Tree of Savior Forum

Wiz 3 > Linker 2 >?


i´m quite new to the game (started 3 weeks ago). So far i played a wiz3/ele and wiz3/linker, planing on playing a cryo3/chrono3 too.
I never play alone, i always at least duo with my wife, whose class choice complements mine.

My linker is wiz3/linker2 and i soon will hit rank 6. Originally i was planing to go for linker3 and than chose wl1&2.
What about dropping one circle in linker and chose something else? What kind of advantages does e.g. sorc1 oder necro1 offers instead of linker3?

Of course i´ve read about the enchanter r8-class and the JP and HK-Scrolls too. How viable is wiz3/linker3/wl2 e.g. after those scrolls are implemented regarding groupplay?
So far it seems to me that in all dungeon runs my linker offers the party quite a lot and helps to speed up things, do you think that will drastically change with those scrolls?

Since i´m not high lvl yet, is wiz3/linker2or3/xx for example even demanded in stuff like Earth Tower for example? After reading a while in this forum, it looks like the only wiz builds that are demanded in ET are ele3 or cryo/chrono buillds?

I really recommend you necro for a offensif build
Even if summon don’t profit from QC attribut…
-You got Decay and it upgrade version at rank 8 giving a bit of support
*Decay Debuff double Missil damage(Archer Projectil) and is upgrade version negate equipement defense (Since it R8 i’m not sure how it work exactly and how much it going to do in PvE)
-Your summon can aggro a pack of mob more easily than by yourself
*R6=Shoggot > R7 = 5 Melee skeleton > R8 = 5 Arche Skeleton total 11 summons
-Flesh canon burst is just good o-o (You got other spell too…)
-Afk farm while doing something else.
<>Corpse Cost to use spell (R8 Help alot)
<>Derpy IA.

Scroll are costy to make/buy/use overall and are limited by the lv of the crafting spell (also bigger lv = bigger cost)
-Enchanter isn’t worth it if you whant a DPS class (You can buy scroll from them anyway in market and will not provide your own guy anything)

Warlock might be good but i never play one soo I don’t know, mostly hear he got pretty big cd
Featherfoot might be better in this case maybe…
-Can go for linker 3 (Or something else)

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Do it, you won’t be disappointed, Quick Cast, Joint Penalty, Hangman’s Knot then Flesh cannon is your bread and butter, and your summons are pretty good especially if the enemy is all linked.


Thanks for the Feedback so far, i didn´t have a closer look on the necro class, so i will check this.
Honestly so far, for wizard r7 warlock Appeals me most in Terms of dps class choice.

I am doing something like wiz3-link2-Traum2-Enchanter.

But this is more of a support build then damage. Although leveling with link+Magic Missle helps.

WL2 from what I have heard is not that great, but necro 3 seems to be the way people go on wiz3-link2, a lady in our guild oes insane dps as wiz3-link2-necro2 right now, so I know for the fact that necro is a very viable option

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I think wiz3>link3>warlock2 will provide a very great party play due to lifeline and 10 links… ;D
I’m leveling one right now as a second char after my main wiz3>link>sorc3 reach max lvl :slight_smile:
Go for it!

Regarding sorc1, it provides:

  1. a good constant DPS if you go full INT. I think with only sorc1, it can reach 8000-10000/2hit on TS every 2 seconds. (but 0 SP recovery means you have to depend on SP pots) But you can’t use Ride boss skill because its no Sorc2… It’s a pity.
  2. It also provide you with a great cat buffs… (increase AOE, SP speed, stamina, magic defense, and +50 dark attack)
  3. 5 bats from summon familiar. Every bat with quickcast hit 5500 (atri 60%). I think this will only add another spam skill for WL. It will launch automatically when we use JP.

I don’t really know about necro build, so I can’t recommend you anything about it.

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To be honest as Wiz3 Linker3 WL1, I think this build is great in PVE and does well in PVP(mostly WL).

BUT lv 176 to R7 with just Wiz and Linker was boring like hell, if I were to do same kind of build I will go for Wiz3 Linker2 Necro1 WL2.

Linker3 is yes very nice to have, but Linker2 still does the job, and Necro1 I think will be powerful for long time, with short CD and good sinergy with linker.

Also RC as R6 filler seems also good as it has 2 DPS skills and also completes in single class.

Now Im going for WL2, lets hope we get nice DPS skill in WL3…

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Thanks all for the provided Feedback! I will proceed with my Initial plan to go for linker 3 and wl on this wizard, mainly because i like the wl style and skills more.

Good luck and have fun! I’m curious of how that path will turn out.

If I may ask, what skills would you propose for the necro/ wl?

And does the bonus magic damage do anything for necro anyways or just linker/necro synergy?

All of Necro’s direct damage spells benefit from the bonus magic damage, so Flesh Cannon and Flesh Hoop (and Flesh Strike at Circle 3).

If you’re doing Necro 1>Warlock 1, Flesh Cannon and Flesh Hoop should be maxed out, since you’re only dipping your toes into the class for those skills. After that, idk depends on what you want i guess. With Linker 2, I’d pick up at least a single level of dirty pole so you can use joint penalty on bosses with no adds, 1 in gather corpse (since you aren’t going into circle 2, so no disinter), and the rest into shoggoth i guess.

The two meta builds off that are:

  • Necro 3 if you want to properly support SR3s.
  • Linker3/FF2 if you again want to support SR3s.

Out of meta:

  • Necro1/Lock2 a selfish build that gives you more AoE abilities at the cost of losing out of single target summons. And your ability to consistently apply corruption in places like ET. If drain ever gets fixed it’ill probably be ok. Pole of agony is one of the lowest matks per min in the game, however you can use enchanter scrolls to supplement it’s cooldown. Dark Theurge on the other hand is strong. And drain when it’s fixed will be a great way to use Dark Theurge at a distance.
  • Link2/Thaum/FF2 a new build for abusing transpose for extremely high burst from blood curse. It’s flashy as you’ill be gibbing elites in a two spells but your CDs are long. It’s novelty and potentially a decent solo Elite farming build because of the double loot drops on swell body.

You consider Linker3/FF2 stronger than Linker3/WL2? Could you explain why?

Sure. The 12 second CD Ngadhundi applies decay which doubles the damage of Missile attacks and abilities. It’s also much more damaging then Necro’s version corruption which attack maximum HP very slowly, but still applies the missile damage bonus.

You’re a strong debuffer for ET teams because of it. Particularly for SR/Krivis compositions which are some of the most successful. And from the looks of it will remain successful in R8 since SR3 has not been dethroned as best in slot AoE.

A question though, I read that decay’s double missile damage doesnt apply properly on many mobs, is there really a problem with it or was that some old news I must of read?

Basically, are its issues fixed?

Not sure about the entire mob collection.

What I know are ghosts and Bosses are not affected by decay.

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I would probably ask in the Featherfoot’s mega thread I’ve not heard of anything besides what Darkness mentioned.

Next time my FF friend is up I’ll ask him. He’s a lot more obsessed with the FF’s then I am.

So far enjoying Wiz3 > Linker 3 > WL1, but i´m unsure about how to distribute the skills. From what i read in this Forum and reddit is, that DT should be maxed, 1 Point in Evil Sacrifice. Innvocation max. too?
Considering WL C2, is PoA or Mastema the way to go?


1 PoA, 5 Invocation, 5 DT, 1 Mastema , 1 Evil Sacrifice.

PoA is not worth more than 1 point.

Mastema might be worth it, we still have to see how it scales (if the DoTs gain base damage with levels for example)

When they balance linker half of the wizard classes will be dealing alot less damage.