Tree of Savior Forum

WORLD BOSS CUBES - Drop Allocation based on threat (poll included)

Well but wow is something different .P
First of all the bosses are way better belanced for a specific grp size …
second the drops are by far not the best.
third there are so many other and way better option to hunt stuff or progress…

Here The bosses are poorly balanced… on the one hand they have hure hp which encourage either having a maxed out charachkter or a lot of people participating in the fight …
The boss it self have not many mechanics u are not punished for going on them without heal proper party …
And there are not many alternatives to hunt ur stuff…

I mean its a different community and its a different kind of game … but if this game offer for 95% of the player nothing other tha boring dungeons / missions and grind they will lose interest quite fast …

I m still not really for free stuff and i m also quite a hardcore gamer who likes to get value for his effort. But still this is an issue.
If u hear of most of the people don’t even bother going for WBs hunt u will either get no reward or will not find anything they miss out some of the fun options of the game.

Yes, its not the player’s fault for monopolizing it. It all begins with the flawed mechanics which was made in the game. Example, fixed spawn timings for Dullahan. Where as some other bosses like Cerberus lvl96 have pretty bad spawn or bugged timing needs to be camped. I understand that those “pros” who have committed to the game should be rewarded more. Tho this pretty much robbed the freedom of those who are even around the same lvl or slightly higher than the boss. You don’t expect these “casuals” who are around the same lvl to actually be overly geared. If only strongest of 2 parties would get the loot among the other 10 who some may have contributed alot as well, then why not just make every world boss lvl280 from the beginning to give hint to the casuals that its not within their reach. These world bosses are set to different areas corresponding to the lvls are meant to give players who are around there to have the chance to be rewarded. Last but not least, these world bosses are just stepping stones in gearing to the Earth Tower which only committed players would get the most out of their achievements. Hence, I doubt my opinion is being unfair to the “Pro” committed players. Else what’s the point for low to decently geared players camping for these world bosses when the cubes are limited to only “Pros”.
Pros= High dps members only (archer/wiz) :sweat_smile:

I agree to your point where they need to fix the mechanics so that healers and tanks can also contribute in a much more strategic way than just having the dpsers smashing the button mindlessly.

The easiest way to tweak the system is to change the loot btw.
Lets assume everyone gets a cube(not good idea) …
Still how do u mentain value of the stuff and rarity.
-Change the odds ,make the best stuff even better and make it drop to 0.01%
-Introduce Replace items… Not tradeable sets nothing special not bad for that level around the boss with a bit higher npc sell value at around 5-10k
soo what happens everyone gets rewards , everyone gets progress even if only money.
The dedicated hardcore crowd still has the better odds of farming more WBs, more efficient for the really good stuff.
At last give the best team a bonus for their hard work.


This method is just as much garbage as the current one. If you’re dead you do 0 DPS, so arguably healers should be right at the top of your 1000 lvl. Regardless, how do you measure “constant DPS”? If someone deals 150k dmg because they’re 200 lvl above the boss, while someone who’s same level deals only 10k (lets say boss dies fast because there are loads of lv250+), then will they get drop? No, probably not, because couldnt maintain high enough “threat level”.

The best solution would be based on not threat level or dps or whatnot, but on effort. If you do your best to contribute regardless of level, then you get a cube.

Swashbuckling isn’t real aggro -_-.
Its a status effect that forces them onto you and when the status wears off if you have not actually established aggro they will attack the person who has.

Another 24 hrs and another 100 votes and the law of averages still tells us that 80% of players are not happy with the current system.

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Shame there are people complaining on competitive content in games.

Well to tell u the truth i have no problem to wake up extra for bosses and fight for them …
If its really wished to compete vs each other i even don’t care if u would have to pvp around thehm …
But i look into this game and think about what can people annoy the most so that they give up and move to another thing…
And a system like that there some of the cooler stuff of this game is only for the dedicated … And discourages people + Some lack of different options.
In the end it don’t matter if i can manage to get all the WB loot for myself if i find myself on a server where only the other 100 Hardcore player are …
Thats the point when i quit anyway.


If players are annoyed by this - there are a lot of casual options to choose. What really annoys players is - silly restiction IMC made (because bots simply don’t care much about them, but they hurt players A LOT), constant spam and bot trains, ninja nerfes that stuff never talks about, etc. (so the biggest problem in the game is IMC, not some ingame systems) :slight_smile:

true i would say the biggest problem right now are restrictions , bugs and bots / spam.
But i also see that this game lacks a bit of interesting content …
The missions are boring …
The dungeons are boring …

yeah, but that means lack of interesting content. I can agree with you in this point but not for 100%.
Dungeons and missions in TOS do not mean to be super-funny kind of stuff. The game is focused around constant grinding and dungeons/mission are here just for player to have another way to get drops/silver/exp/whatever_else. But, thanks to IMC again, it is almost impossible to grind in A LOT of locations. :sweat_smile:

Loot issue: system that rewards all aspects of playstyle (dps, heal and tank), maybe threat is a solution maybe it isnt. But Only DPS is BS.
For DPS, i think dealing 5-10% of the boss life in dmg should be enough to grant you a cube. That means around 15DPS getting cubes. Threat should be factored in the dps, but not 100%, just enough to close the gap between swordies and the rest.
For healers and buffers, i have no clue.

Spawn camping issue: cap the number of cubes an account can get per week. This will not only let more people have a chance at cubes, but also regulate the market. While the number of itens in it will remain the same, they will be placed by several diferent players, therefore, avoiding market monopoly by a small group.

Of course, players that spend shitloads of time and dedicate a lot to the game will be against this kind of thing, as it hurts their monopoly. But in the end they are a very small % of the game population.

The only reason i think IMC didnt change the world boss system yet, is because of their small staff and priorities atm.

Also casuals and hardcore are the minority of the game. The semi-hardcore or semi-casual make the majority of the player base, if they go frustrated with the game, it sinks, its a fact.
Take wildstar for instance, they tried to catter for the hardcore, and the game tanked in couple months… You either have suficient audience to place a niche game (which tos doesnt) or you please the majority of your player base.
Also i dont think majority wants players to get a cube for sneezing in the boss, they want fairness.

PS: tos bosses are a joke, they should be more challenging (after they fix frames!)


Well although i m in favor the give casuals more opportunitys to get rewards etc im strictly against limiting the amount u can do …
maybe we hardcore player are just a low % but we are also the first ones who get bored…

That’s pretty much what I wrote as well, I liked GW’s system when your contribution was based on effort rather than DPS. I think that’s the best way. With the current system, even if you’re there, you dont get a drop if you arent being invited to a party, unless you are a huge DD yourself.

I play with Jace often. He is a good man. Nice guy. Very helpful. Please hold your judgements until you meet the guy. He has been nothing but genuine to me.

Keep voting people !

Wow, is this why the party system doesn’t group based around a tank and a healer? Because barely anyone WANTS to play a healer with the way loot is distributed currently? LOL

Yes, it should be contribution not damage, this system is not fair to healer and tanker

One of the problem is the camping, why not just make the bosses (any) spawn on any map randomly of level 150 ~ 200+, that should help with the 24/7 camping.
And while your had it, why not tweak them make them move faster, have a faster atk rotation, make them a challenge.