Tree of Savior Forum

Wizz c3, Elementalist c3, and now?

Hi people, Currently I am Wizz c3 and Elementalist c1, I intend to be elementalist 3 but I wouldn’t like to get warlock in rank 7 and 8, what options do I have?

There are other 14 Classes which are not worth my time to type all of them. Why do you tell why you don’t want Warlock and what do you might want?

go linker for r7 and then sage

reroll because wizard is done for.


Why is that build bad now?

It is still good before R8. In the late game, some monster have veryyyyy high MDEF. Frost Cloud only hit 1 … and Warlock C2 is nothing worth…

You may try Featherfoot or linker>sage.


I hace the same problem, i havw be en searching buy right know is hard to do something with wizards.
The warlock get sucks i have INE but it was do crap and all here just say W3 link3 but any other option for dps.

Do you think that Wizz 3, Elem 3 and Feathertoot2 or Linker 1 > Sage 1 works well? Or would be better i start a new character without wizz 3 or elem 3?

but do you think that linker on circle 1, without 2 or three… and sage 1 can be a good build? Or would be better i start a new character? And what do you think about Wizz 3, Elem 3 and Featherfoot 2?

you can choose what ever u like - u should get over the idea of cookie cutter builds who can do everything…
Even linker is nerved cause there are many mobs which cant be linked.
Just choose the class u are interested in - iam pretty sure that there will be a mob nerv and ofc… new ranks which will change everything again.
There is currently no meta in this game and the rank 8 patch showed that dramatically.

Just to say about FF:
Levitation in combination with ele could be fun, but requires ff c2

if ur not sure what to take - rank7 Rune caster and rank 8 enchanter could work pretty well (W3/Ele3/RC/Enchanter)

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I suggest reroll to wiz3-linker3-w2 if you want to be in parties for rank 8 content. Frost cloud wont do damage on them that is why ele class will fall off on r8.

Ele class is still beast pre rank 8. That is if you wont play level 290 content onwards lol

why does Frost cloud is that bad vs new monsters?

Why do you think that enchanter would be good? The rune caster has the rune of ice and this could be good with frost cloud. But and the enchanter?

For now yes ele is bad at rank 8…but Have u ever heard aghni necklace (idk about the release date)?? That can boost ur fire skill??
Boost 98% damage of meteor ( if u like to play meteor)

And somewhere im the thread (im too lazy to link it… May be u can find them by urself) said that there is other version of agni necklace which is boost lightning skill and the other necklace boost ice damage…

So please dont say that ele will fall off at rank 8… And make other ele player doubt and reroll…Please please please read other thread to collect more deep information about 1 topic and then make statement (they still design about these 2 necklace)

Even now… Pyro3 has a good damage at rank 8 because of agni necklace…

And about that very high monster who receive 1 damage… Thats because u have low matk… But it u have higher matk u still can do damage on them (CMIIW = ive read this topic but again…too lazy to link it and u may search urself)

Why dont u try rune caster???

Rune of destruction has a very nice damage for mob…
Rune of justice good for boss…
Rune of ice is very good combined with ele freezing sphere (around 30sec cd)
Rune of giant nice utility skill…

At rank 8 u can have sage as a gambling class…coz u dont know what skill c2 and c3 may bring…maybe the next c2 c3 skill will be very bad or maybe it very strong instead

Or enchantress as a gambling class also…but u sure can boost ur electrocute damage (+rain) for moob

Or FF2 … But still u dont know what ff3 skill

Or maybe u can have a sure class that u can make it to circle3 like sorc (summon nice damage, bat nice damage combined with cat dark buff and qc +dmaage, very nice cat buff to add aoe ratio and sp rec) or necro (for the famous small range Flesh cannon, boss and wb purpose) or kino (for pvp and cc ofcourse)

And a little advice here… For me ff doesnt do good without linker…because ff has small aoe range and FF is a close combat while ele is a nice far range caster…
Aaaaannndd… For me i dont think ele good with linker (except for electrocute and MM combo) because all ele skill have a large aoe… U can take mob agro, collect it at 1 place then hail/ FrCloud/ Meteor…u better take other class than to sacrifice 1 rank to be linker1 with only 4/5 link to enemy

Off topic : Every choice has it high and low…

If u take gambling class… U may get a very nice class or hidden class at rank 9 and 10… But if the next r9 and r10 class dont synergize well with wiz3 ele3, then u know what to do…reroll

If u take r6 below class… U sure about ur build and u can plan everything from now (weapon, acc, enchant hair cotume opt and especially lvl 100 attribute) but if r9 and r10 bring a class that will synergy well with w3 ele3, then u know what to do…reroll

  1. rune of ice wont work with frostcloud or hail and only works with
  2. The USEFUL skills from RC are Rune of justice and Rune of Destruction
  3. enchanter will give u new opportunity because enchant lightning will grant u extra dmg (around 500 i think) for EVERY of your attacks.
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Rc has 2 skills with lovely damage (but hateful cd and long cast) out from 5 skills … For only one rank…

Rune of giant is a nice utility skill for ur party

Rune of ice also support for ur cryo team mate

i was thinking in try ff 2 but many people told me that this build doesn’t work fine because i don’t have linker. do you think that is necessary to get a linker?

Wiz3 - Link3 - Wl2 is the new meta now

Pyro 3 Linker 3 Sage 1 with Agni :sunglasses: