Tree of Savior Forum

Xanaxiel's Trading Post

Welcome to my trading post! Will mostly be accepting deals via Talts, or Talts + Items (market bartering), or depends on item’s worth. Hate to wait for 2 days just to get the silver, as well as shout spamming.

I’ll try to update this frequently for what needs selling and buying. Just drop offers! PM me ingame or here!

Popolion Doll (Costume 1 - 2/5 Potential)
     25 Physical Attack
     41 Magic Amplification
     44 HP Recovery

Nesting Egg (Costume 1 - 3/5 Potential)
     42 HP Recovery
     30 Holy Property Attack
     32 Magic Amplification

Goggles (Costume 1 - 5/5 Potential
     18 Dark Property Attack
     23 SP Recovery
     12 Evasion

Recipe - Panto Sword
Red Orbs - 1 Talt Each
