Tree of Savior Forum

Wugushi C3 or Falconer C1 for Cannoneer C2?

kneeling inscrease range for canno skills??

guess so, would be kinda pointless otherwise

do you guys know if the bazooka changes for cannoneer would make the skills affected by the modifier too? or just the bazooka auto attack itself?

Well it did start off with just AA’s. They could have forgotten (or intentionally left out and kept silent about it) hard coding the 50% added atk to the skills.

That has a video of wugong gu having an increased damage when under bazooka.

It doesn’t hurt to have more verification though.

The difference (that i see) between kneeling shot and bazooka is:

Kneeling shot

  • faster start up
  • +20% crit chance for cannon skills (10% for anything else)
  • 1 damage from 1 DEX
  • from archer


  • +(skill level * 10)% increased damage
  • 2x range on cannon skills (or is it 2x aoe ratio?)
  • unable to auto attack (and maybe for skills?) nearby monsters.

Archer C3 Scout C3 Cannoneer C1 (C2 soon)
Having a blast (the pun!), plus the fact that im sneaking a cannon around is funny :3 Cloak is superb, Flare is awesome, Split Arrow for farming and that flu flu thing acts kinda like a Peltasta’s taunt.

Well… actually i am Ar3 Wu2 Fa1 Can2, if u wish wugu in your formula i must be say: it work, but not much. You can more o less loss 500 of damage per tick.

My build must be need phys atk from headgear (120 in the three headgear) and a manamana with red gem lv6, wugu att at lv40 and my damage is 2600 in wugong, 2500 in needle and 2200 (i dnt remember) in trow… i dnt have any trascendent.

I am full DEX, 35 CON. I recomend the falcon in 100%, literly you can clean the 240 dung without any problem if you mobbed before, circling/cannon blast, cannon barragex1, Circling/cannon barrage/cannon shot (run) cannon shot.

My damage is poor in cannon normal atk, but in critical is more powerfull.
Blast 70000 (lv9)
Shot 25000 (lv10)
Barrage 15000x3 (the skill deal 3 hit) (lv5)
In smoke screen is god…

I recomended the build, but if you search more damage in cannonner, be ar2/ra3 o ar2/ra2/sc1. And let me say it, youll search more damage in cannonner later, but wugu skills are awesome o.

im waiting for the update… my kneel shot take 600 more of damage and critical boost up at 800 xD.

Sorry my bad english.