their changes/fixes tend to bring more bugs instead of less.So I expect quite a few bugs,personally.

I would do a heck of a lot differently.Right off the bat,this wouldn’t be some big huge update they need to do.It would have gradually been added to our version over time.I’d have GM’s in the game all the time.Looking for bots and banning them as well as goldsellers,but also to interact with the community and at least give limited answers on some questions.

Events.Events.Events.To keep community moral high and involved.

Lowering the token price was good,but I’d also lower the hair prices.

This forum would be way better moderated.People wouldn’t be posting inappropriate pictures to test the system,people would be permanently banned,we’d have more mods that are for a fact fluent in English,and they’d gather questions for the Q&A that are commonly seen around the forum.

I’ll add more if I think of anything.


Im here to say that it seems that the content (especially related with the balance) will be mixed, and maybe koreans get some of the nerfs we have here. Some guy in the ktos thread said, as example, the 0 cd skyliner not will come to us, and instead, both server will have a version in the middle.

I just hope kToS get some of our horrible bugs :joy:


Yes! Give them those bugs and force a riot…damn you IMC …wake up already

Pretty much this ^.

One thing i do hope tho, is that with the merge, they will have more people dealing with fixing, that would mean, if the case, faster response on development.

As for content, that will take a while tho, the game is not complete, have lots of issues going on, so they will be more fixated on adding CS stuff and do small balancing/fixing.

They did a real big ■■■■ by releasing the game as it is, we had been discussing about more 2 or 3 CBT before even talking about OBT/Release since last year.

Whoever is doing the business at IMC, have not a single drop of common sense in doing said business.
They took a heavy blow by losing lots of players and have an infestation of parasites (botters/GS).

The game as of now is really “sick” and need a good treatment.


I hope kToS gets iToS skyliner CD so they will riot causing huge buffs for swordsman lol.


Ktos has events its not simply trivial things like double EXP.
One of the first events was to Spell Tree of Savior, with these letters that would drop off of mobs, if you could spell the whole thing you got better rewards then if you could only spell a part of it.

Then there was the deal of giving all new characters on a server this reward chest for leveling up to incite new players and let them catch up with greater ease to their friends…

Anyways as for thoughts on Ktos changes.
Games still going to have a lot of balance issues.

I don’t look forward to the world boss limitations nor if they decide to give us the lower spawn rate for mobs.

Everything else I really can’t wait for.

I think it will be great for us. I dont know if we will get new updates at the same exact time as ktos, but i actually think it would be best if they just did it once a month. Do hotfixes for gameplay issues and then once a month do a big patch for the things ktos got that month. This would give them time to fix whatever bugs the updates brough so we wont have to deal with them :slight_smile: Also it might be easier to do it this way, not sure how it is done though.

40 second spawnrate on mobs instead of 2 minutes is amazing and fantastic, it really can’t be stressed enough how much good that will do for the community to not have to fight nearly as much for space in popular grinding areas. People ■■■■■■ right off out of the game due to the spawn timers on launch making it horrible to even do quests in the hugely congested early game zones and the animosity over killstealing and farming competition still exists. It’ll also make grinding out monster gems a lot less ridiculous.

Balance changes are also very welcome, there are a lot more viable builds coming and that’s one of the main things I care about in this game, having a host of different character types.

Having parity with kToS should also mean that we get future updates around the same time they do, so we won’t see them get rank 8 later this year and then have to wait 6 months to get it ourselves.

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The hype train has long left the station and honestly I am just “meh” about it. :frowning:

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"Your Thoughts on kTOS Changes Coming To iTOS"
in one word turtle
Currently working on 2 characters trying to take it to c7, if no update comes after. I will take a break from TOS

Still waiting for the blessing patch, stat and skill reset potions for free if not gonna quit and play pkm go even it sucks :sparkles: