Tree of Savior Forum

Main-ing Wiz 3 Ele 3. Need guide for rank 7 and 8, need suggestion and opinion

I’m road to Ele 3 soon. I tot wiz 3 and ele 3 are well class. But I heard that rank 7 and rank 8 are not good so I’m confusing as I’m quite lazy to rebuild a new main. So I need for helps.:joy:

Many say go linker + sage as warlock is lousy at warlock 2

What’s your wiz for? Pvp pve hybrid?
It’s true that warlockC2 skills are bug and not much improvement C1 skills are still nice. But if you don’t like short range skills of warlock don’t bother with it
Link1>sage isn’t bad for pvp.(MH is amazing) But for pve I feel only link1 isn’t enough to provide support, micro/ultimate dimension can deal some dmg, but I feel they’re more of utility from attribute (really expensive)than dps skills

IMO warlock2 for more dps improve great farming and can expect come back of warlockC3, while >link1>sage for more utilities with slight improve dps.

This thread might provide you some opinion and information

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Sage is a great support choice, missile hole is no joke.

Thanks love. Thanks for opinion.

what makes the ele good is its c3 skill ,ele c2 is bad
maybe wl c3 is same as ele c3 if not better (i hope ahahaha)

my mercenary post slave elememe is nearing rank 7 i will still choose warlock path for her

I think a lot of people are banking on Warlock 3 to be good. WizC3 came with Magic Missle/QC and Ele came with Frost cloud. Hoping something good will come for WL3

This is my dilemma.

Wiz 3 ele 3 warlock here

Choices are

warlock 2- hoping warlock 3 will be good but has the possibility to be crap like necro 3

sage- missile hole

enchanter- aside from armor enchant and poa scrolls it is not that good imo

just go warlock 2 there are no other good options