Tree of Savior Forum

Xan's Leveling Guide

Nice guide, good job man!!! :smiley:

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Problems with finding party for dangeons (full run, not rush) begin at 130 lvl ;(

Are you on Fedimian or Silute by chance? I’m on Orsha and the queue times for the 50, 90, 130, and 190 (pretty much all the ones that are good for experience) tend to be 5 minutes or less.

Of course time of day matters but yeah generally speaking I wouldn’t think those 4 dungeons would ever be more than 5-10 minutes, 15 maybe if it’s the middle of the night.

Thanks for the guide. Very nice. Much level. Good exp. Wow.


7/23/2016 Update: Added more zones to Skipped Quest Zones, initially forgot a few.

How do you do that? I was able to skip DP grind on most alts but never Alemeth, and I actually believe Alemeth to be the worst place for grinding and would like to skip that if possible to evac.

I actually personally think Alemeth is one of the best grind places for exp/h to exp-to-level. That being said I totally understand personal preference and whatnot.

I was able to skip Alemeth in a similar way if you were to skip DP/Dina and push to 186; quest and explore ahead of level. You should be like 212-215 or so by the time you finish Stogas/Mesafasla up north right? Then you just go quest Alemeth, Nahash, Veras, etc. If you can’t quite quest the next zone, go exploring a bit, and come back and keep questing.

That’s probably the best way to rush an R7 character. Of course it does mess with your future experience gain and isn’t the best way to level a character, but it is probably the best way to R7 rush.

###7/25/2016 Update

####Important Changes!

The guide has been altered to include the new quest zones implemented with tonight’s patch.

More changes may come once I have more first-hand experience with the Team Battle League EXP Cards and the new repeatable quests.

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####Important Update:

After having done the new quests personally I’ve updated the guide yet again to include all new quest zones; Igti Coast through Grynas Hills.

I’ve still yet to test and decide whether or not PvP is worth participating in for strictly leveling purposes.


Sorry to bother you gents but I realized this should likely be in the Game Tips And Strategy section of the forums. If one of you could kindly move it. If not, no big deal. :smiley:



No changes have been made or are necessary regarding cards gained via Team Battle League.

The time requirement is not worth the experience gain from the card(s) obtained. You could easily achieve a higher experience-per-hour rate questing or grinding.

This doesn’t even consider or include the fact that you could be saving your points and using them on L2 Gem Abrasive or something else you’re after either.

In summary, don’t do Team Battle League for experience.

Having been killing mobs in the areas that the new quests have been adding.
I disagree about attempting to tackle them @ 246-249 according to what the map says.
You’re just gonna get pummeled needing to take potion and fire breaks after every 2-3 mobs. From cranto and ligi is fine since they’re 230~, but I say most people would get wrecked trying to tackle grand year-hills at equal level.

I would do them @ 8-9levels above the “map suggestion” at this stage.

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You could wait but the primary reason to do them at 248+ is because of the gap from about 248 to 254 that you lose experience to level difference at both grind spots (Evac and Storage).

Being 248 when you start Ibre Plateau puts you 10 levels above the map suggestion. And you can put each map at an average of 1 level per quest clear/exploration. This will put you at about 252-254 by the time you’re at Steel Heights, which is 253 map suggestion. You shouldn’t have too many problems doing it this way and this is hands down the best time exp/h-wise to get and use these cards.

Granted, I get where you’re coming from, some of these maps are a pain for some classes. Namely the Cronewt Needlers and Cronewt Magicians, and maybe even the Hohen Mages. Yeah I had to use a couple bon fires and a good amount of potions (10-20 per zone) while questing through these zones as an equal-level archer.

Regardless, I still believe this is the best time to do these quests. You may struggle depending on what class you are, especially if you’re solo, but it still should beat the exp/h you’d get in Evac at this point.

Considering removing the “Finding Quests / Addons” section due to last Tuesday’s changes. Thoughts?

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

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Bumping the post, apparently you need to type 20 characters to do it. =)

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Heeeeeeeeeeey. Dats not what it says! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m guessing this is a bot you can steal kills from in Worker’s Lodge? Or?

###8/2/2016 Update

Fixed several grammatical errors. Call it a boredom update. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, super glad so many people are finding this helpful!

I am totally a bot. :>