Tree of Savior Forum

What keeps you playing! Share it please!

I keep on playing because I like killing things and plus I like the community in Klaipeda :>

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So envious… i need to find a cloth to bite

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A Hilarious PENGUIN partner! Nuff said

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I am only here for GvG at ridiculous 10 am on Fedimian (and I can only participate like 2-3 times a week as well due to my schedule). Apart from that - I stopped playing, I don’t even do dungeons or saalus.

Maybe will level some full-PvE alt as there is nothing else to play anyway, and I like controls in this game. Seriously, hitscan + WASD + isometry in MMO is very appealing, even if, as always with IMC, developed poorly.

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I will probably be moving to Albion Online when it is released.

Cute female avatars…costumes and all…:laughing::hugs: ragnarok nostalgia too

Whats is the point?

Hunt equips and go level So I can be stronger to win more tbl matches…to have sure tbl shop points…So I can buy the headgears in tbl shop…to dress my cutsy plaq doctor and swordie…thats all😁

That is my endgame…

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Tree of Savior, even with it’s flaws, is one of the more enjoyable MMO’s I’ve played in years and I think it has great potential if IMC puts their effort in. I’ve met a lot of fun people in-game and here on the forums so the time spent is well worth it in that regard as well.


same here =))))))))))
:taco: taco of hope :taco:

“I’ll either see it become a hero, or play long enough to see swordman become the villains”

by @thailehuy our swordsman hero, the force be with u


I’m still playing cause I’m unemployed.


Swordsman are the villains, have you seen what Catas do to squishies? XD

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I have several strong reasons to keep playing for years :

  • For me, playing this game is like playing an RPG version of MOBA game. I get to make my own hero and start from nothing to something. I get to see my hero’s progress and growth in the game. With GvG and TBL, I get more motivated to build some more heroes (characters) that can compete. I also believe that GvG system in this game has the potential to become a thing in the future, especially if the game’s optimization gets improved.

  • I am currently leading a guild. It is a dedicated guild formed specifically just to play Tree of Savior. I formed it at early 2015 when this official forum wasn’t even here and when we didn’t even know when the game would be released for international community. I’ve met a lot of good friends. At the same time, I’ve also lost countless friends during my journey. There are people who became inactive so I was forced to remove them from the guild (but they still hang out with me as community members), people who moved to another guild because of personal reasons, or people that I’ve completely lost contact with and I never saw them again.
    However, that doesn’t change the fact that I’ve made a lot of memorable moments with all those people. Every second I’ve spent with them isn’t wasted because that has taught me some valuable lessons, whether it’s a lesson about Tree of Savior or a lesson about life itself.
    Currently, the guild is still active and have achieved a lot of things in Tree of Savior. I have my friends to thank for all of that. However, the journey wasn’t easy. I remember the guild was falling apart at some point because I got caught in an accident and forced to go inactive for around a month until I recovered. Without the leader taking care of the guild, the members would just easily join another guild. However, my friends decided to stay and waited for me until I eventually came back.
    So yeah, I cannot possibly leave those amazing friends of mine, can I? They’ve been loyal and contributed a lot of things for everything the guild have achieved. As for those people who aren’t around anymore, I still have to thank them because they still gave something for the guild at some point, no matter how small or big it was. So, what better way to appreciate them besides to keep playing and keep the community alive?
    And at some point, if those people come back to the game in the future (hopefully when IMC have improved the game and I have faith that IMC are trying their best to do that), they would be proud of how their former guild have grown and they were once a part of that guild. I will also personally welcome them back to the community and tell them this “Hey, do you still remember us? This is the guild you were once a part of. Look at us now. We’ve achieved a lot of things since then! You are very welcome to join us once more if you are interested.”

  • There is a possibility that Tree of Savior might be the last MMO I will play. I want to get the best experience out of it by keeping my guild/community alive, achieve more things, meet a lot of new people, help the community, and maybe even contribute to the game development itself.

Note : Sorry for the wall of texts. :joy: But that’s just how I feel.


because for me it is super fun to be able to constantly upgrade my character and get noticable results which tree of savior does a good job at plenty of upgrading to do :slight_smile:

the buff you get from collections alone :open_mouth:

also every class is imo fun to play or has some cool point about it
so I enjoy lvlng up something new


Just make alts for fun, game is totally shid.

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For me, it’s the art. I wish they would make a new ToS, scrap the content, just keep the art. Like what SE did with their FF reborn (not that I played it tho)


Well - this game is just fun for me. I nevermind bugs and problems - biggest ToS problem is bad community but Im trying to ignore most of it.

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For now, making my first rank 7 class. Still yet to find a class that I really like, so I’ve just been making classes that interest me and see how far that goes. My hoplite-rodelero’s kinda close to that, although I kinda got bored of playing it when I finished the main quest line.

In the process of making a musketeer, though, so I might reach that rank 7 dream of mine soon. It’s also one of the classes that interested me when I started out, but decided not to make one back then when I found out that it was a rank 7 class.

After that, what’d keep me playing? Well, I suppose I just want to see how this game goes.


I like the game, especially graphic and bgm are good for casual, i dont feel burn for playing long hours. probably this is what make old school game still hv its position

What just bother me recently is that queue for dungeon and mission is significantly dropped made me hardly progress for new characters.

Indeed the quests get really dull when u hv 4x 220+ characters. The leveling need serious innovations or rework

MMORPG is dying category, probably thats y u dun see many coming new release


oh so pretty tos is my buttercup baby


After 2413 hours I’m still not tired. Might be caused that I dont like changing games that much and that I’m playing it together with my gf.

I’m still hoping IMC gets it polished at some time before they get forced to shut it down due their own wrong decisions.

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