(Someone said: They would have sold 100m instead of 9m?)
This argument is completely false, reason? Let me ask you a simple question, if you were a gold farmer, and you have 100m sitting spread out in your armies of “soon to be banned” botting accounts, what would you do?
Answer: Lower the supply price of silver and make sure you sell every single last silver, some do it daily, some hourly, it really depends on the policy of the workstations.
So how does this affect the rest of the players?
Every game that has a tradable subscription membership will always have a tied economy with RMT, people will buy silver as long as it cost them less to buy a token.
Bottom line, silver price falls, token price and price of everything in game rises.
(Someone said: They are making less, pennies)
There are many others none recorded trades.
Data that was shown in the first post is from a single website, that was used to hook up gold farmers and spammers, they charge a flat 5% fee. Most spammers have their own contact and will try to skip through this website as much as possible, but when the silver demand is too high that their own contacts are not able to fill up the orders, they will look to buy from that website.
You need a bank account from China to use that website.
Most gold farmers are chinese.
Rate of USD:RMB 1:6.4
$30 usd is about $200 in China. Man power and electricity is extremely low. Some workstations even have branches in third world country such as Indonesia, Malaysia etc where labour and electricity is even cheaper.