Tree of Savior Forum

Yellow-Eyed Flower Petal does not respawn

got TP also no use, currently voucher not available in market or shop.
wonder why they do this, ■■■■ design quest

Blame Koreans, who actually have the time and dedication, even then, the quest is designed terribly, camping a flower for 5+ hours is just not “fun” anymore, it’s just senseless waiting, it requires no party effort or even effort from the player aside not sleeping properly because of the camping, the farming part is alright, because you’re actually DOING something, but this is just…stupid for not saying other things, I feel insulted as a software designer

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Wellcome to tree of savior,i’m play this since closed beta and and its always like this…you will get used to be ignored by the forum staff and with luck you see an online GM one or two times per year in what tey call “Meet the GM” event

you Don’t need to welcome me anywhere, I play since Closed Beta as well. that doesn’t excuse them from what they’re doing.

Question, if u manage to become a Shinobi but then u reset ur ranks, u gotta re-do all that ■■■■ again?

no,the hidden class keeps unlocked for one who already did

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no you don’t, once you finish the quest, you unlock the shinobi master NPC, meaning you can become shinobi as much as you want, as many times as you wish. but only for that character, it’s not shared with the account

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thanks for the answers guys ! now im about to start the struggle for that damn rank

Been camping for a while and also dont see the flower

Don’t waste your time, atleast untill next maintenance, even then it’s not guaranteed that this bug will be fixed. IMC don’t give a fck.

How could they not even making response to it… they can just update it to questing materials rather than waiting in decades… IMC what now???

24h camping and nothing
That’s some really nice job you did there IMC: No official notes, no fix, nothing at all.

They’ll probably fix it thursday so, i’m not going to waste my time until an official note.
Cya later bros

Makes rank reset event to try new builds, doesnt let you get the hidden classes

40h of my life wasted to understand that quest is bugged and one week of updated is wasted because can’t advance my character, IMC provided me with most unforgettable game experience i ever had.

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Up up! Any update if you got it now? Please respond

Enojoy Hachi mode, atleast until nex maintenance.

12h of my life. I’m just amazed by IMC lazyness, one of the most important quests is bugged and no one gives a **ck. Rrrrrr… Hulk smash and won’t donate anymore for TPs.

Patch notes for tomorrow - no fix. Fml…

yea so sadd. 20morechars

to be honest, I think they will just fix it and don’t tell anybody, and just forget about compensation like they did last time the flower got bugged