Tree of Savior Forum

Wugu-Cannon build help!?

Every time I use my 1st cannoneer I’m convinced more and more to go hantard 3 on the next 1 I’m making. I have [feint] [barrage] on it and I don’t even have time to go in and use it even though it is pretty strong. Wadaya think? Take the plunge?

take it take it take it!!! :slight_smile:

hantard 3 is the best. Enjoying free hits ever since hahahaha

Ar2 Sap3 Falc1 Cann2 seems better… what stats should i go?

Broom trap is the only good skill with Sapper imo, I prefer wugu + that uptime of Pot 14sec its great.

always try to reach high crit rate around 750 is what they say. you can acheive that by going full dex or rely on equipments. I read a post somewhere in the forums, a reply in a cannon thread as well. Anyway, most people would go Full or High Dex then have some con

just my opinion, sapper feels lacking if you combine it w/ cannon. I like the previous build you suggested better than sap3.

you could also opt for Ar2>R1>scout>rogue>falc>cannon2 as another suggestion from my previous one. I don’t want to explain things too thoroughly because in the end, It will all depend on your play style

how about Ar2>wug3>falc1>cannon2?

Not possible. WUGU3 is rank 4-6, Cannon 7-8.

Hi everyone! Right now I am Ar-2 Sap-2 Scout-1 Falcon-1 Can-2 and people keep telling me about how Wugu-3 Cannon-2 so good now. Am I losing a lot compared to that build? My goal is only ET/Solmiki and dungeons, don’t care about PvP

sap better to PVE/Solmiki and you got Falcon that was nice combo.

PS.GET REKT wugushi all mob in solmiki was Posion element.

Does anyone know if main hand weapon damage affect canon skills? I was wondering which weapons to transcend for wagushi/canonneer ,since wagushi dot is relying on overall physical attack, it sounds reasonable to have a 2h bow transcended and switch to it. If canonneer skills does affected by main hand, it makes more sense to just transcend main hand + canon, any thought?

Indirectly. The weapon’s main physical attack stat does not affect Cannon skills, but the weapons stats and gems do. Class Mole cards use your Physical Attack stat, which is affected by your main weapon, to calculate how much attack it will add to both the Physical Attack stat and the Secondary Physical Attack stat

Nowhere near a big deal lol. First 5 floors really have a crap ton amount of poison mobs but that barely hinders a character from climbing efficiently. In those floors you’ll simply spam cannon skills non stop, while the other DPS ( probably a Doppel) will wreak mobs apart. After that, it’s cake walk.