Tree of Savior Forum

Wiz3/Ele3 Earthquake vs sleep

Im playing 90% solo. Is it correct to max Earthquake and then drop it for sleep much later on, due to sleep getting aoe (Around level 180-200ish)?

Also, are people maxing Energy shield or skipping? someone told me that while it’s active you can’t actually die but I don’t actually think that is true?

Also not sure I like Lethargy, thinking I might skip. Is that wise?

It’s ok if you max your earthquake since its AOE and it has Knockback Airborne on mobs except for boss mob. Depending on your play style.
Energy Bolt is not bad too, its AOE too but with small AOE, lol :stuck_out_tongue:

about people talking about Energy shield is not true. Although it absorbs and reflects the damages you receive from your enemies, but that doesn’t me you can’t be killed. It has specific limits to that depending on your skill build.
Energy Shield is very useful in every situation and its a must on every wizards since wizards are too squishy. We need defensive spells as well.

about Lethargy:
that skill is usefull too, it reduces the Physical and Magical Attacks depending on your skill build or level on the skill. However, you can do that if you wanna play as a support wizard. If not, then you can skip that one, it will be a waste of skill points if you go on Lethargy if you want high-damage build wizard or CC based.

You keep replying and giving wrong information. Please do some research before you give advice and ruin someone’s character.

PLEASE DONT MAX EARTHQUAKE. The scale is terrible and all you need is 1 point for what it does(knock up/ breather skill)

Energy bolt you technically only need it until level 5 since it barely gives any additional damage. You get it to level 5 so you can cast it to level 1 faster.

Use your points on sleep right away(after level 5 EB) since you don’t really need it for anything else in the begin.

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Dude I’ve always done my research, based on my experience in the game not just research on the internet, and I don’t give out wrong information.
Tell me, does energy bolt is not a small AOE damage? Is it a single-target or it does have small AOE?

and dude, you’re giving your own style and taste. 1 skill may be terrible to you but to others is great and helpful.

Every build is good, there is nothing wrong with it, it all depends on your style, taste, and game play…its how you play dude.
That’s why we have given a freedom to do our own build.

grats you manage to get part where you explain what a skill does what about everything else?

You’re telling someone to max energy bolt they are going to run out of mana in 3 cast…you serious for extra 12 dmg…per level.

Then you tell someone to max EQ even though it’s one of the worst scaling skill.

Can you tell the actual reason as to why you’re actually telling people to max these skills? Not because its a play style.

Wasting skill points is not optimal. It would be the same as telling someone to max lethargy.

As a new player myself it’s frustrating to look through all these misinformation.

No…every build is not good. That is one of the biggest con in this game. You can literally ruin your character with a bad build…


You can reset your skill points only with cash shop item, so you should decide if it’s worth getting very low damage skill like EQ to just make first 45-75 levels easier. Most people put only 1 point in it.

Sleep has small aoe to beging with. If you’re soloing that much I would max it. Higher levels increase the number of hits mobs can take before waking up. Pretty neat when you’re against groups of archers.

Recasting RS drains your mana quickly at lower levels. You could invest few points into it for emergency situations. However I noticed having few points invested in con to have more impact on you survivability in the early game.

[quote=“ellstorey85, post:1, topic:160566, full:true”] someone told me that while it’s active you can’t actually die but I don’t actually think that is true?

There was a bug in a beta where you would get stuck at 0 hp when you had RS effect active. It got patched later on.

Lethargy has a nice attribute that you can learn for cash, but it’s used mostly as a party buff for swordsmen. Skill level 1 is enough to access it.

Some tips:

Learn Swap Weapon attribute for 500 silver and keep mele weapon on your swap bar for finishing blows when you don’t want to waste mp.

Buy wood at town merchant. Sitting next to a campfire will help you recover hp and sp much faster.

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Dude, did I say something about max the Earthquake and Energy bolt to him? like he really need to max it? read it again, and again to understand please. I’ll said it again, “It’s ok if you max your earthquake since its AOE and it has Knockback Airborne on mobs except for boss mob. Depending on your play style
Do you even know what it means? Again, it may be useless to you but to others is great.

Let’s assume you’re correct. Tell IMC to remove Earthquake and Energy Bolt since they’re not good in building skills. Ask them also why they’re putting a useless skills. Go Dude, you’re the tough one here. Lol :smile:

I’ve decided to cap energy bolt at 6 max sleep, quickcast, surespell and magic missile. 0 reflect because with 0 investment into SP its bad, 1 point earthquake for cc/escape and a few points (1-3) in to lethargy.

I already have weapon swap and I think I’m going plate armor with a 3/1 INT/CON split.

I dont know about attirbutes yet. I suppose I prioritise plate and anything else attatched to the most important skills later on. Might get the bolt passive for + damage to sleep early but idk yet.

I managed to roll +35 magic attack +780hp +200ish MP on a head item and its helping me so much.

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That’s great @ellstorey85

Decide your own build, every build is good. You can say it’s bad if it doesn’t suit your style and taste. If you feel don’t like it, reset it (for stat reset, you need to use it very wisely…for skill reset, you can always buy it on TP shop). Keep experimenting, learn new maneuvers and combos in the game until you found your own style, and have fun :slight_smile:

Actually they are aware of the issue that there are a lot of builds and skills that are useless.

Do you even play this game? You think it’s ridiculous that they put useless skills in classes? That’s like the main problem right now dude…are you serious.

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So, you’re a staff now huh? Oh I’m sorry sir, I didn’t know that you’re a staff from IMC lmao :smile:

Kid, I play this game since beta.

You tell me. It’s your problem not theirs :smirk:

Please grow up.

Anyway, Earthquake is a 1 pt max skill, if you put more into it you are wasting skill points because it only costs more SP to do almost no extra damage.

Sleep should always be maxed out, its great.

Energy bolt I leave it at 1 because idgaf, but others bring it to 5 at most, nothing more.

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I like Lethargy, because that buff can affect even a boss.

This is my Wiz 3 build.

I’m going the same as above but EB 8 RS 0.

EB has knockback and little AoE, is very helpful to grind with a wiz3. Also at level 8 with QC you get a tap skill, with 240% damage per hit on sleeping targets.

RS looks good in the beginning but does nothing later on as you already have maxed SS, don’t put points in SPR (full SPR might make the skill good, but who does that?) and reflects very little flat damage after some point.

Well, RS prevents most forms of knock downs I believe.

Other option might be 1 RS and the rest in EB

Is there anything I should know about attirbute points? Is there a limit split between all class choices or can I learn as many as I can afford to buy?

I’m investing in to energy bolt damage to help out a bit is that ok or am I wasting attribute points?

Bad skill layout. Shild totaly uselesse, Super spell 10 why?? 5 is good 10 not.

I will just leave this here based on what I felt is the best during the icbt2. I played as a Wiz 3 Ele 3 at max level in icbt2, and went for boss hunting frequently.

Reflect Shield is useless, you don’t need a single point in it. That slight damage reduction will not help you against thousands of damage dealt by the monsters (unless the monsters are nerfed after icbt2).

You only need Earthquake at level 1. The damage scale is terrible. What you need from Earthquake is the disable.

Sleep should be maxed, every extra second of disable is just good. There is no arguing this. Do take note you can instant cast sleep by releasing it instantly.

Energy Bolt, while the damage scaling seems bad, the reason why you level it is to reduce the cast time to use the level 1 Energy Bolt. At high level, you can quick tap energy bolt to instant cast it.

I left Lethargy at level 1 to utilize the strike damage attribute, and double damage on earthquake at early game.

You can interchange points between Surespell and Energy Bolt to whatever value you are comfortable at.

Forget about sp issue. Once alchemist exist in this game, you can buy concentrated sp potion easily which solve all the sp problem.


I have a question can Lethargy and sleep be used on bosses?
And if not why does everyone say that sleep is so good? I don’t get it
I’m not gonna waste my time to put to sleep normal mobs.
It’s just for pvp?