Tree of Savior Forum

WORLD BOSS CUBES - Drop Allocation based on threat (poll included)

But it would, because anyone who takes the time to fight the boss can make it into the relavent threat threshold, there is no limit on the amount of people who could reach the minimum threshold allowing anyone who contrbutes fairly to the fight to gain a reward.

People could camp it all they want but monopoly is removed because if you are willing to show up and fight then you will be rewarded regardless of how many people are there.

Not sure if youā€™re trolling or actually stupid. Either way, please stop.

You clearly have no idea how swash-buckling works so you have not adequately solved this issue. Thereā€™s also provoke.

You are not understanding, just taunting a boss is not enough. It would only generate a small amount of threat in the case of the threat score weather or not you currently have ā€œagroā€.

I will make it clear for you.

Taunt gives 10 threat.

Heal gives 10 threat.

Debuff gives 10 threat.

Buff gives 10 threat.

Doesnt matter if a bunch of swordies sit there and spam taunt all fight long, so what, it is still contribution from holding the target off the squishier classā€™s. It is equal contribution and they would make it to the minimum threshold required to be rewarded.

How a threat system works is the threshold is constantly changing based on the amount of players interacting with the boss. If 500 people are all contributing then the minimum threshold for loot needs a higher amount of threat generated and chain taunting the boss is not enough you still need to do dps etc to raise your score.

nvm youā€™re proposing a whole new self-serving system for swordsmen that wouldnā€™t change anything. thread over.

Comprehension is hard eh.

just random respawn time, so people need to only wait for the boss they really want, and stupid camper cannot wait. Iā€™m sure of it.

The solution many are discussing here makes no sense. If you cannot reach the bosses because they are camped too hard and they die un-announced to these parties you will not loot them under any system.

If Worldbosses are to be something for the general population you could reduce loot to 1 box per person per day so there is no use for them to kill him more often.

Economically things donā€™t really change. The economy doesnā€™t really care if 100 people get 1 cube or 1 person gets 100 cubes. It is talt either way! :joy:

world boss does not drop talt!

In regards to only DPS classes having eligibility or having any ā€˜chanceā€™ at getting loot, I personally find it an OK system as well, although not perfect. This is probably their attempt at having different benefits for different classes in a game. They probably want every class to have their own pros and cons, weigh whatever you can gain from playing classes, and then choose that route. In a way, if every class has a chance at obtaining everything in the game, it makes a game with different classes dull & redundant. If you like dealing high damage & competing for WB loots, then play a DPS class. Otherwise, enjoy whatever else your own class has to offer(the dependable feel of being a tank, the feeling of aiding your members as a healer etc) and find another way to earn your silver and purchase the WB loot from the DPSers, or share the loot with your DPS friend. I have played as a DPSer, tank and healer before in many games, & I feel that this sytem is fine in itā€™s own way, but not the perfect solution.

If I were to highlight a problem here, it would not be the drop system that is flawed, but the gameplay and the way the boss is killed. I read alot here about how the drop or loot allocation is flawed etc, but thatā€™s really not the problem here. Bosses should be made where it requires the specialty of each class to defeat, and not purely a DPS race. Bosses getting ā€˜stuckā€™ making it a damage race without any tactics involved is the biggest flaw here. The fun of world bosses should not be about the loot system/allocation, but the process of defeating it. This way, parties wonā€™t just be full DPSers but a proper mix of classes, and the best tactics with a planned party that is able to handle the boss better will be able to obtain the loot.

End of the day, I still support the idea that committed players should be rewarded somehow, and WB with exclusive drops is one way. If casuals can get anything in the game just as well as the pros, what is the point of being so committed? Obviously people want to have a sense of achievement, an upperhand by spending many more hours than others researching and gaming. If you are a casual and still want easy access to every content in the game, you are being unfair to the committed players. They too want to feel like their extra hours of gameplay is worth something, and they enjoy that feeling of getting something you cannot. If everything in the game is accessible from casual to pro, then competition will be non-existant. So who should the developers favor, and enhance the gaming experience more for? The casuals who spend casual gaming time on the game, or the pros that appreciate and research the game more than everyone else? Go figure.

P.S. Iā€™m now a casual player who was a lot more committed in the past in other games like RO and many more. I have had the sense of accomplishment of being better than others by being committed in killing world bosses. Thus, I fully understand how committed players feel, and as a casual now I give them credit for whatever they are doing, and support whatever ā€˜evilā€™ monopolization they are doing. It is not their fault for playing smart. Blame the system and the game if you have to, but donā€™t blame the smart players for finding the best way to be at the top of the game. Everyone has their own ideal image of an MMO, but not everyone are developers. Appreciate and just have fun with whatever is available. If you want more, simply step up your game.

I would prefer something like top 5 or 10 parties get a cube calculated by total party dps. I feel field boss farming should be a combined effort as they are supposed to be ā€œchallengingā€ bosses that should require teamwork to take down.

In order to make this work better though, since this would promote competition amongst other parties, you might need to tweak some skills that target all players instead of only party members (mass heal for example; attribute to only affect party members could fix this. Or diev statues for example, the buffs should only be for your party members if attribute active). This kind of tweak would help supports join parties instead of ā€œoh there will be a lot of priests there anyways Iā€™ll just get 5 man dps party and free load healsā€

This would cripple solo killers, but again, it should be a team effort.

World boss mechanics are actually quite tame in this game compared to others. In WoW or FFXI for example, only the first person/party who ā€˜tagsā€™ the boss could get any loot, and the other dozen or so unlucky players who were also camping just have to walk away. Some of these world bosses could take literal DAYS to spawn and so competition (and drama) were FIERCE.

Across multiple MMOs, World bosses have always been about competition. I know a lot of people probably donā€™t want to hear this, but World Boss loot SHOULD be rare and not everyone who just shows up deserves loot. That one guy who has a ton of WB cubes puts in the time and effort to get them. Want some cubes as well? Gather your own high level party or make a guild that is dedicated to hunting WBs and give him some competition.

That being said, I acknowledge that most games are becoming more and more casual to cater to a more casual audience. Therefore, how about using the token system that has been added to most newer MMOs? Basically, if you show up and ā€˜contributeā€™ a certain amount, you can gain a token. Those who contribute more, gain more tokens, up to a maximum amount. You can then trade, say, 10 tokens for a loot cube. The boss will still drop cubes for the best players like normal, but now casual players can still join in and be rewarded; albeit at a slower pace.

BSā€¦ i could do siaulial 220 ~ 230 and wait for the party to get the tree boss to half hp without doing any dmg to it at all, then use swash buckling to get full aggro

you will never be able to compete against people with 60 mil in gear and another 30mil in atributes, not unless they change the dps requirement.
i can say that because i do world boss with a guy like that, heā€™s fletcher C3 with 600 crit rate, his magic arrow ticks for 14k damage almost 100% crit, thatā€™s 14k x 25, thats 350k dmg every 5 seconds, and thatā€™s only 1 skill.
and the problem is, they are the only ones getting any loot, they are the ones getting richer and stronger, you will never reach their level, unless they just stop doin world boss or quit the game.

Hmm, this is valuable information. Is he full dex for that 600 crit rate or a hybrid of str/dex?

Just ignore savethecrystals, hes purely a troll having fun in the forums enjoying poking everyone who hes not pleased. By that Iā€™ll be the next if u know what I mean lol.

Hybrid, most of the crit rate comes from gear.

If you can get a screenshot of his gear and stats, Iā€™d most appreciate it.

Reward: Lvl n Experience Card

iā€™m pretty sure its 2 level 6 gems + 2 level 5 gems, 2 sissel bracelet, mana-mana, Max petamion, crit rate on the hats as well.

ppl just keep saying WOW this WOW that. WOW does not need to be competitive with others to get gear. All the top gears are from raid, so all you need is skills; thus could you all please keep WOW out of this. In this game, you donā€™t need to be skilled to kill the world boss. All you need is a class that have a highest damage, idiot timer, and the highest level.