Tree of Savior Forum

[ Wizard Changelog ] Wizard changes from kTOS and iTOS

There is also this:

[Common Fixes]
6. Fixed a bug with the item [Ignition], where the fire damage debuff was not applying correctly.

Is this the end of Ignition for linkers then?

The damage still seems to be doing the same, but multiple burns in the link seem to no longer provide extra ticks

So that means monsters that we attack with gravity pole can run away?

Because the description did say affected ā€˜charactersā€™ can move away. Does ā€˜charactersā€™ apply to monsters or only playable characters? Since there are other words used to generally describe monsters and players such as ā€˜affected targetsā€™ or ā€˜enemiesā€™ (like in the swap descruption)

I donā€™t really care if it sucks in pvp but i would still want to retain my usefulness as a CC cryokino in PVE. If it is that useless maybe i should consider another option.

Since itā€™s a nerf thatā€™s applied also to PvE, it probably applies to monsters as well. Just to be sure, letā€™s ask @tomgo32000

Fortunately, this nerf does not apply to monsters.

Whatā€™s strange is that, as you can see in that videos, we tested it between players in town, which is a PvE environment, and it did work. However, monsters that are inflicted by Gravity Pole can not move. So I think the difference is not PvE and PvP, but Players and Monsters.



So i guess itā€™s safe to say that CryoKino still remains to be good a CC in a PVE environment despite the nerfs uh?

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Not much change for kino c3ā€¦still we have raise and telekinesisā€¦as kino we still able to rotate the locking combo skillā€¦

Slowing the opponent also still good at pvpā€¦

Tele 15sec bind
sleep 5 hit threshold cap
PP + stun
raise 10sec bind
gravity pole slow down
and catch again with teleā€¦

Still good combo at pvpā€¦

Unless they nerf tele and raiseā€¦then i will change job for sure

Off topic :
can i hit enemy that fly by Raise???
Or it just fly the enemy, disabling them to move, and also cant be hit???

Hi, thanks for all the info youā€™ve been posting, Iā€™ve a couple of questions about the new GP maybe you could answer

Is the slow the same as chronomancers slow? If so, how much movespeed does it reduce and can it be stacked with chronomancer slow?

So my pve wiz3 kino 3 is untouched by all these nerfs. Hurray!

The Slow debuff Gravity Pole inflicts is not the same as Chronomancerā€™s Slow skill.

Gravity Poleā€™s Slow debuff reduces movement speed by 25.

And since these two kinds of Slow debuffs are different, I think they can be stacked.

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Nice, better than I was expecting.

The only reason I choose ignition over other items was a bug?

Also my linker was pretty useless anyway. Made a full con build, really decent but
1 itos started with a linker nerf
2 physical link is a unusable skill on pretty much every situation
3 joint penalty doesnā€™t scale well. Lvl 6 is more than enough, Lvl 15 barely adds targets
4 spiritual chain requires pt members to be close each other and the list of shared buffs is even smaller now than ever
5 even though Iā€™ve asked for a change on spiritual chains sprite color, it shares the same spite with physical link. Making party mates run away from me and break the link/kick me.
6 joint penalty ā€œdebuffingā€ a single boss was the only reason linker was ā€œusefulā€ against bosses on first place. Joint penalty could buff some elements dmg. But now it will last as long as our fireball/ice wall last. Requiring an extra rank to linker be successful.

I guess this will decrease even more the featherfoot population. Which is pretty unpopular right now against thousand C3 elementalists/locks/cryokinos.

Well,time to bench that character

How does this change affect featherfoot skills?

Subzero Shield
16/06/2016 kTOS1
Will no longer freeze enemies when hit by [Energy Blast], [God Finger Flick]

I am mentally prepared to read a change to SzS like: "Subzero Shield only freezes melee enemys with a 2% chance. Only applies when hit by an autoattack without weapon."
Joking aside. One nerf after anotherā€¦ Now they single out skills. What the hell is IMCs doing.
Balance would have been so easy with just a change of lowering freezing chance by 50%, duration decrease & a small cd increase. I am fine with Bodkin Point as a counter. BUT I do miss a little more effort not only spamming 2-3 arrows instantly (70% chanceā€¦ just wowā€¦)
IMC rather put one knife after another in the chest of SubZero Shield users instead of learning the meaning of the word balance. Try to stop them. sorryā€¦ stabbing is exlcuded to freeze the enemy with Subzero Shield as well. You canā€™t run. You canā€™t escape. rolleyes


16/06/2016 kTOS1
If you fail to re-incarnate a Boss Monster, a message will now be broadcast to the party

For a change, this is something I appreciate. Though a simple ā€œresistedā€ would have been enough as well. ^^

Itā€™s not only about targets, itā€™s about the number of hits the link can withstand. Currently itā€™s JP lvl * 10. If you have Ignition, JP10ā€™s 100 hits expire VERY fast.

Didnā€™t know about that. Itā€™s even worse than I knew lol

Didnā€™t mention ff skills, anyway. I said, considering that the only ā€œmetaā€ ff build includes linkers, nerfing linker also nerfs that ff build.

Good. Guess you were just referring to the ignition weapon and link interaction. I am also a featherfoot good thing I went for maga rod instead.

I never tried Maga Rod but I think Ignition is the best weapon a Linker can get. You use JP, HK, then hit this knot of enemies once and one or two of them start burning. Every time these 1 or 2 receive burn damage (kinda weak, for me itā€™s around 250-280), all other linked mobs get full autoattack damage (again, for me, itā€™s around 1200, maybe more, canā€™t remember exact numbers), and at the same time on every hit they get, they have a chance to catch fire too and spread extra damage to all linked targets. In other words, you hit once and see a lot of damage numbers flying without you even doing anything for several seconds.

I went for Wiz 3 -> Link 1 -> Sorc 2 -> FF. I donā€™t think that the DoT would do much because Temple Shooter can already provide contant damage across all linked target.