Tree of Savior Forum

With all these restrictions, one would think gold sellers are having a really hard time, right? (Proof inside)

It almost seems like you are defending the gold buyers.

No, he is explaining to you how the world works.
And he shouldn’t, because obviously he is wasting his time.

You’re a lot of chickens shouting “goldsellers, goldsellers, goldsellers, fear, fear, fear” without even trying to understand how their business works and why they are a thing.


and here lies the cause for RMT, lazy idjits whose brains are on their as… risking with transactions that has no regards to consumer protection… hope IMC bans those both in game currency sellers and buyers…

Maybe most people here who doesn’t give a single f0ck on combating RMT and illegal transactions are the idjits who either bought founder’s pack in the hopes of gaining profits from RMT but unfortunate got banned before ever gaining profit or the idjits who tried to buy 350k silver for around $10 and got themselves banned.

Except it would be more profitable for gold sellers to ask for your credit card number to scam you later. Using Paypal would be too safe and too easy.

This coming from the guy that doesn’t understand the concept of paypal. lol

No just removing bullshit cons / defenses from the argument by disproving them. Lets keep the pros and cons realistic

never bothered to understand it as I never needed their service as I don’t engage in illegal, suspicious, or risky transactions… :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think ebay / amazon really fall under those categories but okay.

Sounds like we need to start hitting silver buyers… HARD.

Hand out those bans. Ban all three parties involved.
All of them.

never needed to buy anything from ebay, unfortunately. amazon i only choose those sold by amazon or from reputable stores that has physical infrastructures, that’s why I pay direct. that given I only buy on amazon during huge sales.

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you don’t do illegal, suspicious, or risky transactions.

Amazon + ebay = illegal, suspicious, or risky

you use amazon = you do illegal, suspicious, or risky transactions

@redlevia Gold buyer confirmed!

eh? buying products posted on amazon and SOLD BY AMAZON is risky? suspicious? illegal?

although, i am fortunate enough that I have money to spend, the stress and hassle of thinking about purchasing is just not worth it. The thought of providing card details to RMT for in game currency sites, the 48 hour delay, the thought and hassle of hoping they push their end of the deal and thinking about the hassle disputing if they won’t (since I don’t use paypal, cause I never needed it). just not worth the effort.

More effective to kill monsters while exploring (100% all maps) = silver, ranking points, journal entries, possible collection completion, etc.

I do hope IMC provides TP to silver (similar to GW2), leveling attributes would then be easy.

Right i buy Gems to Gold in GW2 offered by GW2, is that also illegal, suspicious, risky?

Just wanted to stop by and say: nice post!

But im having so much fun. And if this thread gets closed its not a big deal there are 100 of them.

Nothing goes over your head! Your to fast you would catch it!

TLDR it was a joke

that is if tree of savior becomes buy to play or subscription based (not talking about token as a subscription)

That token is basically the definition of a subscription, would you consider this game worth playing without the token? I wouldn’t.

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what’s the cons for f2p with TP to silver? isn’t it like RMT for in-game currency just that its offered by the game itself? also they could do it like warframe wherein it’s better to grind rather than pay for the cash shop item (dunno never played warframe, heard it from totalbiscuit’s video talking about the term pay2win and how lazy it is)

can’t agree with that as you have the option to grind silver and buy the token for silver.


if this was to long to understand

Why would i understand a longer statement?

Yes you can buy a token for silver but where does that token come from? It doesn’t magically appear on the market. Someone pays tp for it aka your subscription is still payed.

they didn’t pay to subscribe since they didn’t use the token and get the premium benefits. maybe they selling it for silver? same and safer if not better than buying from those bots albeit may cost more.

That doesn’t change anything though that still means if a player buys a token with silver their subscription was still payed for with real $$$ from someone.

not necessarily as the one who wants premium benefits subscribed and paid with silver.
in the case wherein token->silver, token is seen as paying for silver.