Tree of Savior Forum

Wizz c3, Elementalist c3, and now?

The best, Chrono3 :^)

this build just needs 1 bunch of link resistant damage check mob group to get utterly obliterated


Almost any builds will get obliterated on solo play.

All you have to do is search for mobs not resistant to links and it Linker 3 turns by far into the best C3 for Wizards.

Haha, I was referring to the case where you Must kill, which is what I meant by ā€˜damage checkā€™.
SW3 will outclass pretty much all non-support wizzes.


If you are talking about level 315 dungeon, I donā€™t know if they are JP-resistant, but hereā€™s what I know:

you have 24 seconds to clear each wave of 15 monsters so you can complete the challenge within the 2 minutes.

That means you can use 1 JP for every wave, 11 targets for a Linker 3 with a Cleric 2. Only 4 mobs left each 24 seconds.

Yes, some mobs are resistant to JP, SR 3 is king of AoE now but just remember how fast everything went down for elememe build. Not stuff fly and got 2k+ mdef.

The thing is ā€¦

Damage modifier are applied AFTER (MATK - MDEF)
Frost cloud got 600ish base damage
Almost 50% of the R8 monster have around 2k+ and the rest is around 1,6k
I hear the WB had 4k Magic resitā€¦
Soo to hit (And iā€™m generous with the 2k because it can go up to 2,6k > 3k whitout much trouble ā€¦ )
You need 1,4k Matk or 2k Matk just ā€¦ to NOT do 1 damage (Iā€™m not speaking about dpsā€¦

I let you check how much Matk a classic wiz can reach (Feel free to test the full intel wiz 0 con at lv 330ā€¦ ( It 1168Matk (838 Int) whitout any equipement and rougtly 40 bonus point added from quest > 8,1k Hp)
Then you had a orange staff almost nobody saw (yeah staff soo no shield but something like 100+ bonus MATK > Around 1,1k MMATK with anvil for a lv 9 or something + gems + Squire Buff) + 100Int

Let say you reach right now 2,568 Matk > Had some stuff like bracelet and lologlove and magic amplification
You might reach 2,7k MATK
You frost cloud deal 700 damage to high magic resit mob(2,6k in this exemple)ā€¦ with 450k Hp
It hit around 30 Timeā€¦
You attribut is also maxed ā€¦ soo +100%
(700*2)*30 = 42k Damage.

Now explain me how you will farm the silver to reach this ā€¦
Might be faster to lvlup a physical damage dealer that go vs Under 1k resit with weapon that have a bigger base damage than Staff or Rod + if you have crit. You can add it in the damage and be even less affected by their armor.

Is it worth playing wizc3 ele3 anymore? should i reroll? im new to the game, this is my first class, im lvl 171 at the time, is it worth investing more time into this class or better reroll a archer or swordman?

from what i reading, wizards (wiz3ele3) are worthless at rank8+, i dont feel like playing it anymore after reading all those magic def stuff at higher lvl.

I thought the warlinker proposition being thrown around was an interesting one so I gave it some thought.

@yyang_umd @moises_andre12

There are no critical ā€œmust killā€ ā€œdamage checkā€ mobs that are link-resistant, to my knowledge. Maybe the odd few that pop up in quests, but certainly not any in important quest chains or dungeons. In any case, a warlinker would do as well as any wizard can hope to do against unlinkable mobs anyway. (if itā€™s a high mdef mob then theyā€™re screwed because all magic users would be screwed). Warlocks do have a tool, mastema, which has a decent enough base damage to do something for anyone decently statted and geared. So really itā€™s just mobs that are unlinkable, and absurd mdef, and flying that are truly unable to be dealt with. I havenā€™t really paid enough attention to notice any mobs that meet those requirements but Iā€™m sure theyā€™re there.

The existence of mobs that a given build literally cannot do anything to deal with shouldnā€™t be a thing, in my opinion. I had the same thoughts about pyromancers and fire-absorbing mobs. But thatā€™s a separate issue entirely! lol.

In the lvl 290 dungeon, the mages are both link-resist and high mdef, making them a dps linkerā€™s worst nightmare. Thankfully, they donā€™t actually need to be cleared to progress to either of the bosses, and the rest of the dungeon ought to be fodder for the aforementioned build.

In the lvl 315 dungeon, only the golems in the defense segments are link resistant, and they donā€™t need to be cleared at all. The madakia dps check stage is troublesome for the warlinker though, because those mobs are a high mdef mob AND flying so pretty much the only real tool warlinkers have against high mdef mobs, mastema, doesnā€™t work. This is also a problem for even the most well geared elementalist, and for like half the cleric dps optionsā€¦a field day for 2h bow users though! At least they are linkable.
Every team that Iā€™ve seen run 315 demands a linker or a falconer3. The problem with the warlinker is that every member needs to carry their weight because even when passing the madakia stage, the bosses are a massive dps race. The more common chronolinker at least boosts their teammates with pass and quicken, whereas the warlinkerā€¦adds really mediocre contribution because the bosses have about twice as high mdef as pdef for some reason. I suppose the warlinker would help a lot more in the earlier stages that involve killing props, but those arenā€™t particularly difficult anyway.

For the same reasons, only really well-geared elementalists with good friends seem to make the cut, because frankly having run 315 myself, I gotta admit that elementalists would not be good at that dungeon, because their inability to contribute meaningfully to the madakia stage could very well mean the teamā€™s failure.

I donā€™t think itā€™s impossible for either warlinkers or elememes to succeed at ā€œend gameā€ or specifically 315 in the gameā€™s current state, but really only the top players will make it, and even then they would be carried by their friends to some degree in the sense that their contribution is simply less than what other builds can achieve, by design of rank 8.


thanks for the insight @bckimilin

Considering how bad Wizards are right now I think Iā€™m actualy pretty happy with my build.

Temple Shooter does physical attacks so I never run 100% out of DPS options.

He also has ~4,8k attack at level 292, even 2,5k def&mdef mobs would take damage from him.

Linker C1 with DANDEL gem can take 10 familiars + 30 DT hits and 1 mastema and not break if I donā€™t him all mobs with Mastema (tested it, to me actualy feels like more than 60 hits though)

some mobs are JP resistant so linking 6 mobs will be generaly fine while I also got a few more DPS stuff.


Iā€™ve done quite a few tests with it and from my conclusions: It has bad matk scaling, something like a fake multihit, not really sure on this though, need more tests. DoTs only on that scaling though, also base damage seems pretty good for the DoTs.

Seeing how matk scales and how more common flying mobs are I think Elementalist loses most of itā€™s values.

Summoning got huge base damage but 0 multipliers, Familiars have Base Damage = 80% of your matk, Flesh Cannon has ~2,5k base damage at level 15 and Dark Theurge/FF skills got ~2k at level 10, 2,7k at 15.

Those are numbers that can overcome DEF/MDEF spikes, everything else will eventualy feel like garbage.

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Thatā€™s nice! Sorc relevance in the late game by avoiding the mdef hurdle is unexpected to me, but awesome, lol. And yeah I donā€™t really know too much about mastema, other than that it has good base dmg and I saw a gif of a warlinker obliterate a pack of linked mobs with itā€¦canā€™t seem to find it now though. Iā€™ve seen your build around and yes I think it continues to be in a decent enough position to soldier through rank 8 relative to the state of dps wizards in general.


remember 4 star maps can drop your cards so you donā€™t want to go there without a Priest (or at least a Chrono with Backmasking, Soul Crystals or without your cards)

but yes, I still like my build, I can out DPS most mage builds (not considering Linker 3 for AoE) to be honest, even fletcher/mergens havenā€™t been taking #1 in siau bosses from me tbh.

Were relying on mastema because it is really one of our only skills strong enough to hit past the mdef in certain cases.
But lets be honest here. Without link, it is NOT a strong dps skill.
On low mdef mobs it never hit as high as frost cloud does. Also its like resisted about 33-40% of the time.

What usually ends up happening is you casting a 80% attri mastema and left wondering why 5 mob only lost 30% of their HPā€¦

So, basically ele-lok build is dead?
I m 265/12 now. Do i have any reason to go war2 and hope i can play on 300 somehow whitout pain or just reroll / drop tos?

Unless you plan to spend over hundred million on gearing your lock and deal subpar to which any dps physical can with half the price.

Pretty much this (where you really enjoy the class and donā€™t mind doing it)

wiz 3 ele 3 here. Need rank 7 and rank 8 filler

Not sure if linker- sage will be better than warlock 2.
