Tree of Savior Forum

WTB : Blue Fragas Gem, Doyor Gem, and Rodelin Gem

Greetings, Saviors!

I am currently working on my Pardoner and ideally want to have a maxed Buff Shop open 24/7.

  • cough * Maid cafe *cough * :smile_cat:

Anyway, I am looking to buy:

  1. BLUE FRAGARAS GEM (Sacrament)
  2. DOYOR GEM (Blessing)
  3. RODELIN GEM (Aspersion)

I prefer them unattached to armor but if they are, it’s fine.

Name your prices – I can offer TP items too.
Leave a message here or contact Kjaro in-game.


Ideally I want to buy the Rodelin Gem for less than 1.7M, since they’re always in Market for 1.8M - 2M
