Tree of Savior Forum

Would you prefer a cash shop or a subscription, personally?

I actually loled :D.

And sorry Necro, can’t get job :(.

But it is not a reason to call people with money “kids”. Yea, they could be kids with parent money, but not all.

Yep, not all, and I never said that all of them are rich kids :). Just some of them are.
English is not my mother language so it’s harder for me to tell what I want. But in short - it was more fo a joke than offense. If someone felt offended then I’m sorry :O!


Be offended on the internet in 2016, lol.


Yeah, ppl tend to not think about others and their emotions, that’s pretty sad.


, what can you expect from me. :wink:
I think, first rule here is to understand that all words from other people is just their opinion. They can be polite or toxic, agree with you or not, but that’s just their view. If somebody offended just because there is man that doesn’t agree… Yeap, that’s pretty sad.

You can say things in normal tone or in toxic tone. That only depends on you.
I’m just trying to follow the Golden Rule in any kind of disscussion:

What is normal tone… What is toxic…
Just words you can use when don’t want to talk to somebody. Like me.

no one want suscription model.
no one want pay to win cash shop.
everyone is ok with premium mode as long as its not almost mandatory to play.

this game has what it takes to be succesfull F2P IF its managed and enhanced properly.
The 2 games it has to copy or look at to develop its busniess model are league of legends (USA) and path of exile (new zealand).

Theres a bunch of good korean games that havent succeded for not having a proper busnies model nor taking care on enhancing and fixing breaches. (looking at archeage and many much more that i have read of but not experienced myself)

the way they are dealing with the breaches (gold sellers/botters) at KrToS at the moment, is NOT a way to fix it, its just a patch.

im hoping they have this concepts clear on their mind, if they dont the game will just fade in mid term.

pd: not liking the “borderline” pay to win stuffs already released on korean game. (yeah i mean those headgear enchant scrolls)


[quote=“Chiryuu, post:100, topic:143086, full:true”]
You can say things in normal tone or in toxic tone. That only depends on you.
I’m just trying to follow the Golden Rule in any kind of disscussion:[/quote]

[quote=“Chiryuu, post:82, topic:143086, full:true”]
yes, rich kids pays for servers in f2p but the game is still for everyone, in p2p everyone pays so it’s not for everyone :).[/quote]

If the idea of using other people to pay for your gameplay experience doesn’t bother you, you have no business quoting the golden rule, you shallow hypocrite.

How exactly should bother me the fact that someone else has more money and can pay for something that I can’t? The world isn’t equal. Peace :).

I hate subscription models because the subscribers eventually end up with so many more advantages that it’s unbarable to play the game without being one.
Anyways, I like the OLD Ragnarok P2P system, where you’d pay for time played. I remember I’d buy one week of gameplay and that lasted for more than a month, which was pretty good and affordable.
So, no to subscription model. Yes to cash shop(but without stuff like stackable exp pots, drop rate increases,materials,straight up lvl boosts etc…). I also hate games where you can just buy some cash and then sell it for millions of the regular game currency, I’d hope ppl wouldn’t be able to do that in ToS but maybe that’s just me.

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incoming wall of text. tl;dr at the bottom.
you can easily make a profitable cash shop without giving unfair advantages. experience boosts aren’t unfair, they’re convenient… assuming PvP is all generalized with equal footing.
it’s a very thin line to tread. people like to bring up GW2’s gem store and while it’s not inherently evil, it includes items that can give an “unfair” advantage. take, for instance, the magic find boosters. my old guild leader used them all the time to farm precursors (he now has nearly every legendary, if not all of them, aside from the new ones). strength boosters, speed boosters, all of those exist in GW2’s gem store but none of it is valid in PvP or WvW. thin lines, but it works.
or like Valve’s cash shop thing in TF2/CS:GO. wicked awesome skins that can cost upwards of $100, but they’re not necessary to play the game competitively. even Blizzard has character boosts. it’s not a bad thing, and previous expansions and their content become irrelevant because new expansion. do you really want brand-new players or old players with level 80’s drudging through old content when it’s all about the new stuff, the new areas and stories and dungeons and raids? convenience is not bad, it’s just not necessary all the time.

tl;dr if IMC plays their cards right they can make a cash shop work, and I certainly hope they do 'cause I don’t really think ToS is worthy of a $10-15 sub fee.

I’d be happy with this IF they have a survey section so I can spam surveys every month for premium lmao

Ikr? Try to bank on that dank content. Nice costumes; more customization.

Are they ruining tha game? :frowning: my hype just sank

Welcome to ToS forums. Everyone already started bashing the game before it came out for iOBT.

you can’t avoid any bot / money seller from any model of game :smiley: they will find a way to get there :smiley: it is useless to argue what is best.

There have to be hype and hate… you know… the rule of equality… or something.

It’s more like. We are hyped about a game that we are hating about.

Pretty weird.

I dont hate it at all… so don’t count me in your wierdness :D.