Tree of Savior Forum

Wizard - Pyromancer (?) build - need help

OK. So i’ve heard about this game about a year ago and now i’m really looking forward to play. Unfortunatelly I didn’t have opportunity to play or keep much attention to development (not so much time anymore :frowning: ). Thats why I need help while creating my char (due to lack of time, I can’t tinker with many diffrent builds anymore). So I’d like to ask YOU (people who actually played the game are preffered) for your advice. I always lean forward magic users (unless they suck hard - and there are games out there where thats actually the case) and on high dps rather than cc. I usually like to play solo - though it would be nice to be able to find parties rather easly for harder content (though this feature can’t be cut off if it would be impossible to met the rest of conditions). I never much cared for PvP, so this char should be heavy PvE (grinding mobs/bosses/instances) oriented. And as it will be my first char it should be rather no money dependent build. As I said I like huge dmg and some AoE skills, though with rather fast casting time and low cooldawn (so Elementalist rather dont qualify). So i’ve created two builds that looks Imo pretty decent - I would love to get some advices, recommendations from You about how to change/improve them and which one (if any) to choose. So here it goes:

    In this build i’m thinking about changing:
    a)Wiz - Earthquake for either sleep or lethargy
    b)Pyro - Flame Ground into Enchant Fire
    c)Chrono - Stop into Haste or Haste/Backmasking
    d)3rd Chrono Circle into 1st Linker circle
    a) Pyro Enchant Fire to Flame ground
    b) 3rd Circle Pyro into 2nd circle Chrono

If you think that this build is unbalanced or that there are much better which would match my needs (mentioned above) - please share :wink: I’m thinking about incorporating Thaumaturge though it would probably be best going for 3rd circle (int buff) so it would have to go instead of Chrono - don’t know wchich would be better - especially for solo play.

First build is ok

a. Earthquake for either sleep or lethargy - good. Sleep is quite useful, Earth only good at the beginning.
b. Best pyro skills: fireball, flameground, fire pillar. Enchant Fire is needed for additional attack, 5 points is enough to keep it uptime constantly. So, unless you full party and other players kick your fireballs away, dont skip fireball.
c. Haste is a very good skill, max it. You dont need to max slow or stop, you only need them for debuff from attributes and a bit of cc. Put 1 point into reincarnate and Backmasking
d. Hard choice. Chrono3 is the best Chrono as Pass is his best ability. But linker makes your farm so much easier.

Second build is bad. Elementalist will be much more logical after wizard3. Chrono at rank7 is too late and too little. Just grab Warlock.

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Cool. Thank you for reply :wink: So you’d recommend something like this ?

And for Ele this?

Any input on Ele (and this build as whole) skills? Fire? Ice? - Synergy between Ice and Electricity looks cool (from Electrocute attribute and Rain Skill). But does all ice skills can actually freeze? Cause from the description I can’t say. Hail for sure with its attribute, but Frost cloud and Freezing Sphere (despites its name)?

Too bad that they didnt say anything about casting time in the skill description -.-

PS. I dont want to start diffrent topic just for newbie questions, so I’ll just ask them here.

  1. As I understand the lvl cap atm is 200, but there are plans for lvl ~600 (as there are maps with monsters lvl 550+ , or so I’ve read) in the future?
  2. I’ve read somewere that there will be max of 8 ranks in the future? Or will it stay 7 or perhaps go up to even 10. Any gossips/information from creators?
  3. How long does it take in average to get to lvl 200? (1 month, 6 months, … ?)

Well Chrono is a support class, if you want to benefit from it as Pyro you need Chrono3, so you cast your spells twice: first cast, Pass (removes cooldowns), cast your spells again. Pyro3-Chrono3 is classical way to build it. I’m not sure, if Pyro2 will be enough in lategame.

Yes, you idea about Ele is correct.
There are two examples for ele/warlock, you can adjust them for your needs:

If you don’t go PvP dont buff con too much, I think 40 is enough. I usually keep some stat point and distribute them as I need.
I think 1 point in stone curse is enough for emergency CC.

  1. Current level cap is 280? (250+ for sure), yes they plan to reach 600 levels and 10 Ranks.
  2. You can check twitch streams, there is group of players on 240+ level after 1 week. But they play A LOT. And full group.

if you play casually you can hit level 100 in 5-10 days. Level 200 is hard to say, I’m a slow player :smile_cat: With hardcore grind you can do it in few weeks.

There are some exploration elements in the game like open all maps, gathering collections or grinding for hats which slow down your leveling a lot,
So, speed is play-style dependent.

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Great :wink: And what in case of this pyro? Leaving Fire Wall behind, makes Fireball the main skill i presume - so i’d take it linker c1 its almost a must - so if you’re saying that chrono c2 is kind of “bad choice” (in lack of better words) - what classes would you recommend (though thinking that there would be 10 ranks in total - and 8th probably just couple months from now, it doesn’t look like terrible idea).