Tree of Savior Forum

[ Wizard Changelog ] Wizard changes from kTOS and iTOS

Cryomancer is now a dead class. Or when IMC decides to bring this to iTOS. Or is it here already?

rather go linker+pyro+chrono If that’s the case.

My insights from the previous nerf involving kinos and cryos:

  • Cryo3 is dropped to mid tier while Cryo1 and 2 is dropped to low tier(may be a “lil” bit effective if you have [Psychic Pressure] to do shards).

  • Kino3 is more of a true CC support role now instead of pseudo ADC CC. May need to rely on team members to fully wipe a team.

  • Cryo’s best weapon, [Audra], also lost half of its purpose for PVP which is to increase the up time and chance of [Subzero Shield]. If you still care about the 15% 3 sec extra freeze chance and +2 ice skills then go for it.

  • Kino3 pretty much provides more reliable CCs now than cryo3 @ high level clash involving PDs.

As an ele 3 Warlock that’s constantly killed by cryo 3 subzero shield, I agree that the nerf is unnecessary. A duration nerf is more than enough.

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Got it, i thought that they removed the INT buff,my bad ^^


devs dont even play the game. a typical player has more game knowledge…

No one wants re-rol entire 280 lvls every nerf patch release

prepare yourself they are comming for u too <3

I really appreciate subzero for countering ranged attacks in pve. I dont even pvp much and it makes me sad to see this nerf.

Updated with patch notes for :doughnut: 07/06/2016 iTOS :lollipop:

Swell Left Arm and Swell Right Arm: The equipment on the corresponding arm will now increase in size when using these skills.

Does most of the nerf affect mainly PVP?

I’m making a Full CON cryokino mainly for PVE CC purposes will this affect me much?

The only nerf that was also applied in PvE is the Subzero Shield nerf, which shouldn’t affect you too much as a Cryo-Kino built for PVE

What build should we go for a Chronomancer now, then?

For PvE, it should still be Cryo3 or Linker1/2.

For PvP a pvp focused build, Kino2 could be a thing. You get 2 single target locks (Telekinesis, Magnetic Force), the ability to swap people into your Stop, and then Teleport. You also get a mini icewall-PP if you take Cryo1. Then at R8, Kino3 would be a good choice if the new classes don’t end up being better choices.

Of course, Cryo3 and Linker1/2 would be a far better choice for PvE.

My Chrono’s a Cryo1-Link1-Kino1-Chrono3 but I’m a “I do what I find fun” kind of guy. And I have a dandel gem

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Thanks for the detailed reply.
I have another question which is Subzero Shield even worth points in now that it got butchered?
If so what skills should I invest in?

One time class-reset will be fine after whole game balancing.

  • Gravity Pole
  • 09/06/16 kTOS
    The skills visuals have been changed. It is now pinkish
  • Summoning
  • 09/06/16 kTOS
    You can now use summoning skills (Familiar, Servant, Salamion) while using [Riding]
  • Pole of Agony
  • Dark Theurge

Translation by @Gwenyth

It hasn’t been butchered in our server yet so it’s definitely still worth the points. After the butchering… I guess you still put points in it since there’s really not a lot of choices.

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if you are a cryo kino you were already ■■■■■■, now you are ■■■■■■ if you are a kino warlock too.

Nice! At least we can summon stuff whiel using riding now.

Thats a start.

Why didn’t they just lower the damage or freeze duration of the shield instead of reduce it’s function? I have 5 points into it at the moment as Cyo3, not sure if I should still max it or not. Are they going to give us skill resets?