Tree of Savior Forum

wiz3>kino3>FF [FULL CON]?

thx very much for the info bro, u really really got me goosebumps!

How is it for you when it comes to boss? As you said its painful but does it really suffer so much when it comes to boss or can you say that this buildā€™s most obvious weakness is bossing?

Any CC interrupt Psychic or Gravity pole, your main damage. Cooldowns for those two skills a quite long, and all the boss (or almost) have 2 if not more CC spells/atk.

So you have to pray when channeling PP or GP, pray for block, dodge or resist appearing on top of your head. During the cooldowns, you fill with magic missiles.

I said itā€™s hard, but it just take times, you need to be patient. I played an archer in the previous ioBT, the difference is real when it comes to boss.

Reflect shield is weird tho, sometimes it could ā€œabsorbā€ some CC or it looks like if; atm i have 6 points in reflect shield, but i use the skill recently, trying to figure out if the CC absorption is just an illusion or effective. I donā€™t have more informations to share on relfect shield for now.

Im still undecided on my wiz 3 if i should go ele3 or kino3 route. :confused: any personal suggestion?

I didnā€™t play Ele3 at all, but it looks like one of the strongest build at PvE in the meta, and it should be strong with Wiz3 for pvp too. I canā€™t say more, maybe some forum user could help you on this path.

For the wiz3/Kino3, i said all before, i love (like really) my character, feels really strong on pvp, a bit hard for grinding before Wiz3, become more than ok after kino3 (at pve), struggle a bit on bosses, good at dunj/farming party.

Thatā€™s up to you now, i guess it is a personal preference :slight_smile:

There are too many eles already - go for kino xP Be special :wink:

Thatā€™s what i think, i dont like the ā€œMeta Thingsā€ in any games :smiley:

Yeah Wiz2 is a pain in the !@#. Thatā€™s why i am taking my time deciding on kino3 and ele3 since i dont want to grind wiz2 again.

Yeah something that can do well in both pve and pvp is what i want and Kino3 as well as ele3 are good on both.

I did Wiz2/kino2/Wiz3, like a #:!@~, i know its bad, big mistake, but i felt so good when wiz3 came :heart_eyes:

One more thing, i read today on reddit that FeatherFoot got buffed on ktos. FeelsGoodman, and iā€™m not sure, but Ele/featherfoot arenā€™t that much synergising.

Maybe your R7 choice will help you at building your character ?

Oh wooow. but i bet you would have felt awesome when you got that Raise and GRAVITY POLE! I know im kinda making you feel a bit bad :frowning:

Im pretty much set on warlock as my r7 character.

Raise and GP was just a complete release, of power, of exp/hour, of good feeling :slight_smile:

If u go Warlock at r7, maybe ele3 is better, but it would work for sure with kino3 too.

Now it depends on the stats youre planning to do, donā€™t forget it.

Yeah butā€¦ why not kino3 then wiz3 on your ordering?

For stats im doing full con on my wiz3 right now. most i woudl with int is probably 1:1int/con.

One thing is sure, i took the wrong path order, i guess kino3 or wiz3 first are both good.

reached 225 yet? please tell me hows your progress going, really love to hear that.

220 taking my time, i stopped con at 240 (around 25k hp with stuff) 135 int and putting some spr (did 40 to 50 last few level).

I plan to add 10 more spr, maybe 15 and the rest on int. Blood sucking looks like mana hungry :slight_smile:

Is Wiz 2 > Psy 3 > Wiz 3 better than going Wiz 3 straight levelling wise?

Doing full con btw and I stumbled on this thread. Nice info.

you should take wiz3 first to get QC and MM.

im thinking abt putting in some int too it feels a lili bit weird to increase inly con when you lvl up which ratio did u prefer and do you still gonna use the stats reset potion for full con?

This is with 90 con and about 400 int, somewhere around there.
I do plan to restat to full con once i manage to get an animus, ill be losing about 400 int worth of damage so. My attributes are all 30% so ill loseā€¦ 400 * 1.5 * 1.3(? does quickcast and attribute additive or multiplicative together?) = almost 800 (or 600? well, 6-800) damage per tic

Though will make some back up with animus, but not a whole lot.

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theway u grind is superb, you willing to sacrifice the 800 damage per tic differences?