I’ve been playing with with QS3 SR thinking that the sigle target damage from running shot would help balance my build with AoE SR skills but after trying it out I’m not that satisfied with it.
I was thinking about using the free class reset everyone is getting and turning into an R3 SR, the problem is that I don’t know what R3 skills I should pick besides barrage and steady aim. After reading a bit I thought about maximizing everything but critical shot and time bomb, would that be good or am I missing on great skills/putting points into useless ones?
Also, any ideas about stats distribution? I know the overall meta right now is high dex over str, but can someone guide me on the numbers? Plus, plate or leather? I’m used to plate but since R3 SR will probably have even higher dex than I have on the stats distribution I’m using right now, would leather be more useful?