Tree of Savior Forum

Wizard new R9 discussion

[quote=“nightrain_scy, post:648, topic:370158, full:true”]
KTEST neet is updated

Overall, i’m quite disappointing for the rank9, it is not that skill factor % that matter, but overall gameplay is lackluster, lack of mechanism and interaction, and lack of unique because mostly are familiar skill from existing classes.

Sage C2
Taxi Vendor, and Alchemist Missile V2 o.o
As a space magic, i expect something like falconer or you compress the space to make enemy closer, or you can keep missiles that you absorbed and warp back to the dealer, or even like diablo3 you create a bubble to slow all projectile coming in. But… it seems their creativity is limited.

Enchanter C2
I think Enchanter being the most useless previous R8 is finally shred a light, Enchant Earth is good to add block chance on 2H-Weapon user, that is something not exist in game.
Lightning hand as good as its look, a really strong skill. But overall enchanter just lack of attributes that make it more unique.

Warlock C3
Another Meteor Liked new skill with 40s cooldown, not sure what are those new attributes yet, but overall I think Warlock C2-Shadow C1 is the way to go. The overheat/cooldown and utility provided in Shadow C1 just overshadow Warlock C3. But then, i’m not really like the Demon Hand as not really creative, I rather hope Warlock C3 can transform a demon.

Featherfoot C3
A curse that add damage % on what you hit, but we are unsure the range of the AoE,
but overall a typical Single Target class.

Shadowmancer C1-C2
Some skills are cryomancer liked, but in wizard tree now, a short CD with high OH filler damage is what lacked in the tree, hence this class is sufficient as C1. Overall it is a good class as a C2, but nothing really impressive as not really have unique interaction, the orb is very situational, a typical gimmicky and utility dps class better than sage.

As dps meta, i feel that Elementalist3Chrono3 is a better dpser now, in previously elememe need chrono3 in party, as the build would make it a better standalone dpser, as well as lesser investment in costly R8 attribute.
As support meta, i feel that cryo3chrono3enchanter2 is way to go, but cryo3chrono3shadow2 also a very capable pvp and hybrid build.


Any news on new enchants on armor enchater can give at 10 levels?

It is either maxed at lv5 or not implemented.
KTEST enchanter shop have nothing new at the moment.

and why lockc2>shadowc1 is better than warlock c3? shadow will give u only 2 just ok spells and lock 3 will give u nice NEW aoe damage spell, beter mastema and better poa… imo lock 3 still will be better choice for dps pve

Previously I thought it was a 1hit skill, but it seems the skill it is multihits based on distance, we will judge later after more videos depend on the maximum hit count or is it reliable enough to deal consistent high burst of damage.

If it is single hit, then it is not worth and shadow1 is better.

If they can change Sage 2 skill (Alchemist Missile V2 :stuck_out_tongue: ), to something like Throwable Micro Dimension but bigger size, effect, and damage.

nono its not 1 hit :slight_smile: it like u said based on distance :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

sage sux imo as DD … circle 1 giving u just nothing and c2 giving u more nothing ._.

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They messed up with whole design of Sage class.

During design phase, it looks like it can duplicate lot of things with good synergy, but magic circles duplicated are useless and unable to deal proper damage.
Then it was released as to synergy with pyro-linker, but since both classes was heavily nerfed to Neverland and what it left is only Missile Hole. Not to mention diev’s Owl Statue also nerfed.
Then, since combat changes, Missile Hole is not that important anymore, what it left now just taxi service, and very good now it can just open shop and go offline, lol.

Sage C2 new skill is looks more useless than Alchemist Missile, it need cast longer 5s, lower damage, and Single Target. Sage’s direction is totally lost now, what a IMC talent to kill such a good concept class.


later on, maybe C3 make this class dead --"

Just one coment: Another wizard with sell shop, the wizard in this game are so limited…

I’ve played with wizard in all mmos that i played, here i do not play with wizard. Or you just go to summoner, or elelock…all other class are under, and the R8 are just so weak that provides you nothing. Maybe they will change…the color of Sage in tree

*Make it ■■■■ color,

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Calm down, they messed up to make a rework later, LOL.

Pyro3>Linker3>shadowmancer2 I think will be a good Burst damage class build

Does [rune of giants] still apply auto atk on jump? Does PoA still apply auto atks? Was just theory crafting a mario build: w2-pyro3-RC-wl1-enh2

yes it does

did it ever apply auto attacks?

I’d rather shadow 1 bc it’s better for me to have 2 more dmg skills with low cd than only one with lock3 with 40sec cd and a stronger mastema/pole that still have long cd as well .

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after shadow buff it can be worth to go for it but definitely not before, we will see

@peonage_parisi why do you think pyro3-linker3-shadow2 is good burst? What is your planned rotation?

@DacreFullbuster what do you think about wiz3-elem3-lock1-shadow2? Seems like shadow is more singel-target oriented, which couples well with the AoE elementalist.

Generally linker is a solo build, but it can be good in party too if you “satellite” yourselves, I personally think pyro3 is dead unless damage % for burn status card is introduced, its damage is not worth with the long animations you required, lv1 enchant scrolll is good enough for additional line.

The consensus of warlock-shadow variations:
Warlock C3, the new skill Demon Claw is not Frostcloud v2, its output base on distance and hence it is not reliable AoE damage source. Because of this, it is better to get Shadow1 for reliable single target source and more skills/utility of course.
Else, Elem3Chrono3 is a better AoE build in fact, the rise of archer/cleric aoe dps will squeezing 1 slot away from 2 wizs. But I think mastema is very important skill, as it benefit cleric/bm a lot with holy dmg debuff.
But then, since last patch it can take 10 hits there are less peoples talking about Invocation, it seems like it going to deal 11xx%x3 per hits, and x6 for advance spirit, the problem is that you need to kill the mobs, but now everybody can be DPS in their ending rank it might diminish this potential.
Conclusion - Warlock C3 is quite a weak choice.

Warlock C2 - Shadow C1
Base on above reasons, it is more reasonable to pick Shadow C1 than C2 when mobs can easily melted by everyone.

Warlock C1 - Shadow C2
This is completely different since Warlock lost its most important Mastema attribute and invocation full uptime, this build is becoming more of PvP/GvG/TBL quick player killing when you cc’ed them. Hence cryo/chrono/psycho build is more fit for this setting.
But it can be good in PvE with linker build, it just that there is another linker-featherfoot is better due to C3 completion, Poison being generally advantageous and JP’s Poison 50% damage bonus attribute.

Right after they released Shadowmancer skills I was going to make this build with warlock1shadow2, bc of that dark dmg attribute of warlock1 , it fits shadowmancer very well, but then I realized Shadowmancer has some skills that are great to pvp, and c2 Imo is more like pvp oriented bc you get only 1 dmg skill and a stun, so I decided to keep warlock2 and get only shadow1 bc it already give 2 dmg skills, and I dont use this character to Tbl that often, also warlock 2 is better than shadow2 atm since I use mastema and invocation(which I have devil spirits attribute maxed) all the time… but again I play more pve with this charac… so it really up to you, what can I say to help you… well Imo shadow 2 is more fun, bc the class has these new different skills, like becoming a shadow , shadow clone or even stun so seems really fun to play with… and warlock 2 is only better if you really care about dmg and nothing else :satisfaction: