Tree of Savior Forum


just thinking about this dmg:
Quickcast 50% bonus dmg +

  • lvl 15 Swell Left Arm (+154matk + 150matk passive = 304matk)
  • lvl 10 Swell Right Arm (+111matk + 150 matk passive = 261matk)
  • Swell Brain (+45 int + 100int passive = 145 int)

then it comes Rune of Destruction, that seems to be an pretty good dmg… (does anyone have a video?)

What do you think about it? maybe Instant Kill on pvp?

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uhm not sure about the runecaster…I thought it would be like chaplain…you need requirement like c3 priest ( saw in other post ----> [Class] Chaplain - Hidden Class Rank 5 )
Not totally sure if this build is valid, if it does it seem pretty cool~ but I think u will normal hit mob a lot xD

You are forgetting that you can be cced while casting that long cast time spell.

surespell doesn’t stop stun/silence etc. disables.

guess he will be depending on the rune of protection or other member then~

4 second cast time doesn’t sound very “instant” for me.

Jokes aside, in theory yes it would probably 1 hit anyone caught on it, but in practice I doubt you’ll be able to pull it off reliably in PvP. Looks more like a PvE build to me.

it’s not even good in pve because you don’t have that many damage spells lol.

You have 1 nuke spell with 90s cd in runecaster.

And wiz spells which also only has 1 decent damage spell and it has 30s? cd I think.

yea~ that’s true~ that’s why he will be doing a lot of auto attack xD

magic missile? 17 sec cd

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bump because i’m thinking of the same build and not wanting to make a new topic.

How would you suggest to fix this build? Lack of attack spells seem to be the main problem here isn’t it?

I’m currently following this build, but it’s theoretically a support build, not a damage one. Wiz3 - Ele3 - Warlock or Wiz 3 - CryoPsycho - Rune Caster combo are the attack/CC ones.

For Thaum3 - Rune Caster, you are looking at buffing the whole party with raw attack and defence power: Swell buffs, Shrink debuff, Lethargy attribute, Rune of Ice. Wiz 3 Quick Cast has synergy with Rune Caster, in both cast time and burst damage. Rune of Giant fits well with the build’s high CON (high INT + Transpose) but limits what skills you can use.

For damage, auto atk is slow without a Chrono, so expect to use Sleep - Quick Cast - Magic Missile (bounce missile) and Rune of Destruction (attack every mobs within an area) or Rune of Justice (a multi-hit straight line). For CC, Energy Bolt (AoE pushback) and Earthquake (AoE knockdown). Not enough to kill, but suficient to keep yourself safe.

Edit: Totally forgot about SP issues. Some Thaum buffs are SP extensive, and by the time you buffed up (around 450 SP for all Thaum + Rune Caster buffs), you may short on SP for attack skills (300 SP for Sleep combo and Rune of Destruction), not to mention rebuffing. You have around 1k7 SP with 8 SPR at lvl 200, btw.

Good points, hmm.

I’m looking for a sort of a build where I can just BASS CANNON the crap out of things while still be at least semi-viable PvP (because the occasional PvP is fun). This seemed like a good idea at the time.

I doubt a wiz3 / chrono3 build is workable though so what do you think would be a fun alternative.

What sucks is that your CDs on RC are insanely long… and leveling to runecaster will be pretty tedious with that build path. And getting your spells cancelled when channeling will probably be the most annoying thing.

Exactly why we pair Rune Caster with Wiz 3. Surespell and Quick Cast reduces the chance of getting interrupted, while amplifying its effect (at least for Rune of Destruction, +50% from Quick Cast).

And leveling a support build alone is usually tedious in many MMORPGs - you exchange a variety of attacks for a variety of supports.

If you want to stick to Wiz 3 support + damage dealing + PvP usefulness, then Wiz 3 - Psycho 3 (CC with Raise and Magnetic Pole) or Wiz 3 - Linker 3 (Surespell & other buffs sharing and lvl 15 links) maybe. Wiz - Linker/Thaum mix - Warlock/Featherfoot is also an option.

Other popular options include Wiz - Cryo3 - Chrono3 (CC buff beast) or Wiz3 - Ele3 - Warlock (damage beast). Wiz 3 and Linker has little synergy with Chrono 3 (buffs already party-wide & no cast time/damage), so tweak your build accordingly.

Wiz 3 > Linker > Chrono 3 sounds more workable than Wiz 3 > Thauma 3 > Rune Caster. And it also gets plus points for future proofing :smiley:

Great suggestions guys.

The main reason I wanted wiz3 is just for variety actually. My main character is planned to be Wiz - Pyro2 - Linker - Psycho3 which a lot of people probably won’t agree with, but I think it’s a lot of fun. The Wiz3 character is meant to have a completely different playstyle first and foremost, which is why I was looking into this sort of one shot BASS CANNON build.

Wiz3 - Psycho3 will have the same core class as my main build, so I am not very likely to take it. Wiz3 - Linker3 might be interesting. How does Linker work in PvP?

Wiz3 - Linker - Chrono3 sounds like an amazing support, I just need to know if magic missiles alone will be enough for PvP.

Wiz3>Thaum3 is pretty interesting Combo, but I suppose it is not for Support and aim to become end game setup for Dark Damage Wizard.
Probably Wiz3>Thaum3>Warlock3>Shadowmancer ?

Why? Because Wiz3 +50% matk, Warlock +10%~40% dark dmg will apply on Warlock Skill, it sounds pretty delicious.

Sleep requirement for magic missile bounce has been removed some time ago.

Why not Wiz3 > Linker > Thaum3
or Wiz3 > Linker2 > Thaum2 ?

Magic missile is magic, with links it is magic squared.

Wiz2 is a terrible suggestion. Either Wiz1 or Wiz3.

thats a typo, i meant wiz3 ofc.