Tree of Savior Forum

WORLD BOSS CUBES - Drop Allocation based on threat (poll included)

And then they just make their guild go neutral, and keep farming.

Ragnarok is a 14 year old game with many of its own flaws; but it also has items like bloody branches so that you can make your own bosses.

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In my honest opinion, I really don’t have an issue with this system. If you don’t have the capability and time to keep up with those players that are able to get the item, then it just simply means that. This makes the drop/loot more exclusive, and there will be a value for things. If everyone gets everything easily then honestly, go play a single player game. This is an online game, there are definitely items that will require competition to obtain, and if you can’t keep up, you won’t get the items. Simple as that. This is simply a system that rewards committed players. I am personally not one of them, and I’m totally fine with it. Stop whining.

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casuality boy hjfkahkjfsahjkfa are you skull knight

on topic, as a full support, haha, the world boss drop system is terrible. But I still think we should give it some time, if the main issue is guilds camping a certain world boss. Like someone else said, it’d be interesting to see a guild end up making enemies and getting pushed out of an area.

Well, of course, there’s the issue of a guild just being neutral and camping there forever hah. Then the only way to force them out would be to try to outdps them when they likely have the better gear from you know, camping there.

I would just like some sort of system that prevents people massively over a world bosses level from monopolizing it. People and guilds should be fighting over world bosses in their level range not preventing sub 100 players from ever seeing world boss drops outside of buying them.

[quote=“Ruki-pie, post:18, topic:217477, full:true”]

For me worldbosses are kinda like a little server event. All different kinds of people come together and fight the evil Overlord Boss to safe the world from harm (dont take away my ilusion please T-T)
[/quote]that illusion is gone. That’s the ideal situation, and it’ll be nice for everyone who does good damage to it gets some reward (like mabinogi’s black/white dragon raid)

But alas, this is a greedy game so we got no place in these stuff~ plus I’m just a little filthy casual cleric, what can I do~

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As a casual player whose highest is still 127 right now, I really don’t care about the parties that do this. I can just let them no life on it and buy it from them with silver.

Games are for fun! Come with your own party and is their boss if you can.

Also enabling pvp on boss areas would be an even better idea maybe

Oh fk off this game is not for casual, git gud. Let the rich be richer, and the poor be poorer.
Please change the boss drop BibleThump

And also, they just sit around while waiting for the others to finish killing 200 mobs.

lazy bastards lmao


Last but not least, the cube loots are already rng to begin with so doesn’t it sound better if anyone who contributed in dealing decent dmg are able to obtain the cubes as well? “Rewards committed players” doesn’t really apply here since the class system is still not fully balanced yet, means only 2 parties with full highest dpsers (mostly Archer/Wiz) are only eligible in getting the cubes. How bout the rest of the parties which have healers/swordmans, I categorized them as Swordmans because no matter how pure the dps build they have, their dps is still inferior to Archer/Wiz.

It shouldn’t be too tough to fix this issue if they could just increase the leeway in getting the cubes. I don’t agree to those who suggested where everyone can get the cubes just with 1 hit but atleast a decent dps contribution should be enough. Else this is just purely a monopolization by those who have high lvls/ op gears/ with full dps party.

If u believe its easy as to just reroll a dps class(Archer/Wiz) and reach the same lvl of boss, then its just the same issue all over again. Since those who were monopolizing it in the first place will be far more geared through all those earnings unless they got sick of it and stopped hunting world bosses.

Leechers at it’s finest.

I gave up on world bosses in general unless I stumble on an undiscovered one. It’s pointless to even try unless you’re max level and good gear and a good dps build with 4 other players of similar caliber.


It’s been steadily increasing. Three days ago cheapest was 450k, Two days ago the cheapest was 490k, and yesterday was 530k. There also is only around 3-5 listed at a time until they all sell out, then the next day 3-5 more go up for a little higher. (Been stalking market for Dullahan pieces for my set).

Yikes, so someone’s defo controlling the market. I think I just got lucky :cold_sweat:

Thats stupid as all hell and your suggestion only hurts Sorcs/Necros more by forcing less cubes which translates into less chances for cards.
No convuluted solution is required.

Bring in more bosses, there’s quite a few low traffic areas that could use an attraction. Mithras and Minotaur bosses could certainly get added to the world map.

The only way to solve this problem is just random spawn the world boss instead of fixing the spawn time, so no one know which boss will spawn, so it will give everyone to spend more time waiting for the boss, and single party cannot manipulate it anymore.

Play FFXIV you’ll realize Guilds/social groups will still hold it down when they want to. I had link shells with people scouring maps for bosses, + checking online player made records of lass boss kills. Then there was other content and people moved on to do other things unless hunting bosses was what they enjoyed doing.

Thing is when you have other things to do, multiple places to check, etc then bosses are freed up as something to enjoy in the game.

The more content that comes out in ToS the better the boss situation will be.

well if there would be enought high level world bosses and the drops of the wb would be only be usefull for their specific range u could cap everyone out…
the truth is some of the lower wb drops way better stuff as higher ones :stuck_out_tongue:

^This too and also increase the cube drops from 10 to maybe more? Else those dedicated campers may not even have the chance to get it if they are not overly geared or having the best parties.

So the only way you want sorc and necro to get cards is to buy them from the one or two guilds that monopolize the bosses? Because that’s pretty much how it is right now. A C1 sorc has no real way to output the damage needed to get the cards they need from world bosses at their level. Leaving the only way to farm cards being dungeons and the quest rewards.
Edit or making two accounts and exploiting how fast you can get cards from questing with alts and using the card game to trade cards back and forth but thats another matter.

On the other thing you said im all for more world boss spawns. Not only more variety to world bosses but more spawns for the existing ones. Something like 10 channels in every world boss zone and a world boss spawns on all 10 at the same time.