Tree of Savior Forum

You can't see the Registration button for the iCBT2 on the website? CHECK THIS!

Before the forum gets flooded with threads asking the same question over and over again, check this quick guide:

1. The International CBT2 for Tree of Savior is going to actually be open to anyone who registers in the website between today and Monday 19th of October

2. To register, go to and Login with your Facebook or Google+ account.

3. After that, link your Steam and/or Github accounts.

4. After that you should be able to see the [REGISTER] button. Just click on it, set your age and follow the steps.

5. If you were logged in the past and you can’t see the [REGISTER] button, LOGOUT and then LOGIN again. The website should look like this:


If you still don’t see anything, press CTRL+F5 or CTRL+Shift+R to reload the page, ignoring old cache.


Can I use this account to play game? Or I must register a new account?

You can play with this account. They will send you a key to your e-mail. Just use that key to get the game on Steam when it’s available. (Remember the CBT starts on the 27th)

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Thank you! That’s great!

As long as you can see that red button and you clicked it and follow the steps, you’re good to go.

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Thank you so much! I did it!

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When will they send the email someone know ? :smile:

They said they will start sending the beta keys the 21th. :blush:

Thank you Geraru ! :smile:

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I cant link my steam account with the website. Can you help me?

I got that too but i didn’t get accepted into the first iCBT what does this mean?

I have relogged in my account but i dont see a Register for 2nd beta test maybe i click on when was first beta?

You have to see the the button regardless of if you were on the first beta or not. Have you tried cleaning your cache?

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Solved.! i have clear a cache <_<!!!Ty for answer me

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How do you link your steam account?

You have to login first using your Facebook or Google+ account.
When you are logged in, then the Steam and GitHub icons will appear. Click on the Steam one and a window should pop up. Login to your Steam account and then your Steam name should appear on the top right corner.

Yes i did it yesterday! i’ll finally play ToS , thanks everyone who helped in this topic!