Tree of Savior Forum

Why we love Tree of Savior~ <3

You get what you give. No need to get salty on a nice thread because you didn’t get nice responses.


I mean,I prefer to do this:

Relax man,holy sh!t.

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  • The combination of art and music I love.

  • Class system tosses convention away for more interesting and impactful special classes.

The idea of making a class that is there only so you can run a guild or sharpen swords or make potions makes me gitty. I love things like this. When you are not homogenizing your classes. And there is no golden rule of every class must be able to perform one the role of tank, DPS, or healer equally that’s awesome. ToS just thinks classes should have a place in the game somewhere and that’s good enough. And I commend that line of thinking. It means you can make the special classes have some real impact on the game world and more importantly impact that is not ubiquitous with every other character in the game.

  • Variety of things to do besides just the WoW quests for leveling.

I have other options for leveling in ToS. I don’t have to farm quests if I don’t want to. If I get bored of questing I can just go to one of the grind dungeons or an area my character is strong against. And late game I know I got dailies, missions, DGs, I got a variety of stuff.

  • Hidden quests and collections that give permanent bonuses to be found.

  • Parallel content.

We got a new 1-80 was it? set of zones I look forward to. And I love that we’re seeing this sort of thing. I hate games where I want to make new characters all the time only having one path or way to level effectively. (I’m looking at you FFXIV).


im pretty sure its 1-114, up to Fedimian

What kind of plot are we talking about here ? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Another reason why I love ToS


@minigod121 : I love this Steparu video, I recognize it directly with the blue aura… My Krivis C3 (the only one during ICBT1 :D) was spamming Melstis, and Steparu bugged, it made it appear permanently on his video :blush: I’m so sad IMC nerfed the Melstis animation though…
That being said, I really want to be able to play in the same condition than the last day of ICBT. Everybody was so nice, it was a really great moment !

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I think this is a good read, I wanted to share it if theres some people who haven’t seen it yet. I thought this would be a fitting topic to post it at.
After reading it I just love the artwork even more knowing how much work they have put into it, all the amazing research. Gives a totally different appreciation to the work they are doing. :slightly_smiling:

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One of the things that make me most excited about Tree of Savior, from my current knowledge(unfortunately limited like everyone else’s for the most part) is people hang out in the world and you’ll see hangouts and groups as you explore. Especially with guilds occupying public maps, and same thing with squires having hubs that people tend to congregate near. It brings a really nice feeling of foot traffic where you can meet people with similar interests. It’s the only thing I really missed about RO and early WoW. Loved seeing 20 people just bullshitting in some random pretty corner of the world.


MMORPG nowadays a.k.a The PLOT!!!


Admittedly, I jumped on the train because I used to play Ragnarok Online with my GF (Now back to Ex, can’t have nice things but it’s k) and I thought it would be a better spiritual sequel to it.

Boy was I off. Tree of Savior is it’s own baby, and I find myself getting mad at people calling it essentially polished Ragnarok. The game feels extremely fresh considering all the hyped MMOs seem to be transitioning to either that sweaty ‘realistic’ 3D quality or adopting cell shading. Even with constraints, the devs put heart into the game. Aside from the obvious boob goddesses, the game’s art style just makes me so happy to see: Sort of like a refurbished style that some MMO players haven’t had the time to enjoy. Not to mention the fluidness of the game itself, despite lag. The music is just straight enjoyable, and the game actually does have an okay plot all things considered.

You could choose your own class paths and not feel weighted down for your decisions as harshly. You’re free to experiment and get good with said experiment. You can go your own builds, whether focused on several skills or being a jack of all trades nutcase. Farm, make friends, go in dungeons, die in dungeons, spout nonsense over the megaphones.

I guess if I had to say it in one line: I love Tree of Savior because it not only brings people back for more, but continues to build on freedom to literally do as you wish.