Tree of Savior Forum

WORLD BOSS CUBES - Drop Allocation based on threat (poll included)

Wow… 20 guilds declaring war on them… You’re an evil one. I like you.


Wah wah wah I can’t get world boss drops playing as a soloer without a world boss killing build. So go grind and do dungeons instead. Stay in your lane. You also can’t make potions if you aren’t an alchemist or repair in the field if you aren’t a squire, the world is full of injustices.

Unless you make the drops guaranteed for everyone (which makes them worthless) there is no ‘solution’ that doesn’t just change who will be getting world boss drops. If it’s based on threat, it just goes to all the swordsmen and nobody else gets anything.

I think you have to deal at least 10% dmg to the boss to get a drop which is technically impossible due to lag (unless you’re an archer class)

top 6 dps will get the cube. they will share for all party.
no one can compete world boss with wiz3-ele3-warlock and a fletcher as fas as i know. all you can do is begging them to be in their party then afk and get the cube, it seems good. lol

i think the easiest solution is keep the competition for the cubes up but introduce a worse cube version for participation …
Even a talt is better than nothing if someone clearly did help with the boss.
Sure this has to be somehow controlled that we don’t have 400 one shot for a talt bots per wb … but this would be the best solution.

Anyone struggling to get a cube on klaipeda, i run dullahan a bunch with my buddy fletcher we are both in the high 200’s and would love to have you a long just look for Ryu.

I wouldn’t say i get one 100% of the time, but maybe 40% depending on the party

Sounds like a nice idea, will make this warlock skill op :grinning:

You guys dont include the fact, that Now, some people help us and tell about spawning WB in global chat. But imagine, when all transfers will be done, there will be many guilds, not just 1,2 or 3 on the whole server. Noone will tell anymore about spawning WB. On the contrary, it will be the war between the guilds for this cubes. We should watch far in to the future, not just now.

All they need to do is cap world boss cubes to one a week if you are more than 25 levels over the world boss level. So a level 280 wouldn’t get any benefit from farming the level 75 Templeshooter more than once a week but if you were in the 75-100 range It would make sense to run Templeshooter as much as possible. This would let high level players still get world boss loot from any level while giving appropriate leveled players a chance at getting loot to. Also lets say a 280 did his run for the week if he joins another group his damage would not count for their total on the boss.

Edit this world boss monopoly also really hurts Sorcerers with our need for boss cards. Not that anyone uses anything but Templeshooter but the point still stands.

Thats worse lol … imagine 100 ppl are there including their friend/family account and just hit once = instant free box? :cold_sweat:

rly bad …why the hell bothering even logging in if nothing can be done besides basic grind …

Just give everyone a cube… If i’m gonna wait around for 4~ hours for a boss to spawn I’m pretty much entitled to a cube.
Soon enough people are going to be killing these world bosses in less than a few minutes, then what good is your threat/Damage when people who have much better gear are camping this boss all day?
Let’s not forget that bosses drop recipes that are necessary for improving your character. IMO If you hit the boss once you should get a cube.

@Dark-Majin With the system i just proposed you could still farm world bosses as much as you want within your level range. This would just stop high level people from monopolizing low level world bosses. Also the level range could be increased to something like +50. The main thing is to stop 200+ people from farming stuff like the level 20 Deathweaver where no level 20 would ever be able to compete.

When free to play hits. This is basically what all the world bosses are gonna look like:
Hundreds of players stacking on top of one boss. It’s not gonna be fun especially with how bad the game lags when other players are nearby.
(Video is MapleStory Elite Boss farming, hit the boss one time to get loot)
If other games can have this feature of hitting a boss a single time for the full loot then I think TOS can have it as well.

  1. make respawn timers random instead of a flat period so people can’t just go to a certain spot after 2 or 4 hours and camp it. This gives everybody a chance, especially favors those who just “come across”.

  2. some may hate this but put a daily cap may be feasible here. Make it like any dungeon where you can only kill a certain number of bosses each day. People who have reached their daily limit will gtfo and let others have a chance.

  3. as long as you are on the threat meter, you have a chance to get a cube. I mean bosses are going to die anyway. It’s all about participation.


Dullahan armor frags aren’t expensive, you can buy them from market.If you just focus on farming silver, by either farming on demand mats or silver itself, you should be able to make 300-400k/hr at least.
If you are talking about karacha dagger, don’t bother.Only class that benefits from karacha set(with current value on the item) is rogue2+, and backstab is broken as f*ck, for that reason alone I stopped playing my rogue.
You want to upgrade your arde ? Grind 190 dungeon for Venom, or 200 dungeon for mana mana.If you feel like 3 runs are not enough, make alts.With the upcoming changes to team storage,Making alts are even more encouraged.

Before someone says , but karacha gives bonus damage to M size and 11 dex;
Does it worh paying 3m or try to compete with these guys just to get +60 damage to M size(situational) and 11 crit rate? Maybe if you have 3 headgear pieces, with 3 enchant each, with decent rolls of damage and still if you are rich as fck, yeah go ahead.But then if you are at that point, 3m shouldn’t even bother you.

Well… I will consider myself lucky then. My first cube was a single cube where nobody else get cube except me. I mean, I was there to help the lvl 180-190 people to kill the boss and we ended up with 1 cube.

So yeah, the system clearly needs raids/or rework on the drop system.

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iirc the world bosses only drops 10 cubes which means only 2 full parties with highest dps will get the cubes. I agree this is pretty flawed as well, even Blade and Soul world bosses gives anyone who deals sufficient damage to the boss and its definitely more than 20 ppl getting them. Taking in consideration of the healer/tanks dps issue they should atleast provide more cubes for the rest of the contributors be it parties or solo.

Imagine a decent geared party camped Cerberus for 4-6hrs+++ and suddenly overly geared parties like these(1healer, 4dpsers) just came in and took the cubes effortlessly, leaving the decently geared campers cubeless. lol

This would indirectly promote p2w through selling more tokens or RMT to buy overpowered gears just for the sake of competing and monopolizing world bosses :cold_sweat:

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Which map offers such a nice income?

I want to know whats your thought about ToS’ cube drop vs. Ragnarok’s boss loot system.

In ToS, we all know top 6 DPS will get cubes and in Ragnarok’s only the top 1 dps can get the loot.

I know this isn’t Ragnarok but I think people are complaining because the material needed they need is within the ToS’ boss cubes.

No hate pls. I’m trying to get your thoughts.