Tree of Savior Forum

Wizard Tricks and Combinations

Let’s have a major thread of all skill combinations and tricks you know about Wizard classes in this game.

I’ll start with the most known and my own:

Icewall + Psy combo
Fireball + Psy combo
Icewall+Fireball + Psy Pressure combo

Magnetic Force can calm and bind mobs
Sleep cast bar is a lie - it’s instant

Joint Penalty + Hangman Knot + Magic Missle
JP + HM + Electrocute (hits 3 times on every mob linked aka 5 * 3)
Joint Penalty links to fireballs and Hangman pulls them into mobs together

Can earthquake then Hangman to keep links together.

Lethargy with attribute gives 50% bonus damage to staff melee autoattacks.

Enchant Fire + Caifrunsun set + Sacriment buff = 4 hits each autoattack

Thau c1 Transpose can heal your missing HP

Joint Penalty can link to each icewall square
Aka, Icewall + JP + Electrocute = full dmg electrocute w/o mobs (on bosses)

Rune of ice makes iceshards from Icewall deal 300% more damage

Teleport can dodge boss AoE damage.

Prominence (ele c1) with Attribute firesnakes come out of the ground at your feet always.

Unsure if removed:

  • Can place Fireballs ontop of unjumpable ledges and swap with them.
  • Featherfoot can heal from fireball.

Quickly sit/standing every 10-15 seconds heals your SP by a lot.

Stutter stepping while range autoattacking makes you attack faster (better with quicken)

Chrono res has 10% chance of working on Dungeon and Mission bosses

Can jump attack at peek of jump for no movement downtime.


Quick cast + any good skill

Im a genius you should try this sick combo! lol.

apparently teleport drops enemy aggro and if you’re a sorcerer it can be used to throw aggro to your summon.

This is good stuff. Keep it up.

Cryo Snow Rolling seems to make you immune of land deployment skills (not entirely sure but seems to work against some bosses)

Edit: nevermind. you still get hit by land deployment skills but not by jumpable attacks

Raise into Pole of Agony then Magnetic Force triggers the DoT on the mobs.

You can link icewalls. Striking one icewall will cause all the linked icewalls to create shards

Status effects, Flameground and Pole of Agony work on mobs in Stop.
Warning, you cannot use JP on mobs in stop. Cast it before.

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Additional aggro tickets are freed up when you sleep enemies (i.e. you try to pull 20 but only 10 follow you, if you sleep those then the remaining 10 left over will chase you).

Useful for pulling in dungeons.

I can’t remember the specific numbers but Reflect Shield offers a minimal amount of additional damage reduction. I think it’s like 5-10% or something?

You can drag Fireballs with Snow Rolling

edit: misinformation removed


Actually what you are talking about doesn’t work like that from the video that was posted on the forums.

It looks decay has an effect that reduces enemies Max HP on every tick according to the last HP reduction he suffers. When swell body ends you get 50% HP reduction, decay procs that for many more seconds with Featherfoot effects of Decay, in the end of the battle the enemy has Max HP = 1, so 1 z attack finishes him.

Oh I alright. Thanks

Bleh, update. Stop on Icewall was removed.

Joint Penalty and any AoE

The linked targets get hit by the AoE even if theyre not inside the area and all monsters inside the AoE will get hit by the damage every tick even if it’s not hitting them directly i.e with hail or prominence, (does not double the damage like others have mentioned however). This is also very useful for when you have mix of flying + ground targets and skills like Flame Ground/Frost Cloud as it makes those skills hit the flying targets too.

Reflect shield blocks a limited amount of Knockback/down.

Hail range while casting lies and extends the range making you stutter till you get into the real range to deploy it (Extremely annoying).

Switching equips quickly like a shield to dagger can be bugged to give you the attributes of one and the usability of the other, i.e: shield stats with ability to stab.

UNCONFIRMED but i suspect: Hail freeze percentage is per monster per hail, not per tick. i.e: if it’s maxed at 25% it has a 25% chance to freeze a monster once with each hit and then after that the same hail doesnt freeze them again.

Adding onto the Fireball Psychic Pressure thing, you can link Fireballs with Joint Penalty and use Psychic Pressure on one to cause them all to explode.
Although this setup can take a bit of time and isn’t too practical it’s still a neat trick you can do.

first off this is not a bug thread.

second hail does freeze again and again.

You can jump cancel the cast animation for Reflect Shield. And Jump cancel the animation for electrocute.

How is this limited amount of Knockback in Reflect Shield? Work max this? Only for knockback block? I see too many player saying that lvl 200+ RS is useless even for knocks block

If a Rogue takes Raise from a teammate, it will work on bosses.

firstly, sorry if I didnt read all of the comment and miss something that I’ll asking about. Some say:

  • Lethargy + earthquake has 200% damage from earthquake

  • and then, sleep + bolt has the same effect

is it true?