Tree of Savior Forum

Wizard's base class desperately needs to be changed

Energy Bolt: Additional Sleep Damage
Deals additional damage equal to 40% magic attack per attribute level when attacking an enemy under [Sleep] with [Energy Bolt]. (3 ranks max = 120%)

Lethargy: Additional Damage
Enemies affected by [Lethargy] receive 20% additional damage per attribute level with Strike attacks. (5 ranks max = 100%)

Its the single target combo wombo for wizard making them extremely deadly so wile the enemy is asleep and under lethargy getting hit by energy bolt formula is base damage + 120% + 100% I think but I might need a rain check on that but with the energy bolt at lv 15 that’s 215 but can be 430 if you pour 100 ranks into energy bolt: enhance.

Energy Bolt: Enhance
Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Energy Bolt] by 1% per attribute level. (max rank 100 = 100%)

So 430 + 120% = 924 + 100% = 1848 per blow but as I said not sure how formulas work in this game so need a raincheck on that also this is when your completely nude with no gear so think what happens if you have gear and stats effecting it.

Now what happens if the enemy is also effected by the ability Reincarnate from Chronomancer means double loot from hard monsters :smiley:

EBolt does really pisspoor damage even with high stats

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I think the same. Definitely better ways to go about dealing damage.

EB get’s actually good, base 100% damage + 120% = 220% on sleeping enemies, 660% for the three shots, not bad right? You also got EQ for a little CC and MM for real damage and link-bouncing.

obviously pyro or cryo got better attack stuff, but hey, what’s the surprise? you are not getting +50% all magic damage if you’re going cryo/pyro.

Cryo and Pyro are fine, what needs to be done is to make stronger freeze at high level have not so bad chances (change SPR scaling on mobs maybe?) and pyro skills could have a bit more hits to it.

also wizard is a first tier class what did you expect you would get a world destruction spell?

For some ppl who dont know it maybe but Lethargy is used for some Hidden Effekts. For Example cast Lethargy than Earthquake = Earthquake hits 2 times.
I Believe there are more combos but alone this one is huge in early game.

Also as I mentioned before with the combo

Sleep then Lethargy then energy bolt what happens when you unlock the linker class and have all enemy’s share the same damage remember only one enemy needs to be under the effect of sleep and lethargy because when damage is dealt all enemy’s linked to that target take the same damage.

Hangman’s Knot: Additional Damage
Enemies hit by [Hangman’s Knot] will receive additional damage equal to 20% magic attack per attribute level.(rank 5 = 100%) turning that damage mention above from 1848 to 3696 to all linked targets.

Now lets make it even more deadly with necro dirty pole/shoggoth/flesh cannon making the one that is asleep more weaker to missile based spells

The thing with the wizard its about thinking beyond one ability but rather how much can some ability bounce of others to make a greater effect if you don’t have this mentality you will never make a good wizard but rather a wizard with little understanding of your full power.

in team play what happens if this is teamed up with a zombie master bokor using the ability to pull all linked targets into the zombify zone then killing them all can easily give bokor 18 zombies :smiley:

Wizard C3 is for people who think long-term.

Then they will nerf it just like Steady Aim, since it is available since C1. :confused: [quote=“Stormquake, post:13, topic:152880”]
The whole point of this game is to offer players a wide array of choices, not to say “if you’re DPS, you need to get this always.”

And it doesn’t. Cryo DPS builds and Summon-based DPS builds are an example that don’t use Wiz C3 and they are present in both PvE and PvP.

It alwasy affected more than one target
[quote=“Hyperion, post:19, topic:152880”]
and I think someone said Earthquake can be affected for some reason(it is magic damage after all)

It is a hidden mechanic they add’ed some time ago. Doubt they would take it away for w/e reason.[quote=“moises_andre12, post:25, topic:152880”]
EB get’s actually good, base 100% damage + 120% = 220% on sleeping enemies, 660% for the three shots

EB has a default 120% matk scalling, not 100%. It was buffed to 120% when they add’ed the visual effect of hitting twice.[quote=“neconis1990, post:27, topic:152880”]
For Example cast Lethargy than Earthquake = Earthquake hits 2 times.

Keep in mind tho the visual effect may be 2 hits, the overall damage is increased by 60%, not 100%.[quote=“kaligoth5000, post:22, topic:152880”]
Its the single target combo wombo for wizard making them extremely deadly so wile the enemy is asleep and under lethargy getting hit by energy bolt formula is base damage + 120% + 100%

■■■■, I don’t even

Lethargy does not buff EB cause
 the freaking EB is magic and not a Strike type attack?

And Hangman’s Knot doesn’t work like that.

The attribute ONLY damages when they are hit by HANGMAN’S KNOT. It doesn’t buff any damage you do aftwerwards, it just does 100% of your magical damage(at level 5 attribute) ONCE.

Can people, for God’s sake, stop complaining or spreading false information around when they either haven’t played the game, have no analytical skills or at least can’t even use the search function?

Sorry for losing my cool, but ppl on this forum are so adorable. :smile:



didn’t know about this EB buff, cool, thanks.

Anyway, all wiz base classes are pretty mostly good, the problem is freezing losing it’s effect on all types of play mostly and pyro just becomes a filler (not even a bad one bc fire enchant, should have a better hit scaling for higher skill levels though).

The thing with sleep in this game is when you level it up it can take more hits Moises before it wakes up.

If that’s true about Lethargy then why does earthquake gain benefits from it last I recalled that is also a magic and apparently does 2 strikes.

I know, you have 120% base + 120% for sleeping targets = 240% matq per EB.

Lethargy has a hidden effect that makes EQ have two hits, though @Satoru says it only adds 60% damage, so probably it’s 2x 80% hits, not sure though.

I don’t agree with this. Some of the most impressive earth tower run vids I’ve seen feature a cryo3 for the pillar. And pyromancers are great. Fireball scales extremely well with int and skill points. Perma flame ground is nothing to sneeze at and enchant fire remains useful for the same reason sacrament does.

Cryo 3 just for the three seems a lttle too much doesn’t it? Kino has MUCH more CC if you consider REAL late-game monsters (280 is not real late game for a game developed to have 600) almost don’t freeze at all.

Pyro doesn’t get bad, it just falls because other classes will probably have skills that makes his not that useful, obviously both have uses at any point of the game, but what I believe is they’re “too much for too little”.

I’d suggest Ice Pike to lock enemies on earth besides the chance of freezing them, so it would be always useful.

For Pyro you shoul be able to meelee attack your fireballs and they should not move.

Those would be some nice changes I believe

Question. Does quick cast increase the tick speed of flame ground and frost cloud?

No it doesn’t, same as channeling skills (who spread this false info :disappointed_relieved:).

actually cryo is still good at late game, monster SPR (which affect cc resist) doesn’t scale at all. This one for example:


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Ah. Thank you for clearing that up! I completely forgot this video even demonstrates the tick speed before and after:

credit to @dewey_vergara

o q Ă© esse quick cast?

hmmmm I have a idea of what class in wizard could benefit from the hitting damage and that is the Thaumaturge + Linker + Chronomancer and possibly sorcerer if pets benefit from it Welcome to the melee wizard class :smiley:

Using the thaumaturge big hand ability’s with the buffs of the chronomancer and linking multiple enemy’s together with the linker would benefit from the Lethargy ability greatly. I’ve been viewing the buffs and boy do they look like they can increase the damage output and with a party you can link your damage to others in your party to reduce your incoming damage.