Tree of Savior Forum

Your main's class tree

  • Swordsman
  • Archer
  • Wizard
  • Cleric
  • Scout

0 voters

Which class tree does your main belong in? If you could only choose one, why do you choose it? You can share your build too if you like, but I’m mainly asking for class tree.

Mine is scout. Fast attacking animation, more mobile, and in general, low cooldown. Downside is high consumption of SP and stamina and low defense, but I play SR-sheriff so not that big of a problem.

Archer, because I like physical - long range. :sleeping:

Cleric bcuz it can do everything Dps/heal/tank love it

@adrian.agulto.rn I knew you would say archer! You’re like an iconic archer player in this forum.

@alex_rivera_a I used to main cleric with the same reason too… but with re: build where you can only choose 3 classes, I feel like semi-dps semi-support is less efficient. Also that heal nerf >:(


I like magic users and long ranged characters, so I main Wizard, too bad wizards can’t heal in this game.

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Swordsman - Pelta - Murmilo - Templar Because WAAR the skill kit satisfy me :prince:

before re:build, most of my toons are different variation spear users except for the pets and a lone archer in my lounge

Huh… so now swordsman is taking the lead. If I remember correctly, long long time ago swordsman was the worst class tree while cleric was super OP.

I used to “main” cleric, while having a wizard for farming. But I eventually lost interest in cleric, so now I’m wizard main.

I also play a good amount of Scout, for ez mode CMs and link-thaum farming, but my Scout gear is nowhere near as good as my wizard/cleric gear. Good thing scouts are still decent with enhanced primus gear lol

What can I say, I just really like its gameplay! Even if I am aware other class tree builds can be made better but still. :sweat_smile:

I love cleric but with re:build it is pretty hard to get back to it… and they relocated bokor to wiz! So I defected in apostasy to vow and serve the dark lord far from the eyes of the clergy a full summoner build as such as the wiz can provide… miss healing though…

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Canonie of course, I was originally drawn to it because i liked the aesthetic of Cannon Blast, but cannon shot and barrages simple but efficient skills started to grow on me. I could never be a dirty scout main.

Wizard: Alchemist and Sorc (and also Necro), because I like concept of alchemist (even though right now it’s still not great) and summons from card…

Wizard currently takes the lead. 4 class trees are roughly the same amount, but archer mains are rare. Any idea why that is?

Because it mainly breaks even its pros and cons and can be easily outshined by other trees… :sweat_smile:

because archer is the only (most) balance class as of now. theres no game breaking combo. in any modes of gameplay

True that. I just thought, hey clerics can heal and dps, they should also add a lifesteal of some sort to auto attacks to physical dmg dealers.

Post ep11 rebuild imc wants players to have definitive roles yet we are still aware clerics can do an exo build and perhaps slap a PD in there and you could already be unkillable in PVE. :frowning:

yeah its just when you think of

CM = right now its diev
PVP = that swordie with hard shield and 2H / kino onmyo
Farming = ??? got your thauma scout
AOE = gotchu fam -onmyo
single target = taoist

its never archer, never the best never the worst (atleast in ep11) . so maybe thats why its a rare main


Give more skill points to the master class you pick