Tree of Savior Forum

Wizard's base class desperately needs to be changed

In what world does a Wizard only start with two offensive moves? Most of the effects can be changed and given to offensive moves. For example…

Sleep could be turned into a chargeable thunderbolt instead that hits a small-moderate area depending on charge and stuns instead of just being a sleep move.

Lethargy is just… bad… I’m sure it could be turned into an offensive magic circle or ice circle move.

The utility for Wizards should come later with things like Thaumaturge and Chronomancer, but base Wizard is listed as an offensive class, yet it only has two offensive moves [which both are kind of ech.]

And really, even if Wizard’s moves aren’t to be changed at all, for the love of god, please move Magic Missile to c2 so that getting to c3 Wizard isn’t the absolute worst experience in the entire game.


In this world

actually in any game following DnD rules wizard at lvl 1 is THE most useless character with some cantrips and a couple of charges of “magic missile” that are usually not enough to kill a pair of goblins while you have only 2-4 HP.

Magic Missile at C2? Sounds lovely! Could swap it for Surecast. Anyone going C2 for Sure is going to go C3 for Quick, anyway.

Swordsman has only 2 offensive skills, cleric has 2 but they don’t even work against flying monsters.

So what are you complaining about exactly?

Swordsman has two offensive attacks and then two offensive buffs. Cleric is listed as a support class.

This would be retarted cause Sleep is godlike.
Lethargy could be changed tho, since only the attribute is good.

Sure Spell should stay C2 for building/balance purposes. Magic Missle could be moved to C2 tho, but they would need to nerf number of hits scalling…

The issue is not being offensive or not. As game progressing, if u had 4 offensive spells at c1 u would still stop using them anyway (unless they scale better, but changing damage scaling would need a full remake for all classes).

So i prefer having sleep as CC that matters forever, energy bolt for cd filler, earthquake some CC as well (but i dont like earthquake at all).

For me the problem is just Lethargy, it its based on absolute values and they are low as ■■■■. Ah, and reflect shield scaling is terrible as well.

Wiz is all about slow progression and better payoffs later. Swordsman shines at early levels as a dps; wiz shines better late game and has vastly superior support, so they need to accommodate that route as well. Seems fine :slight_smile:

Change lethargy pls.

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Wiz3 is god, magic missile would be good at c2, but level 10 at rank3 would probably be too strong.

Cryo and Pyro fall badly at late game it seems, hope they change them, CC is not so worth it when monster have too high SPR, and pyro is not the beast it used to be with OP HK from linker.

Hope they change it somehow, but doesn’t seem very likely (as they’re still not bad, there are skills from them you can keep until the end of game)

I feel the quickcast attribute needs to be removed and remade into a new buff available at C1 or C2 that increase in potency across all circles.

That way you don’t feel like doing a mistake stopping C2 for more damage and surespell, C1 would feel less shitty since at least you’d get two good skill instead of one (sleep, and maybe lethargy for it’s attribute) and C3 still provides you with maxilmum damage output, quickcast and magic missile.

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I don’t think so, quick cast is basically the reason for wiz 3 existing, you take the att off and no one will go for it only for MM, even the cast time cutting feels like a elementalist-exclusive feature.

That’s not particularly good game design then.

It’s frustrating when so many builds pretty much need to go Wizard c3 because Quick Cast’s enhancement is so freakishly good.

The whole point of this game is to offer players a wide array of choices, not to say “if you’re DPS, you need to get this always.”

I’d rather Wizard, Cryo, and Pyro get damage buffs all around and have Wizard’s c2 and c3 go through reworks.

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In terms of usefulness, Lethargy is by far the most useless skill to be made for wizards. It really needs a change.

A lot of people forgot that its attribute effect ONLY works on strike attacks, using a rod, or staff and shooting a projectile does not make it a strike attack, it is considered Magic Damage. Strike attacks are implying physically whacking the target with the rod, staff, or a hammer.

Swordsman c1 and Archer c1 skills seem to scale damage way better than a wizard’s c3 Energy Bolt, Earthquake and heck even Magic Missle, plus I would like to mention that wizards have to rely on Sleep for a better outcome for Energy Bolt, which makes its usefulness really limited(for bosses and sleep resistant mobs) unlike the Swordsman and Archer basic c1 skills which have 0 cooldowns.

In conclusion… Lethargy needs to change to something relevant for its own class and perhaps a slight buff in damage needs to happen for Energy Bolt, Earthquake, and maybe Magic Missle due to their disrespectful limitations.

As a “true dps” you suffer early for not taking pyro3. You suffer later for not taking Wiz3>Ele3. And you suffer latest for not having the utility/support skills to supplement your damage in the first place.

Quick Cast could be nerfed to 25-35% extra damage. Pyro could be buffed to scale a little better past rank 7. Maybe add a better burn effect that increases with skill level and deals good damage independent of flat values. Don’t really know. But taking away the true dps route from wiz3 isn’t the answer. The penalty & reward is already there, which is actually good design.

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I hope wizards have some addition to reflect shield, like
(5skill level + base level + spr)
only (5
skill level + spr) is too sad, for something that has hit limit.

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I actually like Lethargy because you can just put one point into it since the debuff lasts a whole thirty seconds but doesn’t rises. Then add in it’s Additional Damage attribute and there will be a 100% bonus strike damage onto the debuffed target for thirty seconds. It’s actually good for party based PvE and sometimes PvP.

The only skills I don’t like in Wizard are Sleep and Reflect Shield. I’d consider using Sleep even if it’s debuff duration was reduced by 40% but it’ll affect more than one target, not exactly all in the casted spot though. Reflect Shield has a really low reflect amount limit and doesn’t deal good reflected damage anyway as well to even compensate for that.

Lethargy may last 30s and is probably good to put 1 point into, just keep in mind that it’s meant to support those who use Strike based skills and Strike based weapons so chances are, it will never be useful to you. Some people think this damage works with the wizard’s auto attack projectile along with Energy Bolt, and I think someone said Earthquake can be affected for some reason(it is magic damage after all), but that’s probably going to be fixed.

Maybe there is a factor I’m missing since Rod and Staff weapons are strike based weapons, maybe that’s giving the impression that all magic works with Lethargy?

It’s really confusing me, since I never played the kCBT or the iCBT…

Okay you do know you get 7 tiers to make your class have loads of offensive ability’s right?

And you can only pool 15 points into the current ability’s you have so if you don’t like that lethargy ability just max out the other 2 offensive ability’s and 1 buff ability…

Also use this combo Sleep then Lethargy then Energy bolt it is deadly read the added bonus for energy bolt and lethargy if you don’t believe me.

Yeah like I said it’s good for party based. Like really good. 100% bonus.