Tree of Savior Forum

Wugushi and Circling attribute

Simple question, does wugushi poison ticks spread with the new falc3 circling attribute?

If not, is it total garbage to go wugushi2>falc3?

Hunter’s snatching replicates under circling, this however doesn’t mean that poison will. mostly because snatching is catalogued as “melee” type of attack. It’s a bleeding at the same time it is not.

If poison is under the category of physical attacks, if you get frozen from poisoning a cryomancer for example. I’d be force to say yes, however, if this does not happen it is more likely considered as a spell of some sort and spells do nothing with circling’s attribute.

That what I just said can be easily debunked if I just knew a wugushi! they’re a rare breed, I cannot seem to encounter any.

If anyone is a wugushi at silute please let me know so we can test this.

im wugushi in silute qs3>wugu3>mergen we can test this… but i will online only in night

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I don’t have a wugushi nor a falconer, so I can’t help you guys =(
But I would greatly apreciate it

So as @c2gaming.seetoo said and we could see. it doesn’t work.

Thanks @santuw for trying this.


thanks guys!!! Really apreciate it!

I won’t be going wugushi>falc I guess