Tree of Savior Forum

wiz3>kino3>FF [FULL CON]?

Well, when you start encountering mobs that you cant kill in one gravity pole channel, you have to set them up for PP anyway. When you factor in that you are then burning both cooldowns anyway, and the time spent grouping the mobs up, it doesnt feel like it will be that much worse, another 5 or 6 tics of PP perhaps.

The thing is, later mobs can really hurt, like i dont even know how people who arent kinos fight them, they can do 3K+ damage a hit, and sometimes you run into groups of 5-6 of them. Ive found myself creeping through, casting sleep, gravity poling way out ahead of me, telekenesising single mobs to be closer to me then taking them out with bloodbath+pp channeling.

Its going to take me a while to collect the gear i need before i switch, so maybe ill end up deciding against it down the line, but it seems like a good idea right now. I still have a lot of potential damage locked up in attributes that can be further raised, and im still using a level 170 weapon.

I guess the point is i dont think full con is bad for this build, so if someone wants to go full con, i wouldnt advise against it, and if not, theres what 400 int looks like.

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Iā€™m currently at wiz2>kino3 planning to go back to wiz3 with 60 con and full int.

So far pve is pretty fun for me as i got my gravity pole early. Love that vacuum stick. screw ele meta :stuck_out_tongue:

will wiz3>kino3 remain viable in pve as we progress toā€¦ say lv250 above?

Hi again Caprice, now im on the verge of 200+CON and thinking about putting some into INT, how is your progress so far, max lv already? lol.

Hello, i played less during the last couple of week.

Currently FF @238, iā€™m not gonna lie, FF looks weak so far. Bloodsucking is really really mana hungry, and the damages arenā€™t that strong. Gravity pole is the best damage output atm. Bloodsucking apply bleeding status only if the target is beast devil or insect, which is kinda bad; still helpfull on many bosses. The bone pointing damages are bad, and the curse isnā€™t that much efficient, as the cursed ennemies takes something like, 5% more damages i would say. Ngahdundi is bad, even with low cdr. Note that those two last skills have a good synergie with the enhancement of kurdaitcha, enhancement that you can afford even with no skill point in kurdaitcha

Kurdaitcha: Enhance : Increases the chance to hit with twice the normal damage to enemies hexed by [Kurdaitcha] (or any other methods) by 1% chance per attribute level. Max level 3

The class enhancement ā€œFeatherfoot: Increased Recoveryā€ looks really strong, max lvl 10, increasing hp and sp recovery from any source (skill/pots/bonfire) for 0.5% by level. I didnā€™t leveled this for now because guess what, lvl1 enhancement is 500000 silver :smiley:

My stats are now 240 con 160int 60spr, and iā€™ll put more spr until 80/90 and maybe the last point into INT. I go for spr now, for ailment status resistance, mdef, and mana pool, spamming quickcast/surespell, ngandhundi and increase sp recovery.

FF is still great for soloing, i can solo evacuation grind, playing with Bloodbath and bloodsucking when i go low hp, putting bonfire for sp regen (and some alchemist pot).

Overall, Kino3 + quickcast are the main damage source plus awesome CC. Nothing new. FF is here to fill some ā€œsustain for soloā€. I feel like the build isnā€™t bad, i would say it will be good (reaaly good ?) for late pve content, the character will be very usefull, with high sustain cause HP pool, regen/bloodsucking and of course kino3 CC.

Right now, i wait for my friends to get 215+, which could be in the next week.

Cant wait to try earth tower :slight_smile:


thx for your respond, its really REALLY helpful:) now that u said this i might just go for wl instead of ff and for the stats yours seems great