Tree of Savior Forum

Wiz2 > Link1 > Ele3 >?

Currently lv210+

Will be rank7 soon.

I’ve asked this question before but still not sure.

Is going Wiz3 a good option here? or is my damage gonna be sh1t compare to getting other rank7 class?

Go wiz3, warlock isnt gonna give you +50% dps over your current build.
Once c8 hits there might be something more juicy than warlock anyways.

I think you might have screwed your build by taking Linker, Linker is for builds that doesn’t have AoE so they can hit multiple targets, Elementalist is an AoE class.

Hail is single target, electrocute synergizes with link, freezing sphere kinda single target, meteor lv 1-4 kinda single target, priminence kinda single target.
Link 1 isnt too great but id rather see that than say… pyro c1 lol

Does this look like single target to you…?

Also, you’re giving up 50% matk dmg from Quick Cast so you can link 5 enemies which isn’t needed for Elementalist.

Not exactly the case.
There’re many times where link come in handy. i.e. flying units, when your big stuffs are on cd.
And link + (meteor or electro) annihilate everything.

It’s too that linker c1 might not be that great.(5 units link max)
But in dungeons many times you cant afford to lure 10-15 mobs at once and this is where linker is useful.

You party can take no damage to little damage clearing dun without healer cuz the mobs are killed quickly

Yes, it’s handy, but not worth losing 50% matk dmg from Quick Cast attribute so you can link 5 enemies, furthermore leaving you without a Rank 7 class because you need now to pick Wizard C3 at Rank 7 because you’ve Linker C1.

This is why I created this thread.

And let me quote the info since I’m too lazy to explain it myself.
+50% from Quick Cast.
So let’s calculate should i go Wizard C3 or Linker C1.
Meteor lvl 5 damage - 400%+ 1981 (lets pretend we have 300 MATK) ~ 1200 + 1981 = 3181
Based on what profits we get from C3 Wizard’s Quick Cast:

  • 2.5 sec cast time
  • 3181 + 1590 = 4771 Damage
    Based on what profits we get from C1 Linker’s Joint Penalty:
  • 5 sec cast
  • 3181 x Amount of linked targets ~ (lets pretend there is 2 targets linked) ~ 6362

So having more targets linked and hit by any of your skill will scale you damage output."

The main thing about JP vs QC is that someone else can provide links, but you can only get 50% increased matk attribute if you go Wiz3.

There’s several other lesser flaws too like:

Joint Penalty has a 22 seconds CD while QC has a 100% uptime.
Joint Penalty doesn’t work like you described with true AoE skills, which is the main thing for Elementalists.

You should definitely get Wiz3 on r7, it will improve you character a lot.
Warlock isn’t very good and Linker on r7 is one of the best choices for that build anyway.

Well there’s nothing I can do at this point.

So my question is that is it worth getting wiz3 over other rank7 classes?
I personally think that it will be worth it but hearing opinion of fellow gamers would be good

Go Wiz 3, that’s your best choice now.

Just hope that there’s something on Rank 8 that’s better than Warlock C2.

Yes, you definitely should, it will help you a lot and it’s better than getting Warlock with his long ass CD skills.

I see.
Ok I think I’ve decided to go Wiz3 after knowing what you guys think.

Thanks guys.

Didn’t mean to come off as insulting or anything, sorry if I did and for not stating my opnion on the topic.

In my opnion, going Wiz3 will wield better results on the long run. 50% will continue to stack up more and more. Also I personaly don’t like WL’s dark thematic spells but that’s just preference. Maybe the r8 classes will be cooler :smiley:

Of course, maybe Warlock2 will have something totaly broken and OP and you will have to wait till r9 to get it lol. It’s unlikely though.

@miyasaki No worries.

What do you guys think about this skill build?

This will be after using skill reset potion of course.

I’m using mainly con:int build

but I’ve few points in spr
stats right now 100con:250+int:45spr

so reflect shield will block 75+45 + 20(max lv attribute) = 140 * 9 = 1260 damage

it’s not much but I dont think other spells are worth getting.

what do u guys think?

Reflect Shield isn’t that good, you’re not going to build any SPR so it doesn’t scale at all, so you’re better maxing Sleep and also maybe Meteor too, it hits quite hard, you could get some points into Reflect Shield just for the knock back prevention, also no need to get surespell at lvl 10, it only increases the duration of it, at lvl 5 it already have a 100% uptime so you can use those 5 points somewhere else, Energy Bolt could be left at lvl 3 too.

I like RS. It’s a fire and forget, party wide skills that is fast to cast and last long (timewise). BUT I love sleep even more. It’s so good. I’d get both if you can afford. EB can be left at 1 or 0 after the reset, and Surecast at 5 is enough imo.

Isnt sleep aoe really small? You can only sleep few targets unless of course u joint+hangman them

Let’s suppose I only get 5 points in sure spell, 5 points in reflect shield, and 0-1 point in energy bolt.
I would left with 19-20 points
I max sleep I would left with 4-5 points
Where should i spend that 4-5 points?
Earthquake is pretty useless cuz it break the link.